Register of Weighed Flats, 1859-1894
(The weight  (tonnage) is the amount each flat could carry when fully laden.)
Date Number NAME Owner Captain Tonnage
1864 . . . . .
26th Feb. 480 HENRY Henry Hindley Joseph Hindley 85
26th April 494 REVIVE Hamlet Boulton Hamlet Boulton 65
18th June 498 TOM John Clare Henry Clare 125
24th June 500 REFUGE John Leather John Leather 145
5th July 503 COTTON TREE David Bulmer David Bulmer 45
26th Oct. 547 MORNING STAR John Allcock John Allcock 145
2nd Nov. 549 ROBERT Thos. Burn Thos. Burn 75
1865 . . . . .
11th March 564 MARY ELLEN William Lovett William Lovett 125
13th July 578 DOROTHY -
now MARY
James Whitehead John Whitehead 85
18th July 579 BERTHA John Beckett & ptrs. John Beckett & ptrs. 135
12th Sept. 586 PIONEER John Robinson John Robinson 85
1866 . . . . .
31st Jan. 595 PATIENCE -
now JACK
L. Boden Sam. Boden 115
3rd Feb. 596 GRACE John Holmes John Holmes 75
19th Feb. 598 UNIVERSE Richard Blower Richard Blower 125
22nd Feb. 600 BRITANNIA James Deakin James Deakin 140
2nd March 602 BETTY - CHARLES -
Woods Thomas Wood 105
26th April 608 GEORGE James Muskett James Muskett 95
11th May 612 CATO John Ormson John Ormson 65
21st Oct. 623 ANN David Bulmer David Bulmer 65
12th Dec. 635 FLY Thomas Hill Thomas Hill 75
15th Dec. 636 LUCY-
Wm. Buckley Wm. Buckley 105
1867 . . . . .
1st Feb. 639 ELIZABETH ANN T. Irving T. Irving 105
21st June 652 ELIZABETH ANN Adam Tyrer Adam Tyrer 105
26th June 653 ANNIE-
Geo. Clay Geo. Clay 85
2nd July 654 MARY- late DOROTHY-
J. Atherton J. Atherton 115
12th Sept. 677 MILTON Geo. Beckett Geo. Beckett 125
31st Oct. 689 JANE Geo. Turner Geo. Turner 65
13th Dec. 699 LIBERTY J. Mills J. Mills 145
1868 . . . . .
25th May 713 CONCORD -
now MARY
J. Hind Thos. Hind 115
13th June 718 MASONIC -
James Moore James Moore 125
30th Nov. 729 ANN Richard Hulse Richard Hulse 140
23rd Dec. 733 BUCKLEY Geo. Deakin Levi Deakin 110
1869 . . . . .
21st Jan. 735 ADAM Adam Tyrer Adam Tyrer 95
6th May 746 HOPE G. Allcock G. Allcock 145
6th July 730 TRIO Wm. Appleton Joseph Appleton 70
21dt Oct. 769 ELLEN Thos. Tipplestone Thos. Tipplestone 125
16th Dec. 786 PILGRIM Thos. Atherton Thos. Atherton 175
1870 . . . . .
3rd. Jan. 758 ZEAL Wm. & Jas. Allcock James Allcock 180
11th Jan. 790 GUIDING STAR Wm. Weedall Wm. Weedall 175
15th Feb. 798 WILLIAM Lawrence Baines Lawrence Baines 65
23rd Feb. 800 OLIVE BRANCH Wm. Buckley Wmj. Buckley 120
2nd April 804 ANN POOLE Robert Poole Robert Poole 180
5th April 805 EVENING STAR Jas. Allcock Jas. Allcock 170
1871 . . . . .
11th March 813 EMILY-
now JOHN
John Mills John Mills 100
25th April 824 JAMES John Poole John Poole 110
3rd May 825 ELIZA ANN Joseph Starkey Thomas Starkey 140
26th June 830 JOSEPH Thomas Atherton Thomas Atherton 125
20th Oct. 839 MARY ELLEN -
late DART
George Wilkinson Alfred Wilkinson 125
1872 . . . . .
