Northwich Casual Tonnage 1762-1765
Date Shipper Flat (Boat) Shipment Tons &/or Cwt. £. S. D.
Page 37

2nd Jan.
Stubbs & Deacon LYON Jno. Stubbs
48 Spokes
3c. .
. . . DO. 25 Fellies 5c. .
. . . DO. 5 Shoe Ends . .
. . . DO. 2 Pair Cart Blades 2c. .
. . . DO. 5000 Treenels 2t. 10c. .
. . . DO. Cheese 1t. 6c. .
. . . . 4t. 6c. 5s. 4½d.
. . . John Pointon
517 feet of Oak Timber from Witton Bridge.
10t. 7c. 12s. 11¼d.
. . . . . £1.16s.11¼d.
Page 38.
11th Jan.
Thomas Hallowell NANCY 118 feet of Timber from Saltersford. 2t. 7c. 2s. 11¼d.
21st Jan. Thomas Leigh TEMPLE A Salt Pan. 10c. 7½d.
. . . 18 Small Empty Casks from H. Frod. 1c. 0¾d.
. . . 15 Loads of Malt from Jno. Mort . .
2nd Feb. John Barrow PITT Iron 5t. 6s. 3d.
. Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY 20 Measures of Potatoes :15c. . .
. . . 52 Spokes : 3c. . .
. . . 13 Fellies : 3c. . .
. . . 34 Ream of Paper : 1c. 1t. 3c. 1s. 5¼d.
. Thomas Leigh TEMPLE 150 Spokes 8c. 6d.
7th Feb. Thomas Patten THOMAS & JNO. Sundry Casks of Copper from Mr Rogerson 3t. 10c. 4s. 4½d.
. . . . . £0.18s.0¾d.
Page 39.
9th Feb.
John Mackay CATHARINE 58 Rails. 1t. 10c. 1s. 10½d.
. John Barrow HANNAH Oak Timber for Mr Edwd. Gill 15t. 15c. 19s. 8¼d.
. . . DO. for Robt. Brickhill 18c. 1s. 1¼d.
17th Feb. John Mort HOPE 100 measures of Malt. 1t. 13c. 2s. 0¾d.
25th Feb. Stubbs & Deacon LYON 30 Measures of Oates : 10c. . .
. . . 48 Oakes Planks; 2t. 3c. 2t. 13c. 3s. 3¾d.
27th Feb. John Mort DILIGENCE A Salt Pan 1t. 1s. 3d.
3rd March Thomas Patten FOX 5 [something scribbled out] Barrels of Ale. 10c. 7½d.
. . . . . £1. 9s. 11¼d.
Page 40.
29th Feb.
Thomas Marshall DISPATCH A Bag of Hops & 2 Small Casks. 2c. 1½d.
. Thomas Marshall SUCCESS A Stove Pott & a Parcel of Short Planks & Blocks from Captains Works. 10c. 7½d.
5th March Jno. Blackburne HORNET 30 Doz. of Salt Barrows for L.poole Refinery 15c. 11¼d.
6th March John Mackay CATHARINE 180 yards Railing from Jno. Stubbs 1t. 10c. 1s. 10½d.
8th March John Jeffreys MOLLY & EATON Hay from Northwich to Anderton 3t. 3s. 9d.
10th March John Pointon . Poplar rafted from Hartford to Northwich, Measured by Mr Pownall : 288 feet. 5t. 15c. 7s. 2¼d.
. . . . . £0. 14s. 6d.
Page 41.
10th March
John Barrow Esq. HANNAH 1220 feet of inch Poplar Boards; 2t. . .
. . . 420 Do. of half inch Do.; 7c. 2t. 7c. 2s. 11¼d.
5th March John Hunt SWAN Pan Plates for Dungeon. 1t. 5c. 2s. 6d.
12th March John Hunt ANNE & SARAH Hay from Northwich to Anderton 2t. .
. . . Poplar Boards to Do. 4t. 4c. 5s. 3d.
14th March Thomas Jeffries THOMAS A Salt Pan 1t. 1s. 3d.
20th March John Mort ROYAL ANNE Cheese 1t. 1s. 3d.
21st March Isaac Wood REBECCA Charles Fleetwood
Sycamoor Trees
5t. 8c. 6s. 9d.
. . . Thomas Meller
Sycamoor & Elm
5t. 18c. 7s. 4½d.
