By direction of the President, pursuant to paragraph 1-6a, Section II, Chapter 1, AFP Regulations G131-053, General Headquarters, Armed Forces of the Philippines, dated 1 July 1986, the MEDAL FOR VALOR is hereby awarded to: ![]()
For acts of conspicuous courage, gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as Commanding Officer of the 6th Scout Ranger Company, First Scout Ranger Regiment, Philippine Army during a fierce nine-hours encounter against more or less 400 Moro Islamic Liberation Front rebels who attacked the government troops securing the MALMAR project site in Carmen, North Cotabato at vicinity Barangay Sinepetan, Carmen on or about 070530 to 071500 April 1996.
Called upon to reinforce the beleaguered troops of the 60th Infantry Battalion who incurred several wounded troops, CAPTAIN LUCERO headed the distress call and immediately led 2 platoons into the encounter site. Aware of numerically superior enemy who have entrenched themselves into good fighting positions and of their overwhelming firepower and despite his company's lack of crew-served weapons and artillery fire support due to constraints posed by their location and the prevailing weather, he nevertheless advanced to the position of the Muslim extremists and fiercely engaged them while directing his other platoon to seize a vantage ground.
Undaunted by the heavy volume of machinegun and mortar fires coming form the enemy, he audaciously exchanged fire against the terrorists at close range, rallied his men and shot back dead number of outlaws. Disregarding his personal safety, he swiftly assaulted pockets of enemy positions one after another to relieve his other platoon from the brunt of the enemy firepower. He saved its elements from imminent annihilation and led his men to counter the maneuvers of the Muslim extremists who were determined to encircle their position.
Displaying utmost stability and maintaining control, CAPTAIN LUCERO designated fields of fire of his men and this effectively stunned and momentarily repelled the wave-by-wave attack of the enemy. Amidst of the intense exchange of fires, a sniper fire hit him in the head, wounding him critically. However, despite his severe bleeding and diminished strength, he maintained radio contact with his platoon leaders and urged his men to hold a ground at all costs. Struggling to fire single shot, he still managed to lob a hand grenade to the enemies who resuming their suicidal advance. He also observed and identified enemy sniper positions and machine-gun nests and ordered two teams to assault them, a command which his men followed to the latter.
Inspired by his leadership and ultimate self-sacrifice, his men continued to fight ferociously, buying time for the arrival of helicopter gunship and artillery support. Subsequently, the wounded CAPTAIN LUCERO passed out and never regained consciousness. His last heroic stand and that of his men compelled the enemy to withdraw after suffering 29 casualties (body count) among them Commander Mangyan. By these outstanding deeds, CAPTAIN LUCERO exemplified himself in combat in keeping with the finest tradition of Filipino soldiery.
(Reference: GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER 1363, dated 19 December 1991, General Headquarters, Armed Forces of the Philippines, Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City)
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