Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 27, No. 3, Nov. 1981


Ahmad Jamaludin

Over the years humanoid behaviour has been reported to be largely absurd and sometimes childish in nature. These observations therefore raise an important question – how intelligent are these entities? The excellent mode of propulsion of the UFOs, and their leaps from their point of origin into our physical reality seem to place them many steps ahead of us. But the behaviour exhibited by the entities seems to demonstrate the presence of different levels of intelligence amongst them.

From the hundreds of close contact reports with these entities, where either a one or two-way communication has taken place, we are able to classify their intelligence into different levels, as set out below. These levels of intelligence are based on how they approach human witnesses in trying to convey their message. This classification does not include Adamski-type contact. An entity which is intelligent will find a better way of getting the message to the percipient when compared to the one who is less intelligent. Based on these, we have therefore come to the conclusion that the levels of intelligence of the UFO occupants can be classed in five different levels. We present this classification, below with specific examples.

Level 1 – Entities possess telepathic powers. A two-way communication between entities and percipient is possible even though percipient does not have telepathic ability.

November 1957, Aston, England: "….she realised that questions which were racing through her mind were being answered mentally." (1)

February 1977, Concord, CA, USA: "…suddenly he was in the ship. He asked what was happening and telepathically he was told the aliens were on a mission to study life habits on Earth." (2)

Level 2 – Entities do not possess telepathic ability, but have knowledge of, and can speak the languages of Earth.

Spring 1964, Tioga City, NY, USA: "…one of the ‘men’ commenced to talk. His English was very smooth and effortless." (3)

August 1953, Cindad Valley, Mexico: "…one ‘man’ spoke good Spanish, but in a peculiar manner, ‘stringing the words together’ in a strange accent while the other evidently understood it but did not speak." (4)

Level 3 – Entities use instruments to aid them to converse with the percipient. They probably do not possess telepathic powers. They have the knowledge of the languages of the Earth but cannot speak them.

April 1962, Sicily, Italy: "…’they’ addressed him in Italian, but it was not by means of natural voice organs, but by means of an artificial, metallic-sounding voice, like a tape-recorder in its effect." (5)

December 1978, Fronteira, Brazil: "…one of them went inside the machine and came out with a black box…from then on I was able to understand perfectly what they were saying to me." (6)

Level 4 – Entities do not know the languages of Earth. They have no telepathic ability, and no instruments to help them converse with the percipient. Therefore these entities use only gestures or sign language.

February 1954, Lossiemouth, Scotland: "…according to the witness he and the ‘man’ contrived to converse by signs. " (7)

Level 5 – The lowest level of intelligence of the UFO entities. Entities in this level have no telepathic ability, have no knowledge on the languages of the Earth, and no instruments for communication with percipient. They do not attempt to converse by signs, but instead speak in their own language.

November 1957, Meridian MS, USA: "…three ‘men’ came out of the object. They seemed friendly and wanted to talk but could not understand their chattering. " (8)

October 1954, Choleix, France: "…Two individuals emerged from the craft and spoke to the witness in a language he could not understand." (9)

An ethologist cannot understand animal behaviour if he lumps all types of animals together and expects them to behave in the same manner. The same applies to the understanding of humanoid behaviour. This classification may pave the way to understand them by grouping them into different levels of intelligence.

For researchers who are engaged in the study of abduction cases an important observation emerges, namely that some abduction claims involve loss of memory of the events, while other abductees remember the whole of the event. Based on this classification we see that if the percipient is abducted by the entities of Level 1 or 2 he, or she, will experience a memory loss of event, which may only be retrieved under hypnosis (Hills, 1961; Schirmer 1967; Peter and Frances 1974; Higdon 1974). If the abduction is conducted by entities of Level 4 or 5 there is usually no loss of memory ( A.V.B. 1957; da Silva 1969).


  1. Bowen, C., "Few and Far Between" in The Humanoids, Futura Publications Ltd. (1977) pp 17-18.
  2. Ibid. pp 14-15
  3. Lorenzen, C., "UFO Occupants in the United States" in The Humanoids, Futura Publications Ltd., (1977) p. 163
  4. Creighton, G: " The Humanoids in Latin America" in The Humanoids, Case No.4.
  5. Creighton, G: Translator’s note in "Conversation with Entities at Marimbonda," FSR 25,3. p. 19.
  6. Buhler, W: ‘ Conversation with Entities at Marimbonda," FSR 25, 3. pp. 18-19.
  7. Bowen, C: op cit. pp. 14-15
  8. Lorenzen, C: op cit. p. 155
  9. Vallee, J: "The Pattern Behind the UFO Landings" in The Humanoids, Case No. 52