Northwich, Casual Tonnage, 1762-1765
Date Shipper Flat (Boat) Shipment Tons &/or Cwt. £. S. D.
Page 18, Continued.
7th Feb.
John Brayne MISS WEAVER Edwd. Mollineaux
3118 Trennals
1t. 11c. 1s. 11¼d.
. . . William Pownall
Oak Timber
18t. 17c. £1.2s.11¼d.
. Edwd. Sumner VERNON Bases, & other Rubbish from Lime Kiln 4t. 5s.
. . . 3000 Brick 6t. 5s.
. . . . . £1.14s.10½d.
Page 19.
19th Feb.
Samuel Page JNO. & THOMAS Edward Pointon
3 Elm Trees, 90 feet.
1t. 16c. 2s. 3d.
23rd Feb. William Pownall WILLIAM THOMAS 901½ feet of Oak Timber 18t. £1. 2s. 6d.
26th Feb. Thomas Leigh VENUS William Stedman
Old Iron
10c. 7½d.
. John Hunt SWAN Pan Plates for Dungeon. 3t. 3s. 9d.
. John Blackburne KITTY James Moss
Withy Wood.
3t. 15c. 4s. 8¼d.
. John Mackay KATHERINE John Pointon
120 Pieces of Oak
Timber for Rails & Sleepers.
3t. 15c. 4s. 8¼d.
1st March William Pownall MISS WEAVER 798 feet of Oak Timber. 15t. 19c. 19s.11¼d.
. . . . . £2.18s.5¼d.
Page 20.
24th Feb.
Thomas Marshall THOS. & LYDIA 4 Measures of Pease. 2c. 1½d.
2nd March John Jeffreys SAML. & JOHN Capt. Roberts
10c. 7½d.
4th March William Pownall & Co. JOHN 994½ feet of Oak Timber 19t. 17c. £1.4s.9¾d.
. John Mackay ALEX & NANCY 134 Squared Peeces of Oak Timber
from Peter Lawton
5t. 6s. 3d.
. John Jeffries . Rafted Down the river from Vale Royal
Elms, 119 feet
2t. 7c. 2s. 11¼d.
8th March John Jeffreys THOMAS Pan Plates for Liverpoole. 9c. 6¾d.
14th March John Barrow Small Boat Poplar Boards 10c. 7½d.
. . . . . £1.15s.11¼d.
Page 21.
18th March.
William Pownall JOHN 103½ feet of Oak Timber 20t. 14c. £1. 5s.10½d.
. John Jeffries THOMAS 6 Measures of Potatoes.
Note: These Potatoes were brought up river, and were entered as such.
. .
19th March John Pointon . Rafted from Aston to Winnington
269 feet (of what?)
5t. 7c. 6s. 8½d.
23rd March John Barrow Small Boat Oak Timber & Hay, to Anderton. 5c. 3¾d.
. John Barrow PEGGY Wm. Dundorth
1t. 1c. 1s. 3¾d.
24th March William Pownall MISS WEAVER 831 feet of Oak Timber 16t. 12c. £1. 0s.9d.
. John Mork ROYAL ANNE 2 Barrels of Ale 5c. 3¾d.
26th March John Mork ROYAL ANNE 3 Barrels of Ale 7c. 5¼d.
. . . . . £2. 15s.8½d.
Page 22.
30th March
William Pownall JOHN 985 feet of Oak Timber 19t. 15c. £1. 4s.8¼d.
31st march John Barrow PITT Oak Bark for Mr Benson 5t. 18c. 7s. 4½d.
2nd April John Barrow Small Boat Pan Plates & other Iron for a New Salt Pan at Anderton 3t. 10c. 4s. 4½d.
. John Cheshire Small Boat Pan Plates & Iron for 2 New Salt Pans at Anderton. 5t. 6s. 3d.
. Thomas Pearsey Small Boat Coals from Pickerens to Acton Bridge. 1t. 1s.
. . . . . £2. 3s.8¼d.