. . . . . £1. 8s. 10½d.
Page 42.
16th March
John Hunt DUCK Pan Plates for Dungeon 10c. 7½d.
22nd March Thomas Birkinhead Small Boat Barrow wood from Heywood to Northwich 2t. 2s. 6d.
31st March Jno. & pr. Formosson FANNY A Salt Pan 1t.10c. 1s. 10½d.
. John Barrow HANNAH Cheese, 1t. . .
. . . 18 Measures of Oates, 6c. 1t. 6c. 1s. 7½d,
. John Blackburne LARK 12 Fellies, 2c.
5 Axle Trees, 2c. 4(?St.)
A Pair of Cart Shafts; 2
Household Goods; 2.
8c. 6d.
3rd April John Mackay CATHARINE 234yds of Ash & Oak Rails, from John Pointon 1t. 19c. 2s. 5¼d.
. . . . . £0. 9s. 6¾d.
Page 43.
4th April
John Barrow SIX BROTHERS Cheese, 15c.
5 Empty Barrels, 2c.
17c. 1s. 0¾d.
. Thomas Jeffries THOMAS 12 Potts of Apples from Acton Bridge. 6c. 4½d.
5th April Isaac Wood VICTORY 12 Fellies from Acton Bridge. 2c. 1½d.
. . . . . £0. 1s. 6¾d.
. . . . Amount Quarter Ending the 5th April 1764 £5. 2s. 6d.
6th April John Barrow Small Boat Hay from Northwich to Anderton 2c. 1½d.
7th April Joihn Mort POLLY Robt. Done
14 Loads of Malt
1t. 8c. 1s. 9d.
. Thomas Patten THOS. & JOHN Edwd. Gill
31 feet of Oak Timber
12c. 9d.
. John Pointon MISS WEAVER Jno. Mercer
305 yards of Sparr, 1t. 8c.
Do. Oak Timber, 15t. 18c.
J. Rosedale
90 Pair of Wheels
Barrow Strines, 18c.
18t. 4c. £1. 2s. 9d.
18th April John Stubbs Small Boat Oak Timber for Mr Bridges Flatt. 5c. 3¾d.
. John MackayEsq. CATHARINE 273 yards of Oak Sparr from John Stubbs 2t. 17c. 3s. 6¾d.
. John Cheshire & Compa. . Ouler rafted from Heywood to Anderton Saltworks 2t. 8c. 3s.
. . . . . £1. 12s. 3d.
Page 45.
18th April
Isaac Wood CHOLMLEY 20 Measures of Oates from Acton Bridge. 6c. 4½d.
19th April Thos. Marshall SUCCESS Oulers from Heywood to Hartford
Do. James Rowe Esqr., 221 feet
4t. 8c. 5s. 6d.
25th April Jno. Blackburne HOLFORD Mr Antrobus
Household Goods
3c. 2½d.
26th April John Barrow SIX BROTHERS 675 ft. of Oak Timber 13t. 10c. 16s. 10½d.
27th April John Hunt DRAKE 42 Measures of Barley from Thomas Weston's at Wallerscoat 17c. 1s. 0¾d.
1st May John Barrow HANNAH 163 feet of Oak Timber 3t. 5c. 4s. 0¾d.
. . . Oak Bark 16t. 2c. £1. 0s. 1½d.
. . . . . £2. 8s. 2¼d.
Page 46.
1st May
Jno. Blackburne Small Boat Oak Timber from Northwich to Anderton 1t. 1s. 3d.
2nd May Thomas Jeffries THOMAS Household goods for Miss Jeffries 3c. 2¼d.
3rd May Jno. Blackburne HORNET 15 Doz. of Salt Barrows for the Refinery at L.poole. 7c. 5¼d.
. John Pointon MISS WEAVER Mr Mercer
Oak Timber, 15t. 16c.
Mr Rosedale
100 Pair of Wheelbarrow Strines, 1t. 1c.
16t. 17c. £1. 1s. 0¾d.
7th May John Stubbs COMPLEAT Fir Boards for Peter Baker 1t. 10c. 1s. 10½d.
8th May Thomas Jeffries THOMAS Household Goods for Miss Jeffries 2c. 1½d.
11th May Richard Golightly RICHARD Oak Timber from Edwd. Pointon 14t. 4c. 17s. 9d.
