Southern Rails
Southern Railway Brief History
Southern Railway is the final product of nearly 150 predecessor
lines that were combined, reorganized and recombined since the 1830s. The
nine-mile South Carolina Canal & Rail Road Co., Southern's earliest
predecessor line, was chartered in December 1827 and ran the nation's first
regularly scheduled passenger train -
the wood-burning "Best Friend of Charleston" - out of
Charleston, S.C., on Christmas Day 1830.
By 1833, its 136-mile line to Hamburg, S.C., was the
longest in the world. As railroad fever struck other Southern states, a
network gradually spread across the South and even across the Allegheny
Mountains. Charleston and Memphis, Tenn., were linked by 1857, although
rail expansion halted with the start of the Civil War.
Known as the "first railroad war," the Civil War left
the South's railroads and economy devastated. Most of the railroads, however,
were repaired, reorganized and run again. In the area along the Ohio and
Mississippi rivers, construction of new railroads continued throughout
Reconstruction. Southern Railway, as it came into existence in 1894, was
a combination of the Richmond & Danville system and the East Tennessee,
Virginia & Georgia Railroad. The company owned two-thirds of the 4,400
miles of line it operated, and the rest was held through leases, operating
agreements and stock ownership. Southern also controlled the Alabama Great
Southern and the Georgia Southern and Florida, which operated separately,
and it had an interest in the Central of Georgia as well.
Southern's first president, Samuel Spencer, drew more
lines into Southern's core system. During his 12-year term, new shops were
built at Knoxville, Tenn., and Atlanta, and more equipment was purchased.
He moved the company's service away from an agricultural dependence on
tobacco and cotton and centered its efforts on diversifying traffic and
industrial development. By the time the line from Meridian, Miss., to New
Orleans was acquired in 1916 under Southern's president Fairfax Harrison,
the railroad had attained the 8,000-mile, 13-state system that marked its
territorial limits for almost half a century. The Central of Georgia became
part of the system in 1963, and the (former) Norfolk Southern Railway Co.
was acquired in 1974.
Southern and its predecessors have been responsible for
many firsts in the industry. Its predecessor, the South Carolina Canal
& Rail Road Co., was the first to carry passengers, U.S. troops and
mail, and it was the first to be lighted for night travel. In 1953, Southern
Railway became the first railroad in the United States to convert totally
to diesel-powered locomotives, ending its rich history in the golden age
of steam. From dieselization and shop and yard modernization, to computers
and the development of special cars and the unit coal train, Southern often
has been on the cutting edge of change, earning the company its catch phrase,
"road of the innovators."