In 1850: Comberbach is a township and pleasant village, situated 3 miles NNW from Northwich, comprises 362a. 1r. 6p of land, and at the last census had 58 houses and 303 inhabitants; population in 1801: 142, in 1831: 295.  Rateable value £905.

The Manor of Comberbach was given by John de Lacy to Adam Dutton, ancestor of the Warburtons.  This Adam gave the moiety of the estate to the Prior and convent of Norton.

After the dissolution these lands were granted to John
Grimsditch, and most of them were sold by him to Robert Eaton.  The other moiety of Comberbach was given by Robert de Lacy in the reign of Richard I to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, on condition that it should be held under them by the family of Comberbach;  this moiety became divided into severalities.  The principal landowners are J A S Barry Esq., Mr William Eaton, Mrs Catherine Nanfan, Peter Jackson Esq., and Mr Warburton, the latter is lord of the manor, there are also several smaller propietors.  The rectorial tithes of this township are commuted for £34 and the vicarial, for £8.  The Weslyan Methodists have a small chapel in the village, and there is a Free School which is chiefly supported by Mrs Barry of Marbury Hall.

Residents - William Eaton, gentleman, Avenue Cottage;  John Hopkins, steward to J H S Barry Esq. ;  Mrs Catherine Nanfan,  Andrew Bramhall, Blacksmith;  John Worrell, boot and shoe maker; Samuel Amery, butcher;  Thomas Bagaley and Edward Stelfox, farmers;  William Ormson, schoolmaster;  Thomas Wakefield, plumber, glazier and painter;  John Hickson and Peter Winpenny, shopkeepers;  Thomas Ellson and Thomas Woodcock, tailors;  Benjamin Chrimes, vict., Spinner Inn.
each of two parts into which a thing is or can be divided.
Comberbach : 1850 & 1892
In 1892 Comberbach is a township and village, 3 miles north-west from Northwich, in the hundred of Bucklow, Northwich union and county court district.
There is a small Weslyan chapel here, built in 1879.

Egerton-Warburton esq. of Arley, is lord of themanor.  Arthur Hugh Smith-Barry esq. JP., of Fota Island, Queenstown, is the chief landowner.

The soil is clayey;  the subsoil, clay and sand.  The chief crops are wheat, oats, turnips and potatoes.
The population in 1881 was 310.
The area is 366 acres; rateable value £1,281.
History / Directory Index
Comberbach 1851 Census
Inset: the two women in front of Comberbach Post Office