. . . . Total Amount, Quarter ending 5th April £11. 8s.7½d.
Page 23.
7th April
Thomas Marshall DOLLY Cheese 2t. 2s. 6d.
9th April Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY Potters Clay from Acton Bridge 38t. £1. 18s. 0d.
12th April John Antrobus . Rafted from Vale Royal to Northwich:
2t. 2s. 6d.
16th April John Mork DILIGENCE Flax 5t. .
. . . Cheese 10c. 6s. 10½d.
. John Hunt DUCK Cheese from Mr Thomas Weston 2t. 2s. 6d.
. John Jeffreys STANLEY Clay from Northwich to Anderton 3t. 3s.
. Thomas Marshall MAYFLOWER Oak Timber & Plank, from Northwich to Anderton Works. 6t. 7s. 6d.
. . . . . £3. 2s.10½d.
Page 24.
20th April
John Barrow Esq. JOHN Cheese 1t. 10c. .
. . . 300 Measures of Barley. 6t. 7c. 9s. 9¾d.
. John Hunt DRAKE William Millington
Poplar Board
2t. 2s. 6d.
. Robert Bridge CHESTER Oak Bark from Acton Bridge. 10c. 7½d.
22nd April Thomas Marshall THOS. & LYDIA Thomas Speakman
An Old Salt Pan.
15c. 11¼d.
26th April Richard Golightly RICHARD Oak Timber from Barnton, 150 feet. 3t. 3s. 9d.
30th April John Jeffreys BYRNE 6 Oulers, 20 Birches, Brushwood 2 tons, 4 Oak knees from V. Royal. 7t. 8s. 9d.
. . . . . £1. 6s.0½d.
Page 25.
3rd May
Thomas Marshall SUCCESS Hen. Warriner
½ H.head Cyder.
3c. 2¼d.
4th May John Jeffrey SAMUEL & JOHN A Salt Pan 1t. 10c. 1s. 10½d.
6th May Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY Potters Clay from Acton Bridge 40t. £2.
11th May Thomas Patten FOX Cheese 1t. 1s. 3d.
. John Jeffreys THOMAS Oak Timber from W. Bridge to And. 16t. £1.
14th May John pr. Formosson SUMMER 1 Empty H.head & a few Bars of Iron. 1c. 0¾d.
14th May Thomas Marshall Small Boat Hay from the Azzee Meadow. 1c. 0¾d.
. John Barrow Small Boat Squar'd Timber to Anderton Works. 5c. 3¾d.
. . . . . £3. 3s. 9d.
Page 26.
14th May
John Mort THOMAS 3 Half Barrels of Ale. 4c. 3d.
. Richard Bressey Small Boat Oak Timber, Blocks, A Stove, Deal Plank & other Materials for Repairs of the Bucklry Flatt at Captains Works. 2t. 2s. 6d.
18th June John Jeffries BYRNE A Salt Pan. 1t. 1s. 3d.
. Thomas Patten FOX 10 Cart fellies 4c. 3d.
. Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY Potters Clay from Acton Bridge 40t. £2.
. . . DO. the 13th Inst. 40t. £2.
22nd June John Blackburne Small Boat J. Pointon
400 feet, inch Poplar Boards.
13c. 9¾d.
. . . . . £4. 5s.0¾d.
Page 27.
29th June
William Pownall JOHN Poplar, Sycamoor & Ouler Boards, from Jon. Pointon . .
. . . Nehemiah Cowley 2228 feet. 3t. 14c. 4s. 7½d.
. . . John Maddock 1t. 1s. 3d.
28th June Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY Potters Clay from Acton Bridge. 40t. £2.
2nd July John Cheshire MARLBOROUGH Oak Bark. 12t. 4c. 15s. 3d.
. Jno. Blackburne Small Boat Oates from Witton Mill, 40 Measrs. 13c. 9¾d.
. John Jeffreys Small Boat Scaffold Poles, Rafted from Barnton to Northwich. 5c. 3¾d.
