Cheshire: Chester - Quarter Sessions Records and other
records of the Justices of the Peace
Concerning the larceny of a goose.
The confession of Ellen Backensoll taken by
oath the 12 Oct 1592 Anno R.R. Eliz 34 cora Will'm Brereton
Milit, 1592. This examinant sayeth that
upon Tuesday last past Wm. Joneson of Sandbache, weaver, persuaded her to go to
some place to steale a goose to eat, so as this ex'nt went upon the Wednesday
next following to one Richhard Spearepoynt's house of Brereton and late
in the eveninge she did steale a goose there and carried it to the said
Joneson's workehouse in Sandbache where she every night did lye: and earlie in
the morninge this present 12 Oct
1592 Wm. Joneson did call upon her, who
was then asleep, and asked of her whether she had gotten a goose, and answering
that she had one arose and took it with her into Wm. Joneson's house and
delivered it unto Wm. Joneson and his wife. And she said Joneson's wife
presentlie dressed the goose and retained it in her keepinge: and further this
examinant sayeth that Wm. Joneson demanded of her whether she had the goose far
enough and she answered in the presence of Joneson's wife that she had it at
one Richard Spearepoynt's house in Brereton foresaid and further cannot say.
W. Brereton.
See S. B. 2A,
17 Oct 1592. for the indictment of Ellen Backensoll and William Joneson.
The former pleads guilty and the latter places himself on the mercy of the
25 Oct 1603. 1 Jac. 1st, Relief for infected Towns.
It is ordered that a contribution and assessment
amounting to the fourth part of a mize be speedilie made and collected for the
relief of the inhabitants of the townes of Macclesfield and Congleton, being
now visited with sickness, through the countie whereof two parts to be paid to
Sir Vrian Leigh, Sir Thomas Stanley knights and Randle Davenport esquire for
the use of Macclesfield and the other third part for the use of Congleton to be
paid to the hands of William Liversage and Henry Manwaringe esquires before the 10 Nov
next. And letters for the speedie collection thereof to be sent by the
Clerke of the Peace to the high Constables in everie hundred, provided that the
hundreds of Macclesfield and Northwich (together with the township of
Boughton being now likewise visited) be exempted from this taxation.
Northwich, 26 Apr 1608 , 6 Jac. 1st, Order of the Privy
Council to stay the transportation of corn.
my Lords of the Council by their letters directed unto me thought fit to stay
at this time the transportation of corn, both in respect that the price of
grain is already grown to an extraordinary rate through the late
unseasonableness of the year, as also by reason of information which their
Lordships have received of some fear conceived by the poorer sort of people of
a further dearth if the transportation of grain should not at this time be
forborne. And therefore for the good of the Commonwealth and for the better
satisfaction of the people, their Lordships have resolved that there shall be a
restraint of all transportation until it be necessary for the benefit of the
state, to set it again at liberty. And their Lordships have required me that I
should give order unto the officers of the ports throughout the Realm for a
general restraint of transportation of grain in such manner as aforesaid. And
withall that certificates should be from time to time sent unto me by the
Justices of Peace touching the ordinary rate of grain for the better ordering
of restraint or liberty of transportation as just cause shall be made unto
their Lordships. These are not only to signify that by this messenger I have
sent my letters to his Majesty's officers of the ports within the Shire for
stay of the transportation of corn, but also specially to require you to
certify me under six of your hands at the least, at the next Quarter Sessions
and so quarterly from time to time of the usual rates of all sorts of corn and
grain to the end their Lordships may be the better guided either to continue or
release this restraint.
wish you heartily well to fare: from Dorset House this 30 Jan 1607.
very loving friend
the Justices of Peace within the County of Chester.
Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer.
Northwich, 26 Apr 1608 , 6 Jac. Order concerning
it is ordered at this Sessions that no bridges in the County shall at any time
hereafter be builded or repaired at the charge of the whole County before they
have received a due examination in open Sessions by examination of witnesses
inhabiting the towns or parishes next adjacent, whether the bridge or bridges
ought of right to be builded or repaired by any hundred, parish, town, private
person, body politic or corporate, or by the whole county. And for that such
proof doth commonly consist in the testimony of very aged men who haply are not
able to travel to the Sessions. It is further ordered that such persons as
shall prefer a petition to the Justices to have bridges builded or repaired
upon the charge of the whole county shall first procure a commission pro. Dno.
Rege. out of the Exchequer at Chester directed to the Justices of that hundred
wherein the bridges are, to examine such aged persons and others who can yield
their testimony how such bridges ought of right to be made or repaired. The
petitioners, on return of the commission, shall bring True copies of the
depositions taken by the commission under test of the Court of Exchequer, which
shall be given in evidence to the Jury at the next Quarter Sessions. And the
same jury shall then enquire, and deliver a verdict, who of right ought to
repair or amend such bridges. And the Justices at these sessions shall proceed
to take order thereupon according to the statute in such case provided.