. . . . . £2. 2s. 8¼d.
Page 47.
15th May
John Mort DILIGENCE Poplar Boards for Mr Campbell 4t. 16c. 16s. 0d
16th May John Blackburne ORFORD 50 Dozen of Salt Barrows for the Refinery at L.poole. 1t. 5c. 1s. 6¼d.
18th May John Mort THOMAS Poplar Boards for Mr Campbell 4t. 15c. 5s. 11¼d.
. Thomas Marshall THOS. & LYDIA 1 Barrel of Porter 2c. 1½d.
22nd May John Mort HOPE 2 Half Barrels of Ale 3c. 2¼d.
16th May John Mort POLLY 12 Measures of French Wheat 5c. 3¾d.
29th May John Blackburne STORK Samuel Swindall
Houshold Goods
1t. 1s. 3d.
. . . Barrow Wood to Anderton 1t. 1s. 3d.
. . . . . £0. 16s. 7½d.
Page 48.
30th May
John Barrow JOHN 5 Elm Trees from Edwd. Pointon, Shipped at James Poole's Key. 2t. 12c. 3s. 3d.
. Thomas Marshall DISPATCH 676½ feet of half inch Poplar Bds. from Jnp. Pointon for Mr Campbell 11c. 8¼d.
. John Blackburne STORK 13 Dozen of Salt Barrows 6c. 4½.
31st May John Pointon MISS WEAVER 852 feet of Oak Timber for Mr Richard Mercer in L.poole. 17t. £1. 1s. 3d.
. John Mort THOMAS 1885½ feet of half inch Firr Boards from Jno. Stubbs 1t. 11c. 1s. 11¼d.
1st June Richard Golightly RICHARD 855½ feet of Oak Timber from Edwd. Pointon, Northwich. 17t. 2c. £1. 1s. 4½d.
. . . . . £2. 8s. 10½d.
Page 49
1st June
Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY Pott. Clay from Acton Bridge 33t. £1. 13s. 0d.
. John Hunt DUCK A Cheese Tub, Churn & Pale. 1c. 0¾d.
. Thomas Patten THOMAS & JOHN Bacon & Paper from Acton Bridge 1c. 0¾d.
2nd June Francis Holding NANCY Household Goods for Ran.Harrison 1c. 7½d.
4th June John Barrow NANCY 20 Sett of Spokes. 1t. 10c. 1s. 10½d.
5th June John Hunt COMPLEAT 15 Sett of Spokes 1t. 1c. 1s. 3¾d.
6th June John Barrow PEGGY 8 Sacks of Malt from Mr.Rogerson 16c. 1s.0d.
7th June Thomas Patten THOS. & JOHN 3 Empty Barrells. 1c. 0¾d.
. . . . . £1. 18s. 0d.
Page 50
7th June
Thomas Patten FOX 1 H.head & Barrell, Empty. 1c. 0¾d.
8th June Thomas Marshall SUCCESS A Salt Pann. 1t. 1s. 3d.
11th June John Barrow PITT 1 Large Oak Tree, Quanty. 64 feet, from Peter Lawton for Mr.Penketh at Biddestone Mills, to the Care of Thomas Calley, Boat Builder in L.poole. 1t. 5c. 1s. 6¾d.
14th June John Pointon MISS WEAVER 850 feet of Oak Timber for Mr Richard Mercer in L.poole. 17t. £1. 1s. 3d.
15th June Mr William Pownall JOHN 900 feet of Oak Timber 18t. £1. 2s. 6d.
. Thomas Marshall HOPEWELL William Mouncey
10 Bundles of Leather.
3c. 2¼d.
20th June John Mort THOMAS 1 Barrel & 1 Half Barrel of Ale 4c. 3d.
. . . . . £2. 7s. 0¾d.
Page 51.
30th June
Mr William Pownall JOHN 871 feet of Oak Timber 17t. 8c. £1. 1s. 9d.
. John Mort HOPE Mr William Pownall
Oak Timber
5t. 4c. 6s. 6d.
. . . Do. Oak Bark. 15t. 15c. 19s. 8¼d.
4th July John Stubbs LYON Peter Baker
2960 feet of Firr Boards
2t. 9c. 3s. 0¾d.
. William Pownall MISS WEAVER 768½ feet of Oak Timber 15t. 7c. 19s. 2¼d.
