Forgotten Scranton
"Industrial Archaeology in Northeast Pennsylvania"
"Forgotten Scranton" is a new adventure into Industrial Archaeology.  In the future we'll take a look at industrial remnants, abandoned mining facilities and defunct railroad lines.  Some of these holdovers from the past sometimes remain in plain sight but seldom noticed while others may demand more intrepid investigation.  This page will grow as we visit different sites and record images.  Come join us for a look at some fascinating relics from another time.
Online 10/1/03...
Featuring the Photography of Kenny Ganz
The Final Days of Anthracite:
By the late 1980's the "Anthracite Era" in Eastern Pennsylvania was finally drawing to a close after a long decline.  Photographer Ken Ganz visted several coal breakers, both operating and abandoned, and we are pleased to share some of images from those visits with you.  Click here to begin the tour...
Previous Features...
The Final Days of the Carbondale Roundhouse:
Join us on a photographic tour of one of the largest roundhouses ever constructed as seen in its final years prior to its demolition in 1997.  Click here to begin the tour...
The Ironton Railroad at Coplay:
A trip to the Ironton Rail-Trail at Coplay, PA reveals far more than just an abandoned right-of-way.  Click here for pictures and story...
The Lost Relics of Mayfield:
Abandoned railroad cars and mining equipment lie derelict and forgotten near the old New York Ontario and Western yard in Mayfield, Pennsylvania.  Click here for a photo tour of this first feature of the new "Forgotten Scranton"
Links and Inspiration:
Forgotten Scranton has been inspired by serveral sites including "Forgotten Delaware", "Forgotten New York" and most notably "The Underground Miners".