Extract from the Northwich guardian September 23rd 1893


The new boys school for witton.laying the foundation stone


The interesting ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the new Witton national school for boys was performed on Wednesday afternoon by the local bishop of Chester; the site of the schools is the glebe land near church walk, the total area being 1 acre.  This plot was given to the trustees of Witton schools by the ecclelastical commissioners, both the bishop and the vicar of Witton having taken on active part in securing this valuable gift.


The schools are being built from the competitive designs of Mr M.K Ellerton architect Northwich.  The site is in close proximity to the parish church and the architect in compliance with the instructions of the committee has prepared drawings for the errection of a building that will harmonise with the fine old edifice.  This in regard to external appearance he has placed foremost in the conception of the design.  While avoiding any sacrifice in the utility of the arrangement of the plan.  The outer work is to be of faced brick with stone dressings to openings.  The schools which are intended to accommodate 400 children will compromise a central hall 48 ft by 36 ft and 7 classrooms of which one will be 48 ft by 24 ft and may be converted into 2 rooms and 4 24 ft square.

Efficient lighting and ventilation of the building throughout has been carefully studied and clear attention has also been paid to the important consideration of exit in case of panic or fire.  An external porch is provided at the south end of the central hall ample provision is made for book stores,  gallery for models, cellars and the usual yard offices.  It is proposed to warm the building by hot water pipes the design as originally submitted embodied a gallery with a direct approach from the outer entrance.  But owing to the cost it was found necessary to omit this and also to reduce the area of the central hall from 72 ft by 36 to 48 by 36 and take off 2 class rooms in meeting these requirements of the committee Mr Ellerton so modified the plans that the parts left out can at any future time be added without interfering with the general design.

The building of the schools has been entrusted to Mr William Molyneux of Northwich the amount of whose contract was £3186 the total cost of the work including the furnishings of the school and the fencing of the playground which will occupy ¾ of an acre is estimated at £3500 towards this outlay there has been collected or promised about £2800.


A large gathering assembled to witness the proceedings on Wednesday;  the church walk and lower portion of the churchyard being crowded. Flags were displayed in all directions and a platform had been raised round the base of the building which has already been erected and on this the officiating clergy many of the school managers and members of the church and the combined choirs of Witton, Castle, Dane Bridge and Winnington, which under the conductorship of Mr J.P Shaw rendered hymns.  The clergy present were the revs W H Binney vicar of Witton, C Packer vicar of St Paul's Dane Bridge,  F G A Philips vicar of Holy Trinity Castle, W W E  Lancaster, curate Witton.  The managers of the schools present were the vicars messers T Ward,  H Hattcook, J Worsley and J Chamberlain.


The service was commenced with the singing of the hymn “O word of god incarnate” and the vicar then offered prayer.  The 127th psalm having been sung,  the bishop then blessed the stone which had been placed in position by Mr Molyneux the builder and on which were the words “This stone was laid by the lord bishop of Chester September 20th 1893.”   Under the stone was placed  a bottle containing the parish magazine for the current month and a copy of that days Northwich Guardian.  Mr M K Ellerton, architect, acting on behalf of the school managers,  handed to the lord bishop a handsome trowel with ivory handle upon which some delicate engraving surrounded the inscription: “presented to the right rev F J Jayne DD lord bishop of Chester on the laying the foundation stone of a new national school for boys at Witton September 20th 1893”.


 The bishop having with the aid of the trowel and a presentation mallet duly laid the stone said “ in the faith of Jesus Christ we place this stone in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost that here true faith the fear of god and brotherly love may dwell and that this place may be set apart for the instruction of the gaining and for the honour of the name of the same our lord Jesus Christ who liveth and resideth with thee O father and thee O holy ghost ever one god world without end.”  His lordship then offered prayer and pronounced the benediction;  the service being brought to a close with the singing of the hymn “O god our help in ages past”

It maybe mentioned that at a service in the church in connection with the consecration of the new cemetery bishop Jayne spoke of the value of education.  A full report of his lordships remarks will be found in the consecration account.


History Index



The school is to be demolished.  Fund raising is in progress for a new building, elsewhere. (2003)