Nantwich, 11 Oct 1614
12 Jac. Letter concerning appointment of a High Constable.
Maynwaring. There was nominated unto the Justices at the last Sessions at
Northwich Henry Houghe of Knutsford for High Constable of the Hundred of
have informed myself (upon complaint of his unfitness for the place) of his
estate, and I find his freehold of land is exceeding small, so small as suits
not to bear that office, and the more unnecessary for him in regard his best
means is by trading in commodities, being a Shopkeeper.
desire you will make known unto the Justices at this Sessions that some other
fitter man may be chosen for that service.
Dunham, 09 Oct 1614. G. Bouthe.
on face: Wm. Foxley to be spared.
Mr. Peter Maynwaring, Deputy Clerk of the Peace.
Northwich, 19 Apr 1632. 8 Car. 1st, An old soldier's
To the
Right Hon. William Earl of Derby, Lord Lieutenant, the hon. Sir John Savage
Knt., Sir George Bouth and Sir Richard Wilbraham Barts. with the rest of the
noble Knights and gentlemen his Ma'tie's Justices for this County of Chester.
humble petition of Bully Kent an old soldier of the King's, or the King's old
Prayeth pardon to relate and to acknowledge with
thanks that it was your worships' good pleasure (some six years now past or
thereabouts) to appoint a certain pension of four marks p. Ann. to be payed
your petitioner during his life. That he received his pension the three first
years and sithence not a penny. For your Petitioner hath not resided in this
kingdom the last three years but been on the seas in a man-of-war coasting or
travelling lands remote and far distant from this country. Where missing his
wished for hope he touched only that Cape and fell short of the fortunate
Therefore at this time he becomes a most humble
suppliant that it would please you to re-establish unto the Bully his stipend
formerly granted, and to give your order good directions that the arrears may
be paid.
my deputye leftenants take this petition into their consideration which I hold
but reasonable to be granted.
as not to be denied. John Savage.
Savage, G. Booth, Will: Brereton, Tho. Brereton, Tho: Smith, William Foster, G.
Byrom, Hen: Birkhened, Hugh Wilbraham.
Knutsford, 09 May 1633. 9 Car. 1st, The petition of
John Kent a Soldier of the King.
the Right hon: William Earl of Derby and the rest of the Justices. Shewing that
in Apr
last at the Sessions houlden at Northwich it was ordered by the Justices
that the sum of £8 of arrears of your petitioner's pay should have been paid
unto him by the Treasurer of the County on the sight of the order.
Nevertheless, ever since he cannot get one penny but is posted off with excuses
that the moneys due to him are transferred to the erecting or amending of their
House of Correction.
petitioner prayeth some redress (such as to your wisdoms shall be thought
meete) that he may receive such moneys as have been formerly allotted him, as
also what may appear due since.
Note on document: That it would please Sir George
Boothe to take presente course for the relief of the petitioner and to
acquainte the Clerk of the Peace with the contents in regarde I did expect I
should have been no further troubled and therefore am to desire you further to
see the petitioner satisfied.
at above Sessions report that Kent received his pay at midsummer 1630 , so that in Jan 1632 when he made his
petition there was but one year and a half unpaid, £4 and no more. F.1,
D.37, 1632. It appeared that he had
untruly informed the Earl of Derby and Justices. Yet upon a second
recommendation of the Earl it pleased the Bench at Christmas Sessions last to
cause the £4 to be paid to Kent. The Court is desirous that the Earl should be
satisfied and is pleased to restore Kent his pension of four markes p. ann.
Northwich, 06 Oct 1635. 11 Car. 1st,
from Sir Thomas Aston, Sheriff, to Sir George Booth respecting accounts for the
repair of Frodsham bridge and the Shire Hall; also for shipmoney.
Sir George, I shall desire you to acquaint the rest of the Justices that
whereas they were pleased to nominate Sir John Savadge and myself for the
receipt of moneys for the repair of Frodsham bridge; and also myself and others
for receiving moneys to be collected for the repair of the Shire Hall, both the
works are almost finished and yet part of the money for both is behind in the
hands of the head constables especially of Francis Newton head constable for
the Hundred of Bucklowe, who hath long since received great part of the bridge
money and not paid it over.
Many townships he pretends to be yet unpaid upon
pretence of holding of St. John's of Jerusalem, which I desire you to take into
consideration and to give some order as you shall find cause. I appointed the
constables of Warburton to attend you with their Charter. It is a great discouragement
to others in such leyes as are for public use that all do not bear their equal
shares having equal benefit. And for the money received by Newton I desire you
will order him to pay it, or to fine him for his negligence as shall be thought
fit. Further I shall desire you to advise whether it be not convenient to
remove him from his place, for that in this great leavy for the ship I am
directed to imploy head constables for collecting the money; and if so great
sums should fall into the hands of so ill a paymaster the country and the
King's service might suffer by it. So desiring to be excused that I could not
wait on you. With the tender of my best respects to your associates I rest ...
