It's possible that Bardon took his own life to escape his persecutors.
Allen, July, 2002
Bardon Research (English)
Bardon Forschung (deutsch)
Please don't take the following too seriously: all I can offer are a few speculations, nothing proven is available.
Bardons body in very bad conditions in the last decade of his life.
We know, that Franz Bardon was very ill in the last decade of his life.
The legend goes, that he had "to work out" the "bad seeds of karma" of the real owner of his body. Most readers will know about this legend, probably created by Otti Votavova (see photo), Franz Bardons secretary and student, that Franz Bardon was a highly evolved soul who was not born like any other ordinary human. No, he entered the body of a boy in his puberty, to help in this way the father of the boy, Victor Bardon, being a Christian mystic not able to proceed further on the mystical path, and who longed for the true initiation by an adept.
With this legend it has been tried to explain the incongruency, of how a man can become ill who claims almost unlimited psychic powers his own. Why, it has been asked, didn't he heal himself, if all these "magical" abilities have been at his disposal?
The answer is (= the legend continues), that it was forbidden to him by the "laws of karma" to use his special abilities for himself. When someone takes over the body of another person by advanced and secret means which are unknown at that time, the overtaken body is bound to the laws of that time. It would be an infringement of the law of evolution to use advanced magical abilities to heal such a body, bound by his karma to become ill. No one is allowed to use powers, which are not known at that time generally to all, in such a case. And even Bardon, as a "high initiate", had to respect this law of evolution. Bardon tried once, reports Bardons student "Dr. M.K." (see photo) in his book, to circumvent this principle and took an alchemical potion which he used for his patients to cure high blood pressure, just to test, what the outcomes would be. As a result he suffered from low blood pressure from this point on, which made his condition even worse.
I won't comment here on this legend. I just like to say that this theory has some shortcomings, e.g. why was then Bardon allowed to heal other people with his psychic abilities? Were those persons not bound to the law of their time? Furthermore : if we now learn these "secret" abilities, are we allowed to use them to heal people or not? The answer to this question must be yes, because Bardons first book contains extensive sections about special methods to cure the sick.
Anyway, we know from Dr. M.K's account, that Bardon was obese, he suffered from high (low?) blood pressure and his pancreas was in very bad condition: he suffered from sharp attacks of pancreatitis, a life-threatening ailment. You can see on some of his pictures (not on my site), that indeed this man makes a very sick impression. (What immediately catched my attention when I saw those pictures for the first time is the fact, that on some photos Bardon makes a very sick impression, but then on some other pictures taken two years later, he seems completely recovered. On some photos he looks quite old, then on such of a later date, he seems to be a lot younger. I was never able to estimate which one of the photos had been taken before or after another one.)
Bardons imprisonment.
Bardons final imprisonment in March, 26 1958 continues to remain a mystery. What were the precise accusations that justified such a stark measure? We have Rüggebergs account in his letter to Tim Scott, who recounts Votavovas version, that Bardon was accused of being a spy for the west. Dr. M.K. presents another version and writes in "Erinnerungen an Franz Bardon" (German) = "Souvenirs de Franz Bardon" (French), that Bardon was accused mainly of "illegal production of medicaments", because most of his medicines were based on alchemical recipes. In a third version, Lumir Bardon says in the same book, that Bardon was accused not to have paid taxes for the alcohol which he used for his extraction of medicinal herbs and for treason, because in a letter to Australia he had written something harmful about his country. There exists even a fourth and more "spiritual" version, that Bardons death had something to do with Otti Votavovas further "Karma" on the inner planes (I cannot remember at the moment what the precise source for this info is, as soon I find it, I will add it here.)
Bardon was probably aware, that he was about to be arrested, because at Christmas 1957 he told his son Lumir (see photo), never to think bad about him and never to believe the lies people will tell him in the time to come. It is very probable that the secret service of the former Tschechoslovakia was involved with Bardons imprisonment: Lumir Bardon, the son of Franz Bardon writes in the above cited little book, that after the death of Franz Bardon "exponents of the secret services repeatedly told him, what a bad fellow his father had been". Was involved even the feared communist secret service (KGB) of the former soviet union? It may indeed be the case: we all know how intimate all communist countries collaborated during the cold war.
What happened really in these horrible days? Were they about to use drugs on him to uncover his secrets? We know that in Russia they were fervently researching occultism and supernatural phenomena in search for means to oppose the steadily rising economic and military power of the USA.
Dr.M.K recounts, that Bardon had many old manuscripts and books in his library, some of them he was not allowed to read. One of these old manuscripts, Dr. M.K. states, was a plain explanation of how to prepare the "elixir of life". Had rumors spread, that Bardon was in possession of such a document, causing the greed of someone with the means to act against Bardon? In fact, all his personal possessions have been confiscated, his golden rings, talismans were never returned to Bardons family. He was even dissected two times. Strange things must have been happened in those days, because one of the investigation agents of the local police asked, when he was handing over the few items which were returned to Bardons family, if they knew who had ordered the second dissection of Bardons corpse. What was here going on?
Bardons death
Bardon had been imprisoned for about 4 months until he, ... , suddenly, ..., died.
Most "interesting" (?!?) in this regard is the fact that Bardon ordered three days before his death, that his wife Marie (see photo) should send him a piece of "Speck" (that is a local special preparation of very fat bacon) into his prison because he has an "appetite" for it. Now, you know, bacon is literally POISON for someone who suffers from pancreatitis. Just check this out in any ordinary medical textbook. And Bardon was not a stupid one. He was even a professional healer, so it is 100% for sure, that he knew precisely what the consequences must be. Lumir Bardon recounts that "father got sharp pains in his abdomen, but the guards thought that he was just simulating. Only after three days of most severe cramps, they moved him to the army hospital at Brno* (see map), where he died in July, 10 1958 of pancreatitis."
It's indeed my impression, that Bardon committed a "smart type" of suicide to escape his persecutors.
Had he been dissected to check out if he took some kind of poison? Or were they in search for something else? We don't know.
It's my impression that this way Bardon even with his death showed his superior intelligence and he won his final battle against his enemies: a simple piece of bacon was all he needed to trick and to escape his persecutors. But we never will know the truth behind these very sad events.
*) Did you know that the father of genetics, the Augustinian monk Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) lived and made his revolutionary experiments on genetics in Brno (= Brino, the pronunciation of the "i" is like the "i" in "milk"), and that he studied 2 years in Olomouc (Olmütz) very near to Opava, Franz Bardons home town? You see "spiritual energy" is on a very high level in this area. (That's no scientific statement, of course, I'm sorry for this slip ... )
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