1st May 845 JAMES Thomas Atherton Thomas Atherton 125
29th July 847 LIVONIA Thomas Atherton Thomas Atherton 175
20th Sept. 849 ALBERT Thomas Atherton Thomas Atherton 130
26th Sept. 851 ENERGETIC Henry Atherton Owen Atherton 165
17th Nov. 861 CHANGE -
James Hutton James Hutton 120
3rd Dec. 862 SUPPLY - ELIZTH. George Wilkinson George Wilkinson 105
1873 . . . . .
6th Jan. 864 VENUS -
Henry Burton Henry Burton 55
6th Jan. 865 MARS -
Henry Burton Henry Burton 50
20th Jan. 867 MARY Samuel Gorst & prs. Samuel Gorst & prs. 125
14th Feb. 870 SARAH George Leicester & prs. George Leicester & prs. 55
17th April 871 ANNE David Atherton David Atherton 130
16th June 878 WILLIAM Laurence Barnes Laurence Barnes 80
17th July 881 RATTLER Enoch Hickson Enoch Hickson 150
11th Dec. 889 MARTHA Samuel Robinson Samuel Robinson 140
1874 . . . . .
31st Jan. 894 SALOME John Moore & Co. John Moore 145
9th Feb. 897 TEMPERANCE STAR William Royle Peter Royle 150
10th Feb. 898 PRUDENCE George Alcock & Co. George Alcock 165
12th Feb. 899 MAGGIE Thomas Fogg Thomas Fogg 120
16th Feb. 900 JOHN & SARAH John Barton & Co. John Barton 120
9th March 906 JANE John Hough John Hough 130
14th April 915 LIVADIA William Horton William Horton 165
22nd April 916 ARTHUR Job Gore Job Gore 65
9th May 924 (?) VINE George Ireland George Ireland 115
20th May 922 ARROW Joseph Leather Joseph Leather 70
21st May 923 GEORGE THOMAS -
now "A".
Thomas Goodier William Goodier 40
21st May 924 MARY -
now "B".
Thomas Goodier William Goodier 40
1st June 929 POLLY Thomas Harrison James Harrison 100
3rd June 930 ESTELLA William Forster & pr. William Forster 165
12th June 934 JOE -
now STAR
Joseph Shaw William Shaw 100
16th June 936 SARAH ANN JANE William Weedall S. Weedall 110
31st July 945 VIGILANT -
William Musker William Musker 65
7th Sept. 950 JANE James Gerrard Charles Gerrard 150
1875 . . . . .
12th March 959 ALICE CAPPER George Capper George Capper 175
23rd June 966 FIVE BROTHERS John Gorton John Gorton 60
5th July 969 JAMES & SARAH James Deakin James Deakin 60
29th July 972 PIONEER James Hatton James Hatton 120
9th Aug. 973 VINCEDORA Joseph Bowden Joseph Bowden 150
24th Aug. 979 LIBERATOR Messrs. Weedall Joseph Weedall 160
18th Oct. 984 ELEANOR -
John Verdin John Verdin 160
20th Dec. 989 LUTHER John Mills John Mills 140
30th Dec. 992 ZION William Hickson John Hickson 135
1876 . . . . .
17th Jan. 996 WESLEY -
James Griffiths James Griffiths 145
"Reweighed, see page 548"
19th Jan. 997 LIVINGSTONE John Deakin Henry Deakin 165
14th Feb. 1005 VANQUISH -
William Allcock William Allcock 185
3rd April 1012 ELIZABETH Thomas Houghton Thomas Houghton 140
10th April 1013 ASPREY Enoch Leather Enoch Leather 125
2nd May 1015 JOAH James Penny James Penny 120
1st Aug. 1024 JAMES James Smith James Smith 75
1877 . . . . .