Northwich, 06 Oct. 11 Car. 1st.
of Bench: Upon complaint this day by Francis Newton gent that the Townships and
persons hereunder named have refused to pay their several assessments towards
the repair of Frodsham bridge and the Shire Hall ... This Bench doth order that
Francis Newton shall direct his precepts to the petty constables requiring them
to give notice to such persons that have refused to pay their leys to appear
before the Judges at Chester upon Tuesday in the Assize weeke next to answer
their contempt before them.
Northwich, 02 May 1648.
Cleansing of Bostock Hall from the Sickness. Petition of Samuel Caryngton, Clerk, for the return of certain goods he claims which are about to be sold.
Sir George Booth, Thomas Standley Esq and Colonel John Leigh or to any of these
gentlemen. Humbly sheweth. Whereas it appears by an order under your hands
bearinge date 05 Oct 1647 that the goods of John Mainwaringe, late of
Bostocke gent, should bee seized and sold towards the cleansinge of Bostocke
Hall from the sickness. May it please your honors your peticoner's wife layd
upp certaine goods with her sister, wife unto the said John Mainwaringe now
deceased, to be kept from plunder, and they beinge now found in the possession
of John Mainwaringe are with the rest of the goods seized on and by Thomas
Church and others though well knowne by them to bee your peticoner's, have
under pretence of the foresaid Order offered them to sale in Middlewich to the
great wronge ...
May it please you therefore to grant an Order directed
both to the old and new Constables of Bostocke, to Thomas Church and Thomas
Barrow that forthwith they deliver unto your peticoner's wife a suite of greene
cloth for a bed, with greene and white lace and fringe of the same color, one
bible in folio, a geneva print lent unto the said John Mainwaringe in the time
of his sickness and with other goods shee lent to her sister which shee may
make just claime unto.
Shee to have them delive'd unto her, giving security to be responsible for the
same in case the sequestrators goe against her.
Northwich, 03 Apr 1649. Petition of Elinor Stambridge
concerning an assault on her person by John Stockton.
the Honourable Bench of Justices at Northwich.
humble petition of Elianor Stambridge, Sheweth that upon 23 Jul
last past being the Lord's Day and the sacrament of the Lord's Supper
being appointed to be administered that day: your Petitioner went in the
morning to milk her father's kine intending to be partaker at the Lord's table:
but as shee was milking shee was violently set upon by one John Stockton (who
stands bound to appear at this Sessions.) who tooke your Petitioner and threw
her upon the ground with a purpose to abuse her body. But being not able to
accomplish his ungodly designe, the Lord in mercie strengthening her to resist:
he sought to take away her life by putting her into a pit of water, from whence
your petitioner endeavouring to recover herselfe he put her down into the water
a second time. And when she cryed out for helpe, Stockton did lay fast hold
upon her bosome, And would not let her goe, till a neighboure mayd who was
going to the Kine, hearing her cry out came running towards her and was come
within two or three roods of them.
Your Petitioner humbly desires your worships to take
the evill dealing of the above said John Stockton into your serious
consideration, and to grant her justice against him, that hereafter shee may
goe about her lawfull occasions without feare and others may be afraid to offer
the like violence.
Elinor Stambridge 03 Apr 1649 confirmed ye contents of this peticon to be
Stockton is bound over againe.
Ibid., 1650. Petition of Katharin Stubbs for
compensation for the distruction of her house at Northwich.
Col. Croxton with the rest of the Justices at the Sessions sitting att
Middlewich. The Humble peticon of Katharin Stubbs formerly the wife of John
Stubbs of Witton Deceased, sheweth That whereas your peticoner haveing her
habitacon without the walls of Northwich in the tyme of the Garrison, and being
her house Joynd unto the outmost guard, upon the comeing of Prince Rupert
against the towne as the Officers and Souldiers within the towne suspected, the
Officers and gentlemen within the towne caused ffower bayes of her building to
be pulled downe for feare of giveing advantage to ye Enimye soe that your poore
peticoner sustayned great losses there, after a greater and former losse, viz.:
loosing her deare husband in the service as is not unknown to many of the
The Humble peticon of your peticoner is that you
would be pleased to looke upon my poore condicon and be pleased to afford some
small contribution towards my reliefe
The treasurer to pay her, or else to shewe cause to Colonel Gerrard to the
Ibid., 1651. Escape of Scotch prisoners incarcerated at Brereton.
