also Rüggebergs comment on the "Franz Bardon Foundation")
(I would like to thank Mr. Paul M. who owns the original copy of this
FBN by Jim Milligan.)
Jim Bardon, 1344 High #1-FBF,
Denver, C0 80218 U.S.A.
Tel.:(303) 331-9199
DEDICATION: May Divine Providence be pleased to grant all seekers anxious to increase their love and understanding of the unity of all life in the universe, and to selflessly help others do this also, easy access to the words of Franz Bardon, Hermes Trismegistos. Blessed are those whose humility and purity of motive allows appreciation of such a genuine guru.
THE FRANZ BARDON NEWS is an offering to disciples of Franz Bardon wishing to network with others on the path of Hermetic initiation. We welcome submission of articles under 500 words which will help our readers further appreciate the words of Franz Bardon. We reserve the right to edit articles for clarity, length or content. Published articles do not necessarily express the views of the publishers.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: The FBN is published 6 times a year, every other month. Subscription rates are: $50.00 for U.S.; 560.00 foreign (please convert your currency and send the amount equivalent to U.S.$, using a bank draft--do not send foreign currency). Please make all checks or drafts payable to "Jim Bardon".
THE FRANZ BARDON FOUNDATION is a nonprofit educational cooperative striving to propagate the instructions of Franz Bardon. We welcome letters of inquiry from students regarding their personal study. Please help us by donating as your checkbook permits.
TRAINING GUIDE AVAILABLE: The first of a series of Training Guides expanding and detailing the exercises in "IIH", is now available. Training Guide Number 1 is 39 pages and costs $45.00 U.S.(includes 3rd Class postage)($50.00 foreign). Included are instructions with diagrams for construction of a portable magical circle and triangle, as well as instructions for completion of the exercises in Step 1 of "IIH". Please make checks payable to "Jim Bardon".
Following are selected questions received from FRANZ BARDON NEWS subscribers
since the last issue:
Q: I have a question. Once an exercise (in "Initiation Into Hermetics"
is mastered and one has gone to the next one, how often or frequently should
the former exercises be repeated-if at all--during the course of training?
A: This is a good question. I hope the table included as the last page
of this newsletter will assist you.
Q: Recently, I have discovered that despite all the big promises my
teachers made me while I was going to college to get a real estate license,
that I have not been able to get a good Job. I've lost the small-paying
job I found, and it seems that the financial conditions are so different
now than when I first started college.
A: Regarding your loss of real estate job, as I mentioned to you in
your astrological reading, Divine Providence is trying to point out to
you at this time in your life, while Pluto crosses your Neptune, what parts
of your life are valid and which parts are due for change. Some of these
changes in perspective and goals may well come about in regards to your
career directions. On the one hand, Divine Providence definitely wants
you to succeed financially in order that you may perform more karma yoga
of increased value to His mission for this world. On the other hand, though,
it seems clear that the agents of the Zone Girdling the Earth wish you
to "get your act together" in the financial area. It is no good, as I'm
sure you've found, to simply expect that because I have this or that college
"degree" that I will be able to make money. Especially in today's world,
it is often a matter o; acquiring the skills that the MARKET REQUESTS,
rather than those stills that you think would be "fun" to have. Real estate
is a good example of this phenomenon. Now that the real estate market all
over the country is in a slump--and it will get worse--you've found out
the hard way that real estate skills are not desirable at this point for
an entry-level person such as yourself. Of course, your training will not
be a waste, for some day you will be able to use those skills. But, as
I've suggested earlier, you should look in the OCCUPATIONAL OUTLOOK HANDBOOK
to take a close, hard look at reality. Only in this way will you be able
to easily discern those career/skill areas which will indeed be able to
pay your bills well over the next 10 years. Do not put off your research
in that book. If you do, you have no one but yourself to blame for your
own financial hardship. I can only make suggestions such as this; I cannot
twist your arm.
A LETTER FROM OTTI VOTAVOVA The following is a translation of a letter donated to the FRANZ BARDON FOUNDATION ARCHIVES this past year. It is written in German by Franz's secretary, Otti Votavova, to a student. Please see footnotes by Jim Bardon for clarifying comments. The letter was written 6 years after Franz had left his physical body (July 10, 1958), but before Otti's death 9 years later on February 9, 1973. At the moment, this is the only item which has been donated to the Archives.