. John Barrow HANNAH 2 Casks 2c. 1½d.
. . . . . £3. 10s. 3¾d.
Page 52
9th July
Jno. P. Formosson BAKER Hay from Hartford to Byflatt Works. 3t. 3s. 9d.
. John Hunt LIVELY Hay from Northwich to Anderton. 3t. 3s. 9d.
11th July John Barrow PITT Hay from Northwich to Anderton. 6t. 7s. 6d.
11th July William Pownall JOHN 944 feet of Oak Timber 18t. 17c. £1. 3s. 6¾d.
. Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY John Pointon
Oak Timber & Plank from Northwich to Acton Birdge.
11t. 13s. 9d.
12th July John Barrow PEGGY 8 feet of Oak Timber 3c. 2¼d.
17th July John Blackburne NANCY 28 dozen of Salt Barrows for the Refinery at Leverpool. 13c. 9¾d.
. . . . . £2. 13s. 3¾d.
21st July
John Hunt COMPLEAT Hay from Northwich to Anderton 3t. 3s. 9d.
. William Pownall MISS WEAVER 835 feet of Oak Timber 16t. 14c. £1. 10½d.
7th July John Mort POLLY 1 Barrel & 3 Half Barrels of Ale 6c. 4½d.
26th July Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY John Pointon, Oak Timber from Acton Bridge; 11t.1c.
Do. Oak Plank; 1t. 19c.


16s. 3d.
27th July John Mort POLLY Mr William Pownall
Oak Bark
18t. £1. 2s. 6d.
. . . Do. Oak Timber 5t. 13c. 7s. 0¾d.
30th July John Blackburne Small Boat Benjamin Moss
Withy Wood
3t. 3s. 9d.
. . . 2 Brine Runges from Anderton. 3c. 2¼d.
. John Blackburne NANCY 34 Dozen of Salt Barrows. 16c. £1. 0s. 0d.
. . . . . £3. 15s. 9d.
Page 54.
28th July
John Mort POLLY 3 Half Barrles of Ale. 4c. 3d.
1st Aug. John Mackay SQUIRREL 452 feet of Oak Timber from Edwd. Pointon for Mr Richard Golightly 9t. 11s. 3d.
. . . 355 feet of Do. from John Pointon for Mr Richd. Mercer in L.poole 7t. 2c. 8s. 10½d.
. Thomas Leigh TEMPLE 6 Dozen of Salt Barrows 3c. 2¼d.
3rd. Aug. Daniel Barker HAPPY 600 Treenells 6c. 4½d.
4th Aug. John Stubbs LION 2 Setts of Spokes, 3c.
3 Axletrees, 1c.
2 Pairs of Cartblades, 2c.
25 Fellies, 6c.


6th Aug. William Pownall MS. WEAVER 845 feet of Oak Timber 16t. 18c. £1. 1s. 1½d.
. . . . . £2. 2s. 9¾d.
Page 55.
7th Aug.
William Pownall JOHN 912½ feet of Oak Timber 18t. 4c. £1. 2s. 9d.
. John Stubbs Small Boat Oak Plank for Mr Bridges Flatt. 4c. 3d.
8th Aug. John Barrow ADMIRAL 2 Packs of Cloath 3c. 2¼d.
10th Aug. John Mort HOPE Mr William Pownall
Oak Bark
7t. 8s. 9d.
18th Aug. John Mort HAWK John Stubbs
2 Oulers, 47½ feet.
19c. 1s. 2¼d.
. Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY Pott. Clay from Acton Bridge. 32t. £1. 12s. 0d.
23rd Aug. John Blackburne BEE Pan Plates for Liverpoole 2t. 2s. 6d.
. William Palen Small Boat Hay across the River from Horton Meadw. to Bowling Green. 3t. 3s. 9d.
. . . . . £3. 11s. 4½d.
Page 56.
20th Aug.
Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY Pott. Clay from Acton Bridge 20t. £1.
24th Aug. John Mort POLLY 2 Half Barrels of Ale. 3c. 2¼d.
25th Aug. John Mort ROYAL ANNE 3 Half Barrels of Ale. 4c. 3d.
. John Mort DILIGENCE Hay from Saltersford to Northwich that Mr Hansell bought from the Navigation. 5t. 6s. 3d.