the Justices of Peace of the County Palatine of Chester. The humble Petition of
John Child of Northwich. Sheweth that your Petitioner being in the pursuit of
the seattered Army of the Scotts took five of them and committed them to the
Constables of Brereton who comanded William Cleark and Richard Perepoynt of the
town to bee their Guard, as may be testifyed and also confessed before Justice
Bradshaw of Congleton. To which guard Armes were deliverd by your Petitioner to
the intent to secure the Prisoners. But so it is that they neglecting their
trust and in their own default and voluntarily suffered the prisoners to escape
in contempt of the General's order and such was their malignity that they
directed by lights other soldiers of this County troope to injuretheir own
friende to take his horses so carefully gained and change their Hatts with the
prisoners as a token of affection to them. May it therefore please yor Honors
to grant out your Order to produce the said William Cleark and Richard
Perepoynt to answer your Petitioner for these horses and Prisoners.
Ibid., 1651. Petition for pensions of John Littler and Ellen Nickoe, widow, whose two sons were killed at Dunbar.
the Justices of the Peace met at the Quarter Sessions held at Northwich.
peticon sheweth that your peticoners had two sonnes who were alwayes well
affected to the Parliament and in the late warres did beare armes under sevrall
Commands in England and had great arreres of pay due to them for the said
when Colonel William Daniell raised his Regiment for the service of the State
in Scotland your peticoners sonnes inlisted themselves in his Reg'nt under the
Command of Capt. Aldersey and marched with him into Scotland and at the fight
at Dunbarre lost their lives.
the said sonnes were in their lifetime the very support of your peticoners.
it therefore please you to allow them some yearly stipend or pension etc.
To bee Certified from Col Daniel.
Ibid., 1651. Petition for Pensions made by Widows of Cheshire men killed in Scotland.
the Justices of the Peace assembled att the Sessions att Northwich. The
peticons of Anne Merryman widowe late wife of John Merryman late of Ollerton,
Elizabeth Crowther widowe, late wife of Thomas Crowther of Knottsford and
Katherine Peake widowe late wife of William Peake of Millington deceased, Shewe
that their late husbands were slaine in Scotland in the State's service, being
in Col Daniells Regiment under the Comand of Capt. Hugh Birtles as may appeare
among other things by a certificate or letter hereunto annexed sent from the
said Captaine. And your peticoners are left in great necessity, etc.
it therefore please your honours to extende your clemency unto the peticoners and
to admitt them severally Penconers.
Ann Merriman
1 a
very poore woeman.
Overseers of poore to provide till next Sessions.
Idem. 1660. The Cheshire Rising 1659. Petition for the return of a horse
taken after the defeat at Northwich.
03 Oct 1660. To the Justices assembled at
their Sessions at Nether Knotsford.
petition of John Burges of Stiall, husbandman. Sheweth that your peticoner
beinge tenant to Sir George Booth in
Aug 1659 (in promotion of the
designe then on ffoot) sent forth his eldest sonne and a Horse to waite on Sir
George Booth to be ready for what service he should be Comanded. That after the
party was defeated your peticoner's sonne was Comanded to Chester prisoner
where he came before Coll: Gerrard and others: at the same tyme Coll: Gerrard
demanded of your peticonr, his sonne, where his horse was that he did ride upon
in the service under Sir George Booth who made answere that he was in Chester:
whereupon Coll: Gerrard, Comanded one of his servants to goe with your
peticoner and his sonne to fetch the horse and to bring him to Coll: Gerrard
which he did, notwithstanding the horse was your peticoner's and not his
sonne's and was of vallue 8£.
it please your Wor'ps to grant your order that the said Coll Gerrard may
restore to your peticoner the Horse or the price of him in money.
Northwich, 15 Jan 1660/1. The Cheshire Rising 1659. Petition for promised pay.
his Ma'tie's Justices at their generall Sessions holden at Northwich 16 Jan : The peticon of Robert Adshead and
Thomas Burges of Adlington in the Countie, Husbandmen. Sheweth, that whereas
the Inhabitants of Adlington were by warrant Commanded in his Ma't's behalf to
raise a certaine number of foot souldiers in the late Ingagement of Sir George
Booth of Dunham under the Command of Tho: Legh of Adlington Esquire, by reason
whereof your peticoners in Consideracon of the sum of Three pounds to either of
them of lawfull English money well and truly promised by the Inhabitants of the
Township: to be paid unto either of them severally upon demand did thereupon
inlist themselves for the said Towns'p: and did continue faithfull therein
untill they were Discharged by Legall Authoritie from the same and the Designe
over, immediately whereupon your peticoners Demanded the moneye soe promised to
them, yett the said Inhabitants have hitherto denied and refused to make paym't
thereof and still doe refuse to doe the same, against all right equitie and
good conscience and to the great losse and hinderance of your peticoners
because their Advarsaries are rich and powerfull and themselves unable, beinge
weake in state, to contende at commonn Law with them for their reliefe. Prayeth
therefore that your wors'ps will be pleased to make good their cause.
