Co "A" 1-167th Infantry



Subject: Warrior Non-Linear Rewards System for solving unit retention problems


1. Problem

The NG as an institution lacks the size and personnel reshuffling that the 10 Division Active Army has to insure promotion opportunities are always open. Since people live in the same geographical area for their adult lives, those in the Guard as they get promoted fill up all the slots from E5 and up, creating a situation similar to the very small active Army in the 1930s. On one hand, if this stable force of officers and Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and informal leaders are challenged horizontally, non-linearly, the potential is there to be the MOST tactically proficient, operationally-ready force in the U.S. Military because of close personal working relationships being created and maintained. But the down side to this stability is stagnancy, if the E5 and above force is not challenged to focus on the modern battlefield, and there is no place for E-1s and E-4s to "step up" in rank. Its not uncommon for Soldiers to be "career E-4s", being in that rank for 5-10 years or more. The Ad hoc weak sponsorship by individuals picked at random with a narrow-defeatist view of the NG framed by the status quo instead of a strong, combat-oriented warrior sponsorship performed by a strong core of tactically proficient NCOs as their first line leaders who teach them results in a bad impression that snowballs into a disillusioned Soldier leaving the NG when he realizes there is no place up to go in rank to reward his efforts.

2. Recommendation

Its time to realize the strengths/weaknesses of the NG and to maximize our strengths by changing the focus from vertical individual rank progression rewards (me) as the driving force in the NG to horizontal, non-linear rewards, based on a warrior-focus that creates combat-ready units and Soldiers (mission/men). Monies used to fund bonuses should be used by the Soldier's choice to pay for his attendance at often, uniform badge-producing, combat-oriented (HOOAH!) schools. Our best Soldiers are NOT in the NG for the money, its high time we orient our rewards system to encourage them and retain/recruit those of a similar warrior focus. The warrior focus would begin when the Soldier enlists and starts the Warrior Sponsorship Program which will instill in him the technotactical orientation based on unit mission success and not self-vertical advancement.

3. Facts



  1. Warrior Non-Linear Rewards System (Warrior-NLRS)
  2. Status quo (do nothing)
  3. Hybrid-implement parts of Warrior NLRS with the status quo


Warrior Non-Linear Rewards System: NG Victory for the 21st Century

The Warrior NLRS is composed of 4 parts:

1. Warrior Sponsorship Program

2. E4 Corporal NCO Program

3. Aggressive Tangible Awards

4. HOOAH! Training resulting in tangible uniform badges

Warrior Sponsorship Program

  1. Not individual sponsor ad hocery
  2. The State military academies are not the best, least costly one to conduct on aggressive program, the battalion and company the Soldier belongs to is, though the concept of integrated training is a good one. On the other extreme the ad hoc throwing of a new Soldier directly into a squad/platoon to participate in group training does not create time for him to receive the individualized training he needs. In Warrior-NLRS, as soon as he contracts, he is referred to the Warrior Training Platoon/Squad for immediate pre-IADT training. A new Soldier Warrior platoon (3d platoon for under-strength units) should be created, its sole purpose would be the assimilation training of the new Soldier. This training would last for 3 - 6 drill weekends before the new Soldier is assigned to his squad/platoon.

  3. Light infantry skills must be taught at the unit as soon as the new Soldier arrives

The 11M school is NOT producing Soldiers that know how to live on their feet completely from supplies/equipment held in their rucksack. The Warrior Sponsor Platoon/Squad would perform the following tasks:

    1. Unit History, lineage, honors
    2. Show Battalion website ( and tour the ALARNG Museum at Fort McClellan, AL

      POC: (256) 847-4184

    3. NG Missions
    4. State/Federal, persuasive in peace/dominant in way

    5. Light Infantry Tasks (Mini -EIB) to operate all dismount weapons/equipment to standard
    6. All EIB tasks ( This automatically prepares him for perpetual EIB testing, automatically earns Soldier the Grenade Qualification Badge--another tangible award for tangible effort

    7. TA-50
    8. How to wear/use all TA-50, drawing of his issue and then inspection of the Soldier with his TA-50, assembled and worn to HIGH standards of security of items, stealth and accessibility.

