Welcome to...

Justin's Anime and Stuff

I am a loyal member of the Principality of Zeon. Stupid Federation and their "world peace". HA! Join Zeon today! Hail ZEON! ^_^'

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Created by:
Justin ^_^'
January 2002

New Updates!

04/04/04 - WOW! It has been a while! I updated the links page alot and added some stuff to the anime and other page. Fixed a few spelling errors. I am lazy sorry. I hope to post new content soon.

8/19/03 - I got back from Otakon and had a great time. I also put up the pics and the review of the con on anime page.

7/06/03 - Lazy me. :P Here is a list of my DVD collection. DVD collection

4/06/03 - Sorry for the lack of updates I am still here! I have just been very busy with 5 hour classes and working almost everyday. I have increased my DVD collection 30+ DVD the last month or so. I still need to watch 20 then my fansubs. My club is doing great! We had 80 member show up last meeting. I did a few clean ups to the site and added a few links, not much you will notice. Don't forget to check out my crazy life... My Journal

10/09/02 - No new updates to page... I know I am lazy but I did just get a cool journal thing check out my crazy life! ^_^' My journal


Welcome to Justin's Anime and Stuff! I am a BIG anime fan(Otaku) and I have been in to anime for the past few years. I have seen many anime titles and I am getting more and more every day. I am very proud of my anime DVD collection. I made this page so I can share my addiction... ops!... I mean love of anime with you. I hope you enjoy it. ^_^'

This is my new page after my old page shut down.....@#!$%@ tripod. It was out of date anyway and I have learned some new webpage things. This page is split in to different sections(descriptions below) and I hope it includes many things you like. If you have any suggestions, additions, or find any mistakes feel free to send me an e-mail(left). Also below is the description of the links located on the left.


This section has many anime related things. This will have anime pics, animated gifs, desktop stuff, convention pictures, reviews, and more. I am the president of the Great Bridge Anime Club and I will include a webpage for that. If it is anime, it will be here!


This section has all other non anime related stuff. It will have information about comics, video games, my profile ^_^' , polls, and more.


This section has things related to the Principality of Zeon. I will put up pics, information, timeline, profiles, and more.

Award and Rings

This section has all the webrings, awards, and more for my page.


This section has links to some of my favorite sites, anime and non anime.