Praha, Czechoelovakia - July 2, 1964.
Dear Mr.
I have received your letter dated June 17th. I didn't answer immediately,
only because I wanted to you to receive, at least this first letter through
my girlfriend. I expect her for a very brief visit tomorrow. One is and
one becomes more and more an initiate, as soon as one starts to work on
oneself according to the instructions which are contained in the works
of F.B.
It doesn't matter if one person is more initiated than another person.
Each human being is an individual and must work hard on him or herself
if he or she wants to become a high initiate. Nobody can walk the path
to perfection for somebody else.
F.B. not only had students here, but they were scattered throughout
the world and some of those many students not only mastered the 3 published
works by F.B. in their practice but also a series of more Tarot cards in
whose wisdom they were personally initiated by F.B. It was absolutely no
problem for F.B. to supervise the progress of his advanced students in
various ways, no matter how great the distance may be. 1*
Herm. Bauer in Freiburg/Breisgau published 3 scientific works as well
a "life - story" by F.B. Unfortunately the publisher reworked the "life-story"
to a attractive best-seller like occult novel. I had to read 40 pages before
I cooed discover an original sentence. Since that happened after the departure
of F.B. I cooed only communicate this unpleasant surprise to H. Bauer.
I didn't receive any answer to my letter referring to this matter, although
up to this incident I had a animated exchange of letters with the mentioned
publisher. 2*
F.B. had dictated to me already a fourth scientific work entitled "The
Golden Book of Wisdom". But it was confiscated at this place and at mine
and it was destroyed. This kind of literature is not desired in our country.
That during the confiscation we both had to sacrifice all our other
works and books does not have to be emphasized. Besides the 4 scientific
works F.B. planned also to describe the 5th Tarot card for advanced students
as well as other instructional books about healing methods etc. His departure
which came unexpectedly for all of us prevented him of doing this of course.
Not only the end of "Frabato" is falsified as you can see from my words
but a lot has been completely changed and the rest has been rearranged.
In his portrayal F.B. didn't want to write a novel as such, but he
wanted to explain to his students and readers why he was urged by the Divine
Providence to describe the first three Tarot cards and to give it to the
public. He would never have done it by his own motivation especially he
didn't do it in order to be recognized as a great writer. The book "Frabato"
is much more interesting in its original composition than in its clumsy
reworking [the 1st edition].
Her. Bauer was also asking me to write something about the life of
F.B. which he wanted to use as an insertion in the life-story. I complied
with his wish but my composition of "In Memoriam" which is in accordance
with the truth has not been published. H. Bauer mentioned in his letter
of acknowledgment, that it was not suitable for the general public and
the majority of the readers would regard its content as phantasy. 5* He
himself found its content very interesting-so he wrote.
I refrained from a description of the worldly life because it wouldn’t
profit anybody. Should you be completely mature for the hermetic knowledge
then the content of "In Memoriam" which I wrote will mean a lot to you.
I made a copy for you which you can keep for yourself so that you can,
read it often. Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter but please
don't mention from where you received it. Be very careful how, you choose
your words. Hint only on what else you might want to know. 6* Not far away
from Zurich, that is in Lucerne, Stadthofstr. 6 lives Mr. Ing. Wilhelm
Koranyi, who visited F.B. personally tin Nov. 1957). He was our guest for
a few days and F.B. even took Mr. Koranyi to his home in Silesia, where
in many regards he profited in a few hours so much that it was no comparison
with all his previous experience.
Since it is vacation-time right now it is possible, that Mr. Kor.,
and his wife are on a vacation. If you want to visit the mentioned person
then please phone him first if possible. Tel. Nr. 32426. I hope that you
are satisfied with my answer for now. I wish you lots of success and contentment
I greet you and sign
Otti Votavova
P.S. I will write to Ing. Kor, that he will give you more explanations
when you will turn to him.
1* We can understand that although Hermes Trismegistos is no longer
incarnated in his previous physical body as Franz Bardon, that he is not
at all dead or lost to us. For those who accept H.T. as their sole Magus
Guru (magic instructor) and devote their lives to following his instructions
purely and without deviation or distortion, that same Great Personality
who was Franz Bardon will make Himself avail able for personal instruction.
Hermes Trismegistos will inspire you directly through your mental matrix
with the correct teachings as you progress, if your desire to hear his
voice is genuine.