22nd Feb. 1037 SWEDEN Joseph Verdin & Sons Joseph Verdin 150
1st June 1041 JACOB Samuel Newall Samuel Newall 125
10th Aug. 1048 THE DOCTOR George Deakin Levi Deakin 155
7th Nov. 1065 MAJESTIC Wm. Deakin Thos. Deakin 150
1st Dec. 1069 PRUSSIA Joseph Verdin & Sons Robert Verdin 170
1878 . . . . .
10th Jan. 1080 OWEN -
Elizabeth Griffiths Thomas Griffiths 135
14th Jan. 1081 ALFRED Joseph Wakefield Joseph Wakefield 75
28th Jan. 1084 JOSEPH William
18th Feb. 1090 LAUREL William Whitehead William Whitehead 125
19th Feb. 1091 SUPERB William Allcock William Allcock 175
6th March 1095 RICHARD R. & E. Rowbottom Ezekiel Rowbottom 150
25th March 1101 MARY ELLEN James Whitehead George Whitehead 105
26th March 1102 SARAH ANN George Betley George Betley 85
13th April 1106 HENRY -
Charles Joynson Charles Joynson 100
7th May 1109 LITTLE SWALLOW -
James Carrington James Carrington 85
4th June 1113 MAY -
James Whitehead George Whitehead 145
30th Sept. 1125 PROGRESS George Capper Levi Capper 110
1879 . . . . .
25th Feb. 1134 JOHN WESLEY -
James Griffiths James Griffiths 155
11th March 1135 KITTY John Barton John Barton 150
1880 . . . . .
11th Feb. 1151 RATTLER James Barker James Barker 160
12th Feb. 1153 ONESIMUS -
now MAY
John Albiston James Albiston 145
2nd June 1164 CONSTANCE James Gerrard William Gerrard 115
7th June 1166 DECEMPEDES H.E. Falk Joseph Newall 350
25th June 1170 JOHN WILLIAM William Hough William Hough
page corner missing
20th July 1173 GROSVENOR Richard Blower Richard Blower junr. 135
1881 . . . . .
4th March 1183 S.S. ALICE CAPPER George Capper George Capper 180
19th April 1187 S.S. PETER Joseph Verdin & Sons John Boden 240
4th May 1190 PEARL Peter Harrsison Peter Harison 145
16th May 1193 EMILY MARY William Lamb William Lamb 125
1882 . "Boats listed as Steamer or Barge" . . .
9th Feb. 1135 HARRIET Peter Walker Peter Walker 145
11th Feb. 1136 CHARLES WESLEY James Griffiths James Griffiths 165
1883 . . . . .
16th May 1170 WILLIAM Joseph Whitehead Joseph Whitehead 125
18th May 1172 CEYLON Rd. Blower Rd. Blower 145
9th Aug. . GERTRUDE Thomas Williamson Thomas Williamson 135
6th Sept. . CITY OF WASHINGTON Stubbs Bros. Thos. Stubbs 245
1884 . . . . .
10th April . ALFRED James Cross James Cross 120
26th June . VICTORY William Atherton William Atherton 155
11th Aug. . PROVIDENCE Hirman Gates Hirman Gates 140
31at Aug. . ANNIE Joseph Gates Joseph Gates 135
1886 . . . . .
8th July . FANNY Henry Atherton Henry Atherton 120
1887 . . . . .
20th May . ALBERT Robt. Williamson Robt. Williamson 140
30th Nov. . POLLY Thomas Harrison Thomas Harrsion 100
1888 . . . . .
1890 . . . . .
1892 . . . . .
22nd March . EMMELINE Geo. Whitehead Geo. Whitehead 125
4th April . VIOLET Sam Vernon Sam Vernon 145
26th May . VENCEDORA Jos. Boden & pr. Jos. Boden & pr. 145
21st Sept. . ACTIVE Joseph Wakefield Joseph Wakefield 85
1893 . . . . .
16th Jan. . CAYMAN Wm. Whitehead Wm. Whitehead 125
1894 . . . . .
23rd Aug. . VICTORY Wm. Atherton Wm. Atherton 155
1895 . . . . .
. . End of entries. . . .
1898 . . . . .
Frontpage Register 1859-1863