. . . . . £3. 2s. 3d.
. . . . Total of the First Quarter Ending 5th July 1763: £15. 2s. 3¾d.
. . . . (Entered on Page 28). .
Page 28.
8th July
Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY Potts. Clay from Acton Bridge. 40t. £2.
15th July Thomas Pigott DO. Pott. Clay. 40t. £2.
18th July Thomas Marshall DISPATCH Brick from Anderton to Northwich. 15c. 7½d.
. John Mort THOMAS 6 Bags of Malt. 12c. 9d.
. . . . . £4. 1s. 4½d.
Page 29.
25th July
Jno. Blackburne Small Boat Lime Stone from Edwd. Summer 9c. 6¾d.
30th July John Hunt 3 FRIENDS Hay from Northwich to Anderton. 2t. 10c. 3s. 1*frac12d.
. Thomas Marshall SUCCESS 8 Rood of Poplar Boards. 5t. 6c. 6s. 7½d.
. John Mort & compa. . Oulers rafted from waverham. 1t. 10c. 1s. 10½d.
8th Aug. John Barrow JOHN Mr. Jones
Oak Bark.
13t. 16s. 3d.
. . . pr. Baker
Oak Timber.
6t. 7s. 6d.
9th Aug. John Barrow BUCKLEY Hay from Witton Brow to Anderton. 2t. 10c. 3s.1½d.
12th Aug. Edward Summer SUMMER Messrs. Mercer & Brickhill
Oak Timber bought of Mr. Goostrey & Co.
14t. 1 c. 17s. 6¾d.
. . . . . £2. 17s.7½d.
Page 30.
13th Aug.
Jno. Cheshire & Co. SUCCESS 1200 feet of Poplar Boards. 2t. 2s. 6d.
15th Aug. Mercer & Brickhill MISS WEAVER Oak Timber from Goostrey & Co. 16t. 11c. £1. 0s. 8¾d.
17th Aug. Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY Potters Clay from Acton Bridge. 40t. £2.
. Thomas Jeffrey STANLEY 2 peeces of Fir. 2c. 1½d.
18th Aug. John Barrow PITT Oak Bark from Northwich. 11t. 8c. 14s. 3d.
. . . 9 hundred of treenals. 9c. 6¾d.
23rd Aug. John Blackburne HOLFORD A Engine to Raise Brine By Runges, Without the Help of a Man to Empty them; Made in Staffordshire. 3t. 3s. 9d.
. John Blackburne NANCY Hay from Winnington. 4t. 5s.
. . . . . £4. 6s.10½d.
Page 31.
25th Aug.
John Barrow PEGGY Mr Edward Grayson
750¾ feet of Oak Timber
15t. 18s. 9d.
26th Aug. Samuel Page HAPPY Thomas Meller
L.poole, 11 Elm & 3 Sycamoor Trees.
4t. 18c. 6s. 1½d.
30th Aug. Thomas Marshall HOPEWELL Oak Bark to L.poole. 10t. 5c. 12s. 9¾d.
1st Sept. John Barrow BARROW Oak Bark to DO. 10t. 10c. 13s. 1½d.
3rd Sept. Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY Pott. Clay from Acton Bridge. 40t. £2.
9th Sept. Jonathan Brayne MISS WEAVER 2000 Treenels for Peter Baker 1t. 1s. 3d.
. . . . . £4. 12s. 0¾d.
Page 32.
22nd Sept.
Richard Golightly NANCY 633 feet of Oak Timber, bought from Edwd. Pointon 12t. 5c. 15s. 3¾d.
23rd Sept. Thomas Marshall HOPEWELL 13 Hogsheads with Salt in. 13c. 9¾d.
. John Mackay CATHERINE Oak Spar from Mr Stubbs 1t. 10c. 1s. 10½d.
27th Sept. Thomas Patten FOX Beef from John Barrow Esq. £2. 2s. 6d.
. John Mort HOPE Cheese from Wm. Dobson & C. 1t. 13c. 2s. 0¾d.