Northwich, 15 Jan 1660/1.
The Cheshire Rising, 1659. Order of the Justices recognizing warrants for raising men and necessaries for bringing in his Majesty sent out by Sir George Booth and others in Aug 1659.
many petitions have bin presented to the Court and Diverse of his Ma't's
Justices of peace at theire Moneth's Meetings from several Constables and
Inhabitants of several Townshipps within the County uppon receipt of warrants
from Sir George Booth Bar't and others for bringing in his Majesty in Aug 1659
and haveing sumoned the Inhabitants of some respective Townships by and
uppon their consent (as appeares) for the hyreing of Souldiers and supplying
other necessaryes in that service and whereas many of the Townshipps and
persons (disaffected) to the service refuse to contribute their several
proporcons due to be paid for the accomplishment thereof. It is therefore
ordered this present Sessions that all and every the proportions and necessary
Charges heretofore imposed assessed or to be charged uppon the several
Townships or persons within the County for the said service are hereby ordered
to be Assessed and gathered by the respective Constables of the said Townshipps
in and uppon the several Townes charged or chargable therewith, and that in
case any difference doe arise touching the Assesments or proporcons that then
the Justices of the peace of this County are hereby Authorized and desired to
heare and dettermine the same at their moneth's meeting and uppon refusal of
obedience to the order of the Justices the persons soe refussing to be bound
over to the next Assizes to be held for the County then and there to Answeare
their several Contempts.
Middlewich, 16 Apr 1661.
Cheshire Rising, 1659. Examinations respecting
incidents after defeat at Northwich.
06 Sep 1660. Att Budworth Before Sir Peter
Leicester, Sir Phillip Egerton Knts. Henry Brook and Thomas Marbury Esqs,
Mason of Dutton husb: sworn saith that hee was brought Prisoner before Mr.
Gerrard of Crewood to Chester (for being on Sir G. Booth's Party) after the
defeat and that Mr. Gerrard told him hee was an impudent rogue for not
confessing hee was sent by my Lady Kilmorey to Sir G. Booth, who denyed but
that he went voluntarily. Then Mr. Gerrard told him that he should be forthwith
hanged without mercy, and in regard this Ex't smiled att him hee caused him to
pay 4s down on the nayle to the souldiers, the red Coates, and said it should
bee something for them and commanded souldiers to comitt him to prison where 6s
was taken out of his pockett besides 2s. 6d. to the Marshall and all his
charges, and 4s 6d more to the Marshall.
Roe of Stretton within the County husb: aged 34 yeares or thereabouts sworne: said
that being Constable for the Towne att the time after the defeat att Northwich
received a warrant to bring all concerned att Northwich with Sir G. Booth to
Chester, and goeing to make a returne thereof Lieu: Colonel Gerrard bade him
pursue all such with hug and cry, and if they overwent him to them, and if they
took any howse, to fire that howse on their heads.
Ibid., 1665. Concerning a cottage erected in 1635.
the Justices assembled at the above Sessions.
peticon of Thomas Jackson of Blackden Lane within the parish of Over,
husbandman, Sheweth that whereas your peticoner by an antient Order of this
Court held at Northwich the 06
Oct in the eleventh yeare of the Raigne
of our late Souveraigne Lord Charles the first was lycenced to erect the Cottage
wherein hee now dwells upon the waste grounds in Blackden Lane and hath
continued therein ever since without the disturbance of any person whatsoever.
Till of late time Mr. Edmund Pershall of Over, by reason that your peticoner
would not attorne and become his Tenant after he had sold the Manor and
Lordship of Over and the Royaltyes etc., molested sued and impleaded your
peticoner in the Courts at Westminster. And being conscious to himself of the
wrong hee had done, did not proceed in his said suit, but hath since threatned
and menaced your peticoner. May it therefore please the Court to confirme the
order aforesaid and the continuance of your peticoner in the cottage.
Northwich, 24 Apr 1666. 18 Car. 2nd. Petition concerning repairs of Highways at Witton.
the Justices at the above Sessions. The Petition of the Inhabitants of Witton,
Sheweth that whereas by several statutes yet in force touching highways it
appears that every parish ought to keep in repaire ye highways within their
parish, and accordingly antiently the inhabitants of Northwich have ayded and
assisted ye township of Witton (being within ye same Chappelrye and adjoining
to it), in repaire of ye highways, which are yearely cut out chiefly by reason
of ye exceeding number of carts coming to Northwich with coals, or to fetch
salt. Yet soe it is that though the highways of Witton are much out of repair
by the occasion aforesaid yet ye inhabitants of Northwich refuse to joyne with
and ayde your peticoners as formerly they have done.
order of the Justices is requested. "Nil."
