As a Boy Scout Troop Advancement Chairman for Boy Scout Troop 243 and Troop 141 for many years, and Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 149, I have had the distinct pleasure of helping scouts reach their top goal of Eagle Scout.
As the District Training Chairman, this is part of the training I have given Scoutmasters and Committee members on dealing with Merit Badge Blue Cards.
The first thing a scout should do is find a "Buddy" who wants to earn the same merit badge, and approach the Scoutmaster for a "Blue Merit Badge Card". If the scouts don't already know who the merit badge Counselor is for that particular merit badge, the scoutmaster needs to help the boys find a registered counselor.
** The "buddy system" is always used in scouting, as per the requirements found in the Guide to Safe Scouting.**
The scouts then contact the merit badge counselor, and arranges a time for meeting with him/her.
At the first meeting, the scout turns over the blue card to the counselor to keep track of until the merit badge is completed.
** Again, 3 people must be present at all meetings with the merit badge counselor, as per the directives in the Guide to Safe Scouting.**
The merit badge counselor will then keep the last third of the blue card..."Counselor's Record", and give back the other 2 thirds to the Scouts who will then turn it into the Scoutmaster.
The Scoutmaster will then record it in the Scout's Handbook, then hand the scout the middle portion of the blue card for the scout's records. The scout must keep this blue card safe, and will be replaced in his records when his formal Merit Badge card is awarded at the Court of Honor. The last part of the blue card is handed to the Advancement Chairman, who will record it in their records, order the merit badge and Merit Badge Card, and keep the blue card for the troop's records.
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