. John Mort DILIGENCE Cinders from Mr. Bridges Works for Mr. Bancroft of Weaverham, the 6th & 13th inst. 50t. £2. 10s. 0d.
28th Aug. Thomas Jeffries THOMAS John Rogerson
2 Casks Copper.
10c. 7½d.
29th Aug. John Hunt DUCK Pan Plates for Dungeon 16c. 1s. 0d.
. . . . . £3. 18s. 3¾d.
Page 57.
1st Sept.
John Hunt SWAN Pan Plates for Dungeon 12c. 9d.
8th Sept. John Hunt DRAKE Pan Plates for Dungeon 10c. 7½d.
. Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY Pott. Clay from Acton Bridge. 38t. £1. 16d. 0d.
10th Sept. John Pointon Small Boat 98 feet of Oak Timber for the Repair of Frodsham Bridge. 1t. 19c. 2s. 5¼d.
11th Sept. John Mort THOMAS Doct. Lowe
1 Hamper of Bottles.
1c. 0¾d.
. John Mort HOPE Willm. Pownall
Oak Bark.
17t. 1c. £1. 1. 3¾d.
13th Sept. Thomas Marshall Small Boat Firr Poles bought from John Stubbs from Northwich to "The New Rock Pit." 3t. 3s. 9d.
10th Sept. John Mort HAWK 2 Half Barrels of Porter. 2c. 1½d.
. . . . . £3. 10s. 0¾d.
Page 58.
10th Sept.
Isaac Wood WINSFORD 2 Potts of Apples. 1c. 1¾d.
13th Sept. Thomas Pigott ALEX & NANCY Pott. Clay from Acton Bridge. 36t. £1. 16s. 0d.
22nd Sept. Isaac Wood WINSFORD Ash timber from Henry Smith 1t. 18c. 2s. 4½d.
25th Sept. John Barrow THREE B'S. Crosbies & Co., 1 H.head ground Flint. 10c. 7½d.
29th Sept. John Barrow PITT Messrs. Goostrey & Barlow, 877½ feet of Oak Timber for Mercer & Brickhill Leverpool. 17t. 10c. £1. 1s. 10½d.
. John Mort DILIGENCE 3 Half Barrels of Ale. 4c. 3d.
1st Oct. John Mort HAWK Mr William Pownall
Oak Bark.
5t. 11c. 6s. 11¼d.
. . . John Mort
3t. 5c. 4s. 0¾d.
. . . William Pownall
Oak Timber.
7t. 7c. 9s. 2¼d.
. . . . . £4. 1s. 4½d.
Page 59.
3rd. Oct.
John Barrow HANNAH Crosbies & Co., 1hhd. Ground Flint. 14c. 10½d.
6th Oct. John Mort ROYAL ANNE Peter Holme
9 Boxes of Candles
4c. 3d.
8th Oct. John Barrow JOHN Messrs. Goostrey & Barlow
Oak Timber for Brickhill & Mercer, Leverpool.
14t. 5c. 17s. 9¾d.
. . . William Penketh
Oak Timber, 76½ feet.
1t. 10c. 1s. 10½d.
9th Oct. John Mort POLLY 7 Half Barrels of Ale. 8c. 6d.
. . . . . £1. 1s. 3¾d.
. . . . Quarters Amount. £24.14s.3¾d.
Page 60.
16th Oct.
John Barrow BELL Messrs. Goostrey & Barlow
Timber for Brickhill & Mercer, Leverpool.
4t. 2c. 5s. 1½d.
19th Oct. John Blackburne LARK Shudes from Witton Mill. 2c. 1½d.
20th Oct. John Mort ROYAL ANNE 3 Large Crates of Burlsem Ware. 10c. 7½d.
30th Oct. William Pownall MISS WEAVER 818 feet of Oak Timber. 16t. 7c. £1. 0s. 5¼d.
6th Nov. Isaac Wood WINSFORD Messrs. Mason & Hunt of Leverpoole.
695½ feet of Oak Timber Bought from John Lowden
13t. 8c. 17s. 4½d.
. Isaac Wood MARY Messrs. Mason & Hunt of Leverpoole
781 feet of Oak Timber Bought from John Lowden
15t. 12c. 19s. 6d.
. Isaac Wood WINSFORD John Pointon
Poplar & Ash Boards.
1t. 13c. 2¾d.