Idem, 1667.
presentment of Richard Shawe one of ye Headconstables of ye Hundred of
Northwich as followeth:
Kennerley, John Furnyfall and William Sandbach of Wimberley, quakers, for not
coming to ye church within this month last past. I have noe more to pr'sent
within my Division yt I knowe of.
Idem, 1667.
30 Apr 1667.
pr'sentment of John Tompson for his division, one of the Head constables of the
Hundred of Northwich as followeth:
1. Thomas
Warren of Sandbach, Raphe Bann of Congleton, Moode Brookes of Smallwood, widow,
Alles Jodrill of Smallwood, Recusants.
William Hall, Edmund Sutton, Thomas Welch all of Congleton, Quakers, for not
comeing to the Church within this month last past.
Northwich, 19 Apr 1670. 22 Car. 2nd,
Orders concerning the unauthorized erection of a Cottage in the Forest of Delamere.
by the humble peticon of Richard Glent read in open Courte it hath appeared
that about twenty yeares since Rich: Glent his wife and Children Inhabited in
Hargreave in the Townshipp of Stapleford and that his habitacon being then
burnt by the direccon of Jonathan Bruen of Stapleford Esq hee did erect a
Cottage upon some parte of his Ma't's fforrest of Delamere where hee hath since
inhabited And forasmuch as the Cottage being erected in the said fforest a
place Extraparochiall, by order from his Grace WilliamDuke of Newcastle Lord
Cheife Justice in Eyre of all his Ma't's fforrests Chases Parkes and Warrens on
the North side of the Trent the sayd Cottage is to bee demollished, whereby
Richard Glent his wife and Children will bee utterly destitute of an
habitation. It is therefore thought fitt and soe ordered by this Courte that
Richard Glent his wife and Children bee forthwith remanded to Hargreave
afores'd the last place of their Legall settlem't where the Constables and
overseers of the poore or some of them are hereby required to receive and
provide for them according to Lawe.
To all to whom these presents shall Come, William,
Duke, Marquis and Earle of Newcastle, Earle of Ogle, Viscount Mansfeild and
Baron of Bolsover of Ogle Bothall and Heple, Knight of the most noble order of
the Garter, Gent. of his Ma't's Bedchamber, one of the Lords of his Ma't's most
hon'ble privye Counsell and Lord Cheife Justice in Eyre of all his Ma't's
fforests on the Northside Trent, sendeth Greeting. Whereas Credible Informacon
is given unto the L'd Cheife Justice in Eyre That Jonathan Bruen of Stapleford
in the County of Chester Eqr. in the time of the late unhappy warrs did make
Divers purprestures and Incroachments by erecting a Cottage house and Sheep
Coate within the fforrest. And hath likewise there also made an Inclosure of
Divers Acres of Ground about ye pr'myses And that hee the said Jonathan hath
not onely soe erected and Inclosed the afores'd pr'misses but doth alsoe
unlawfully still Continue the same, All which by the Lawe of fforests are not
onely Incroachm'ts but also Comon Nusances by the Lawes and Assizes of the
fforest, and are to be demolished and removed; These are therefore to require
and authorize John Crew Eqr. his Ma't's Cheife Forrester in ffee of the afors'd
fforrest to view the Nusances and in Case hee finde the above Informacon to bee
true, that then hee Cause them to bee demolished. And as well the High
Sherriffe as alsoe all his Ma't's Justices of peace &c to be ayding Jo:
Crew in ye due execucon and p'formance of his Ma't's speciall service.
Knutsford, 06 Oct 1685 1 Jac. 2nd, Concerning the stealing of Barley.
taken at Leftwich in the County of Chester
05 Sep 1685 before Leftwich
Oldfield Esq. one of his Ma'ty's Justices.
Bagaley of Witton in ye County of Chester, spinster, aged 47 years and
upwards, sayth that she did on Monday last (being ye last day of Aug ) with other Reapers reap some Barley in
the Town field of Witton for John Stealfox of Witton, Tanner, which hee had
sowed to halfe parts for Rachel Sudlow of Witton, widow, And she sayth that the
said Barley was sett up into Ryders by Peter Yannis of Northwich,
Cooper, which Yannis told this deponent that there were thirteen Ryders of
Barley sett up that night, where upon she did count the same twice over and
found it true as she passed through the Town field that same evening from milking
cows. And this examinant further saith as she went to milk the same way againe
ye next morning, haveing heard that Ellen Axon of Witton widow, (a notorious
Pilferer) had bin mett with corn that same Monday night nere ye Townfield, this
Dep't did count ye same Ryders againe and said that there were then but twelve.