3rd. Oct. Richard Golightly MERMAID 400 feet of Oak Timber bought from Edwd. Pointon 8t. 10s.
. . . . . £1. 12s. 6¾d.
. . . . Amount of the Second Quarter Ending the 10th Octr. 1763. £17. 9s. 6d.
Page 33.
11th Oct.
Thomas Jeffries VERNON Coals from James Poole 12t. 12s.
19th Oct. John Hunt COMPLEAT Cheese from Rt. Antrobus 1t. 9c. 1s. 6¾d.
27th Oct. Richard Golightly RICHD. 802½ feet of Oak Timber bought from Edwd. Pointon 16t. £1.
24th Oct. Robert Bridge PRINCE EDWD. James Hind
1t. 16c. 2s. 3d.
. . . . . £1. 16s. 0¾d.
Page 34.
28th Oct.
Edward Summer SUMMER Cheese for Caernarvon 4c. .
. . . ½ Rood of Poplar Boards 6c. 7½d.
3rd Nov. Thomas Jeffreys SAML. & JOHN 1000 Barrows with Salt in. 2c. 1½d.
. John Mackay CATHARINE 2 Peeces of Ash from Pr. Lawton 18c. .
. . . 83 Oak Spar from John Stubbs 1t. 10c. .
. . . A Parcel of Slabs, Blocks and Short Ends of Plank from New Flatt. 3t. .
. . . 1 Peece of Oak timber from Saw Pitt. 6c. .
. . . . 5t. 14c. 7s. 1½d.
. John Barrow BELL Oak Timber, Elm & 2 inch Plank from Mr Edward Grayson 15t. 19c. 19s. 11¼d.
5th Nov. John Barrow SIX BROTHERS Oak Timber for Mr Grayson, 704 feet 14t. 1c. 17s. 6¾d.
. Richard Golightly RICHARD Oak Timber from Edw. Pointon, 846½ feet. 16t. 18c. £1. 1s. 1½d.
. . . . . £3. 6s. 6d.
Page 35.
11th Nov.
Richard Golightly MERMAID Oak timber, 400 feet, bought from Edward Pointon 8t. 10s.
12th Nov. John Barrow HANNAH 821 feet of Oak Timber, for Edward Grayson 16t. 8c. £1. 0s. 6d.
. John Barrow ADMIRAL 2338 Barrows with Salt in. 5c. 3¾d.
. John P. Formosson ROSE Horseshoes from Acton Bridge. 1c. 0¾d.
18th Nov. John Barrow THREE BS. 2 Half H.head and 3 Casks Ale. 9c. 6¾d.
22nd Nov. John Blackburne KITTY 1 Cask Hardware 10c. 7½d.
. Thomas Patten THOMAS & JOHN 3 Terces of Sugar 15c. 11¼d.
. . . . . £1. 13s. 0d.
Page 36.
29th Nov.
Richard Golightly MERMAID 236 feet of Oak Timber bought from Edward Pointon 4t. 14c. 5s. 10½d.
. John Barrow SIX BROTHERS Hay from Northwich to Anderton. 1t. 1s. 3d.
. Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY 60 Measures of Barley. 1t. 8c. 1s. 9d.
. John Mort ROYAL ANNE 6 Half Barrels of Ale. 8c. 6d.
2nd Dec. John Barrow HANNAH 726½ feet of Oak Timber from Brickhill . .
. . . 158 of DO. from Goostry & Co. 17t. 13c. £1. 2s. 0¾d.
20th Dec. John Blackburne BEE William Wild,
8c. 6d.
. . . . . £1. 1s. 11¾d.
Page 37
20th Dec.
Thomas Birkinhead Small Boat Withy Wood 2t. 10c. 3s. 1½d.
22nd Dec. John HORNET 12 Measures of Apples. 6c. 4½d.
31st Dec. John Barrow LUCY & ALLY Mercer & Brickhill of Liverpool
Oak Timber
12t. 2c. 15s. 1½d.
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