    9. BFV Orientation

Key tasks dismounts need to know operating from the back area of the BFV using the unit's home-station BFV

    1. Professional Military Education
    1. Military Books:
    2. Army Correspondence Course credits (
    3. Army Associations


NG Association

NG enlisted associations

    1. Career Management
    1. Inspection of all personal records of that Soldier
    2. Show/execution of folder or binder records keeping so SOLDIER KEEPS COPIES OF ALL RECORDS THROUGHOUT HIS CAREER
    3. Explanation of State Promotion Points System (SATP)
    4. Show rank is NOT only rewards system or even the best; that retirement points enhanced by being a "super-charged" Soldier you can get more retirement/promotional points thereby boosting the percentage of your retired pay that is drawn from an active duty base bay. This percentage is MORE important than the whether one is an E4 or E5 etc. if the higher pay grade is accompanied with a mediocre minimalist participation.
    5. Explain lead-by-example, egalitarian "everyone pitch in and help" mentality is the focus not "I'm in charge you are not". How many can be a Platoon Sergeant in a Company? Not more than 1-3. The higher in rank, the more you have to lead by example. Anyone who thinks RHIP is anything but an unethical outlook is a "Courtney Massengale", and is a part of the problem not the solution.

Soldiers will not be allowed to "QUIT". Its high time the younger generation of Soldiers be held to the same standards that the older generation that stormed ashore a foggy day June 6, 1944 and saw their days of partying and revelry ended forever. They faced their duty and keep their word, resulting in evil being defeated and the consumerist lifestyle we all enjoy becoming possible. However, this strength comes from keeping your word, and when you sign up for a tour of duty in the NG, you should be held to finish it even if the Soldier is unhappy about it. That Citizen-Soldier has the rest of his life to be a part of American society and we are remiss in our responsibilities if we leave him off the hook by letting him quit when NG participation becomes inconvenient for him. Soldiers with real not imaginary life conflicts that need to be sorted out should be placed in the Inactive National Guard (ING) and mustered once a year until he gets his act together. Allowing Soldiers to escape their contractual responsibility by sending them to the IRR with time still left on their contract is unwise and unethical. In the ING, units will still carry that Soldier on their rolls and will have the challenge to find the formula to fix their leadership and/or the Soldier, not throw him away as another statistic.

H. Soldier Networking

Soldiers are inter-connected by www personal computers or computers at their nearby public library to unit web site and email:

Soldiers always have accessible the latest unit and modern battlefield information to develop a higher level of situational awareness and technotactical proficiency. Details for constructing a unit web site for free using hand HTML coding and free web site servers are described here:

Other Soldier Possible Benefits (not exhaustive)

    1. PX use www online or at at nearby military posts
    2. Commissary use at nearby posts
    3. Family ID cards
    4. Spouse's CLEP tests
    5. Equivalent college credit
    6. Space-available USAF Flights
    7. Dental plan for M-day Soldiers
    8. Military clothing Sales Store use online or at nearby posts
    9. Montgomery G.I. Bill

E4 Corporal NCO Program

Aggressive, Tangible Awards

State Awards

Federal Awards

SMDR 600-8-22

1 APR 97

Not negotiable

AFRCAM short service length

AFRM long service length

DA Form 638

STATE awards continued....

Request medal/certificates/AL-PUB through channels to TAG: AL Attn: MPMO.

(?) Good conduct medal AR 600-8-22

Distinguished Service Medal


Alabama Commendation Medal


Phenix City Civil Disturbance Ribbon

1955, 30 day or more

Operation Desert Storm Ribbon

Title X orders

Veterans Service Medal

21 years in ALARNG

National Emergency Service Ribbon

Berlin Crisis

Special Service Ribbon

went to SWA

Faithful Service Ribbon

6 years of service

Recruiting Ribbon

Enlist 10 people

Active Duty Basic Training Ribbon

Graduating from basic training

HOOAH! Training resulting in tangible uniform badges

  1. The APFT Badge must be stressed as a PT goal resulting in a tangible badge award to include a ceremony.
  2. Perpetual EIB
  3. Each month EIB testing should be conducted somewhere in the 1-167th Infantry Battalion, and available for its Soldiers to test/earn their EIB badges and result in EIB qualified units with an EIB streamer on the BN guidon. EIB qualified NG infantry units will signal to the active Army and the world that the NG's infantry is "world class".

  4. Warrior Schools

Why are we spending millions on bonuses when that money can be better used to send our Soldiers to the warrior schools they really want to improve their tactical capabilities and make their service in the NG rewarding? If necessary PIP Program Development Increment Package funds from State HQs should be obtained to send out Soldiers to the following schools:

Air Assault

YES, Armies more 3-Dimension maneuver capable and modern than our own have Air Assault Mechanized Infantry:


YES, Armies more 3-Dimension maneuver capable and modern than our own have Airborne Mechanized Infantry:

Light Leaders Course

All Soldiers should be able to fight LIGHT without depending on vehicles


The U.S. Army has the world's largest helicopter fleet, its time we use it.