John Bennett of Witton, Blacksmith, aged 22 years
and upwards, sayth that on Monday night last being appoynted by his master
William Leigh of the Cross, Blacksmith, to tend an unluckey cow that used to
gett into the corn, hee mett Ellen Axon about midnight with a burn of Barley in
Sheafs bound together upon her head in the next field but one to the Townfeild
goeing towards her own house, but how many sheafs hee cannot tell, but
conceived about the quantity of a Ryder. And this Ex't further sayth that she
shun'd him at first, where upon hee ran towards her, and overtook her as she
step'd into a ditch. And this Ex't demanding of her where she had the Barley,
she answered that she had it of her own. But this Ex't hath heard and doth
believe that she had sown noe Barley this year and told her noe less when he
met her.
Ellin Axon upon her Examinacon denyes that she had
ye Barley ye Depositions mencond, or ever medled with the same; She denyes also
that she mett, or saw, or had any discourse with John Bennett on Monday night
last, but sayth she was not out of her house that night between daylightgate
and sunrise next morning.
Confessed 05 Sep 1685.
Chester, 29 Apr 1701. 13 Wm. 3rd, Convictions for uttering prophane oaths.
Thomas Lee Esq (one of his Ma'ty's Justices) do hereby certifie to the Clerk of
the Peace that the persons whose names are under written were since the last
Sessions convicted before me for prophane swearing and curseing such number of
oaths and curses as are to their several names annexed. Given under my hand and
seal 05 May 1701.
03 Mar 1700/1 Samuel Dean of Dunham sup.
Mont. 8 oaths
20 Mar 1700/1 John Creighton of Middlewich,
Shoemaker 2 oaths
23 Apr 1700/1 Peter Beckett of Wimbaldsley,
Labourer 3 oaths
24 Apr 1700/1 Peter Barlow of Northwich
Jun'r, the second conviction for 14 oaths
Chester, 14 Apr 1702. 1 Anne, Unrequited affection.
Examinacon of Mary Smith of Northwich taken before Thomas Lee Esq,
Justice, 08 Apr 1702.
Examin't deposeth that upon Friday was three weeks at night about the time of
lighting up of candles, Richard Ditchfeild of Northwich, Feltmaker, came into
her father's house, and asking her for two shillings which her father owed him
for a hatt, this Depon't replied she had told her father of it often enough, he
did not need to ask her againe, to which Ditchfeild said he could not come to
find her father in the house and began to play the Rogue with her. He told her
he would give her a penny to go see the show with him to Thomas Smith's
woodyard and he would kiss her there but this depon't deny'd him and withal
told him she would rather have his roome than company and upon that sate down
by the fire and began to mend her Mantue(1), but Ditchfeild hindered her and
said she should not mend it so long as he staid ... After which this Depon't's
brother (a boy) came in and her father. She farther saith, near a year agoe,
the said Ditchfeild offered to give her a shilling when she was washing to kiss
her ...
(1) A corruption of Manteau, due to association with
the place-name Mantua. A loose gown worn by women in 17th and 18th c.
Knutsford, 02 Oct 1705 , 4 Anne, Concerning an assault in Northwich market.
Examinacon taken upon oath at Over Tabley on
03 Aug 1705 before Samuel
Daniell Esqr. Justice.
Littler of Northwich, Sadler, aged about thirty years saith that on this
present day one Samuel Phillips now belonging to the Salt Works at Northwich as
an Officer for her Ma'ty did assault Catherine Basnett of Barnton and likewise
took away her goods by force as she declared to this Depon't, being Constable
of Northwich; upon which he asked Samuel Phillips why he wouldoffer to abuse
any one that came to the publick market to the great injury of the market,
whereupon Samuel Phillips struck this Depon't, whereupon he and his partner did
set Samuel Phillips in the Stocks near three quarters of an hour, who then
being set at liberty declared he would kill this Depon't and all his family and
likewise swore in this Depon'ts hearing twenty oaths.
Northwich, 15 Jan 1705/6 , 4 Anne, Opposition to Recruiting in Queen Anne's Reign.
of witnesses taken at Kermincham in the County of Chester, 27 Dec 1705. Before Roger Manwaring Esq
Holford of Goostrey, Schoolmaster deposeth that Tuesday was seven-night last
past, to his best remembrance for the time, he going upon some business to the
house of William James the elder upon or near the Comon called Rudheath about
eleven of the clock in the afore noon of the same day, he found William James
the younger and Charles King of Cranage labourer in the said house, the one
with an Axe and the other with a Pitch fork or Pikle by them. And after some
discourse the said William James the younger and Charles King told this
Examin't that they kept those weapons by them to defend themselves from any
Constable or other Officer that should attempt to seize them for soldiers; for
that they would lose their lives before being taken. And the first person that
made any such attempt, they were resolved should dye. And further told this
Examin't that John Yarwood and Isaac Sutton both of Goostrey, had been together
several nights before and that sometimes they lay in Barns ... And further said
they were resolved to leave fire and sword behind them for they would only be
forced for soldiers att last.