. . . John Stubbs
Lime Boards
1t. 1s. 3d.
. . . . . £3. 6s. 6d.
Page 61.
3rd. Nov.
Thomas Pigott ALEXR. & NANCY Pott. Clay from Acton Bridge. 31t. 1s. 11d.
12th Nov. Thomas Marshall DISPATCH 653 feet of Oak for Messrs. Hunt & Mason in L.poole. 13t. 1c. 16s. 3¾d.
. . . A Salt Pan from Thomas Jeffries 2t. 2s. 6d.
. . . 3 Yew Trees, from Mr. Thomas Weston for Mr. Campbell in L.poole. Measured as Under:
No.1, 18. 13½ = 22½
No.2, 18. 10½ = 13½
No.3, 24. 12 = 24.

1t. 4c.

1s. 6d.
17th Nov. John Mort POLLY 6 Bags of Malt for Peter Leigh Esqr. 12c. 9d.
. John Mort HAWK 16 Sett of 3 inch Fellies: 1t. 10c.
6 Do. of 6 inch Do.: 1t. 4c.
14 Axletrees: 6c.
from Mr. Kyffin to be delivered to William Anderton in L.poole.


3s. 9d.
19th Nov. Isaac Wood WOOD 664½ feet of Oak Timber for Mason & Hunt, L.poole. 13t. 5c. 16s. 6¾d.
. . . . . No Total.
Page 62.
13th Nov.
John Pr. Formosson DOVE 2 Hogsheads with Salt in. 2c. 1½d.
21st Nov. John Barrow ADMIRAL 6 Five Barr'd Gates. 8c. 6d.
24th Nov. John Pr. Formosson HECTOR Sawed Peeces of Oulers & Ash from Hale Hill to ByFlatt Works, that had before paid Tonnage, when it came Up. . .
. John Barrow PITT Crosbie & Co., 5 Hhds. Ground Flint. 2t. 10c. 3s. 1½d.
23rd Nov. John Hunt DUCK 5 Bags of Malt 10c. 7½d.
30th Nov. John Barrow Esqr. JOHN Oak Timber from John Carter for Mr. Peter Baker in L.pool. 18t. £1. 2s. 6d.
. . . Oak Spar from Do. for Mr. Thos. Kirkman, Cabinet Maker. 1t. 2c. 1s. 4½d.
. William Pownall SUMMER 737 feet of Oak Timber 14t. 14c. 18s. 4½d.
. . . George Clews, 77 Cheeses. 16c. 1s. 0d.
. . . . . £2. 7s. 7½d.
Page 63.
1st Dec.
Isaac Wood REBECCA 669 feet of Oak Timber from Hartford, the property of John Pointon, for Mr Richard Mercer. 13t. 7c. 16s. 8¼d.
. . . Cardwood of John Pointon from Hartford to Northwich, & 3 Oak Trees, 64 feet. 2t. 8c. 3s. 0d.
27th Nov. John Blackburne BEE Basketts from Acton Bridge. 2c. 1½d.
30th Nov. John Cheshire MARLBOROUGH 5 Bags of Malt from Mr. Weston's. 10c. 7½d.
. . . 2 Empty Hogsheads 2c. 7½d.
8th Dec. John Mort ROYAL ANNE 6 Barrels of Ale & 1 Small Cask of Beer for Thomas Pearsey 15c. 11¼d.
. John Barrow HANNAH John Carter 914 feet of Oak Timber, for Mr. Peter Baker, Lpoole. 18t.5c. £1. 2s. 9¾d.
12th Dec. John Blackburne HORNET 6 Dozen of Salt Barrows for Liverpoole Refinery. 3c. 2¾d.
. . . . . £2. 4s. 6d.
Page 64.
13th Dec.
Isaac Wood REBECCA John Pointon, Ash Cordwood. 1t. 10c. 1s. 10½d.
. . . Do. 154 Oak Sparr, 315 yards. 2t. 2s. 6d.
17th Dec. John Mort POLLY 3 Barrels of Ale for Thomas Pearsey 8c. 6d.
20th Dec. John Blackburne HOLFORD 8 Measures of Potatoes from A.Bridge. 6c. 4½d.
24th Dec. Thomas Jeffries . One Oak Tree, Rafted Down from Witton Brook. 12c. 9d.
1763 Frontpage Surnames 1765