Mountain Warfare School

The world is URBANZING. Vertical climbing skills are critical to reach the tops of urban structures in an unpredictable manner.

The following schools are already funded but are limited to Soldiers in MTOE duty assignments:

Pathfinder ASI F7

Airborne/Air Assault-sling loads are only as good as the drop and landing zones selected for their use.

Sniper ASI B4

The urbanized battlefield requires snipers, the Russians in Chechnya are losing more men and key leader to snipers than any other enemy ploy. The Army's new Brigade Combat Team (BCT) structure has snipers at every level in quantity:

Ranger SQI G or if Airborne qualified V

Ranger is synonymous with a highly light infantry skilled leader who will command respect and demonstrate current and tactically sound leadership. We need Rangers throughout the ranks of the NG.

  1. Warrior Training
  2. Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) parts of NG units to fit task forces/teams

    National Training Center (NTC) entire intact NG units

    Staff Rides - Croxton's (Civil War CAV Raid stressing modern AirLAND Battle doctrine conducted by ALARBG Museum) POC Ken Morrison (256) 847-4184

  3. Real-World Missions

Bosnia, Kosovo rotations; placing key units on Brigade Ready Force-1 standby to deploy within 24 hours after notification. USAR units in the Civil Affairs community are C-1 and regularly deploy within 1 WEEK of notification, if they can do this, so can the ALARNG Infantry.






Analysis of COAs

Status Quo

The status quo is automatically disqualified as a COA since:

  1. There are no C-1 combat ready units in the ALARNG
  2. The status quo has and always has failed considering a retention loss rate of 18% is considered acceptable when it should be ZERO
  3. Soldiers are denied opportunities to go to warrior schools unless they are MOS/job dependant schools training. We are stuck in the narrow-minded skills paradigm handed down to us and the resultant defeatism is inevitable. The NG can and has the ability to be C-1 combat ready and can do what it takes to win.
  4. Soldiers are not being taken care of if they are leaving in large numbers.


  1. Will provide powerful incentives that do not depend on rank progression
  2. Offers best hope for attaining C-1 combat ready units
  3. Offers means to reduce attrition loss rate to zero not accept mediocrity at any percentage
  4. Will expand Soldier warrior skills, expanding the combat capabilities of the unit.
  5. Will stop the loss of Soldiers at least to a level where recruiting, putting Soldiers in exceeds those being lost, resulting in unit manning numbers going up.

Hybrid Combination

Picking certain aspects of COA and mixing with the status quo only waters down the power of the undiluted COA. The less aspects of COA used, the lesser the effect. Conversely, the more you employ, the more successful. The best way to look at the hybrid option is by evaluation criteria and the aspects of the COA not employed:

If the following parts are not employed

(-) Corporal Rank Plan


Those that want to be NCOs will leave the NG

(-) Warrior sponsorship plan


New recruits will not do as well at IADT, some will fail, some will be lost


Light Infantry warrior skills not organic to all Soldiers

New Soldiers will continue to receive a bad first impression

Poor dismounted infantry action subject to collapse with loss of vehicle transportation

(-) Aggressive Awards plan

Soldiers will lose promotion/retirement points from not getting the awards they are entitled or deserving of and will be less likely to get promoted when/ if a slot is open, resulting in more Soldiers leaving the NG

(-)Warrior Training Schools

Soldiers with nothing tangible to show for their years of service will go to another unit that can provide them the fulfillment they need or leave the NG in frustration


Comparison of COAs

On a scale of 1 to 5, with "1" as the best and "5" as the least desirable.

100% C-1 Phil Soldiers Total


Warrior-NLRS 1 1 1 1 4

Hybrid (-) 1 W-NLRS part 2 2 2 2 8

(-) 2 W-NLRS parts 3 3 3 3 12

(-) 3 W-NLRS parts 4 4 4 4 16

Status Quo

(-) 4 W-NLRS parts 5 5 5 5 20



The Warrior-NLRS is the solution to the 1st Battalion 167th Infantry (M)'s retention and warrior focus problems and should be adopted immediately as Battalion policy.








BN Special Projects NCOIC