William Jackson of Goostrey Husbandman, deposeth
that upon Thursday last he accidentally met with the above named Mr. Holford
and he told this Exam't that there were several persons in their neighbourhood
gathered together and resolved to go on with fire and sword and they would
begin at the head. And that Sutton had got a sythe in a pole two yards long and
that he told this Exam't he had such a weapon in his house and that if any
Officer came to seize him or his son for soldiers he would have a leg or an arm
of him, but at the same time he said he would obey the Constable if he came.
Nantwich, 14 Jul 1713 , 12 Anne, Concerning a Coroner's
Examination of Charles Reley of the Townshipp of Geaton taken before John
Hurleston Esq one of her Ma'ty's Justices,
26 May 1713. This deponent saith that on 01 Dec last past
(whichwas in the year 1712 ) Anne
Ellis, wife of Sam'll Ellis of Geaton and daughter of depon't departed from his
house to go to Neston, about two miles distance in order to transact some
business, she being lately married. In the town of Neston the horse she did
ride upon happened to fall to the ground by which fall Anne broke her arm and,
having a sister of her husband's inhabiting in the Towne, recovered herself and
walked to her sister's house where William Robinson of Ness did sett or splent
her arme.
Anne continued with her sister, Anne Jones, for a
week and in that time her arme gott pretty well, but in about three or four
days after about the 09 Dec or
10 Dec she began to be much
troubled with stitch in her side of which a feaver ensued and on the thirteenth
of the month departed this life. Whereupon John Hall of Northwich, Bayliff,
having, as he told the said Depon't, a deputation from his father, came to this
dep't's house in or about the months of
Apr or Mar last past and
threatened to have ye said Anne Ellis's grave digged open and an inquest sitt
upon her body, threatening to put the Town of Neston to ifty pounds charge for
offering to inter the said Anne before the Coron'r's Inquest had passed upon
the body. But if this Depon't would give him, the said Hall, two guineas he
would not give him any farther trouble. Whereupon this Depon't counted him
forty shillings into his hands as a composition or fee in the name of Coroner.
Ibid., 1757. Concerning the loss of Salt in the
River Weaver.
Fox of Northwich, Mariner, Master of the Flatt called the Lucy and Alley and
Thomas Wilson of Northwich, Sailor, severally make oath that on Friday 07 Jan
last there was laden on board the said Flatt at Leftwich eight hundred
and eighty Bushells of White Salt from the works of Mr. John Barrow and four
hundred Bushells of Rock Salt, and on his proper Risque and Account. (The Duty
whereof was paid or secured to be paid to Mr. John Smith his Majesty's
Collector of Duties on Salt at Northwich). To be carried thence down the Rivers
of Weaver and Mercey to Leverpoole in order to be exported to Foreign Parts.
And these Deponents further make oath that when the Flat sailed from Leftwich
she was then firm and in good condition, and all the hatches locked down by
some of his Majesty's Officers at Northwich, and the Flatt lay at her moorings
in the River Weaver at a place called Dutton Bottoms and that between the hours
of twelve and one in the night betwixt the
16 Jan and 17 Jan
when both these Deponents were in bed on Board the water came on the
Cabbin sheets and on examining the Flatt they found a hole in the bow
occasioned as they verily believe by the current of the River Weaver carrying
down large quantities of ice which struck against the Flatt and occasioned the
water to flow amongst her lading.
And these Deponents say that all proper means were
used to lighten the Flatt and save her lading. And on re weighing the same
there appeared to be but eight hundred and eight Bushells of White Salt and two
hundred and ninety one Bushells of Rock Salt, so that then and there was lost
seventy two Bushells of White Salt and one hundred and nine Bushells of Rock
Salt before the Exporter could be entituled to the drawback or allowance for
the Duties or any part thereof.
26 Apr 1757.
Court doth Certify the above.
the Inhabitants of the Township of Wincham were presented by the Grand
Jury assembled at the General Quarter Sessions held at Nether Knutsford 02 Oct 1759
for not repairing the King's Highway in Wincham aforesaid leading
from Witton Bridge near Northwich to the Market town of
Warrington, being twenty Roods in length and twenty foot in breadth. Now we
whose names are subscribed, two Justices, do hereby Certify that we have lately
viewed the Road so presented and find that the same is in good and sufficient
repair and likely so to continue. As witness our Hands 07 Oct 1760.
Smith Barry, George Heron.
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