2* 0tti makes mention here of the first version of "Frabato the Magician",
published by Bauer Book Publishers in Germany. Since that time, the corrected
version has been published by Dieter Ruggeberg Book Publishers.
3* Czechoslovakia is even to this day a repressive country which discourages
open discussion of metaphysical topics. Clearly, Otti was discouraged over
the behavior of the Nazis during the recently-ended World War II in her
country, which included the wholesale burning and outlawing of occult books.
4* 0tti again refers to the first edition of "Frabato". The new version
has been corrected.
5* The "In Memoriam" is found in all current editions of "Frabato".
She refers again to the events connected with the first edition only.
6* The Czechoslovakian government frowns, even to this day, on contacts
with United States citizens; it is a Soviet-dominated country.
Jim Bardon offers personal free instruction in the metropolitan Denver,
Colorado U.S.A. area for students wishing to follow France’s curriculum,
starting with Step One of "Initiation Into Hermetics". The tutoring is
private and individualized to your own level, needs, and schedule. Although
there is no charge for instruction, the following prerequisites are necessary
before acceptance:
(1) You must own all three of France’s books & Frabato, and have
read each at least once;
(2) An astrological reading ($10.00 supplies cost) to help both student
and teacher understand the elemental balances present;
(3) An astrocartography analysis ($80.00 supplies cost) to locate the
best astrological place for the student to live;
(4) A magic room set aside in your home for exclusive Hermetic use,
a separate room used for no other purpose;
(5) Magic circle, triangle, and other aids already built ($500.00 total
materials costs) according to instructions in "Training Guide #1";
(6) Short written test on the "Theory" section of " Initiation Into
(7) Evidence of a current and ongoing program of performance of some
form of karma yoga to help other people and give back to Divine Providence
in love.
PLEASE HELP US EXPAND THE FRANZ BARDON FOUNDATION ARCHIVES! The Franz Bardon Foundation has obtained a large bank safety deposit box in which to preserve originals and copies of letters to or from Franz Bardon, 0tti Votavova, and Franz' s disciples, photographs, etc. for posterity. Shortly, we will be obtaining 3 similar additional bank safety boxes for carefully controlled duplicate storage facilities. We ask all students having such memorabilia, as well as any personal effects or possessions of Franz to please donate them to the FRANZ BARDON FOUNDATION ARCHIVES. If necessary, we will pay for the chemical treatment of original documents so they will not decompose due to acid fragmentation (as commonly happens with older documents). We will also assure that precautions are taken to protect and preserve all other relics and papers. Most. importantly, your contributions will assure that these invaluable records will not be lost for future generations. Please donate to the FRANZ BARDON FOUNDATION ARCHIVES before it is too late and these records are gone forever. Thank you.
BACK ISSUES of the Franz Bardon News are available: Vol. I (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6), Vol. II (#1, #2, #3, #4) at $8.00/each.
DEPRESSIONS will plague the Western & European worlds, as well as ONE
MAJOR WORLD WAR. Unless you'd enjoy performing your Hermetic exercises
standing in a bread line, or while living in a cardboard box as a street
person, you must become serious about preparing a financial strategy while
there is still time.
(#1) START TOUR OWN BUSINESS. Or you will find yourself unemployed
when your boss has to cut costs. Take a good number of courses on how to
run a small business at a local college, so yours will be successful and
will not fail (as do 95% of all small businesses in the first 5 years).
(#2) LEARN SOME BASIC IBM-PC COMPUTER SKILLS, especially spreadsheet
(bookkeeping) and word processing (typing) software. Or you won't be able
to compete as a computer illiterate.
(#3) SUBSCRIBE TO THE FOLLOWING PERIODICALS and borrow all the books
they recommend from your public library. Don' t complain about the subscription
costs. If you think getting a financial education is expensive, consider
the costs of ignorance. The Ruff Times ($90 U.S./year) . Includes toll-free
access to experts in real estate, stocks, coins, etc. Call 1-800-445-7833
( or write: Target Publishers, 6612 Owens Drive, Pleasanton, California
94566 U.S.A.). Also required reading: Reanant Review ($90 U.S./year) .
Includes free subscriptions to Washington Report & Clipnotes Newsletters.
Call 1-800-5278608 ( or write: Remnant Review, P.O. Box 8204, Fort Worth,
Texas 76124 U.S.A. ).
LIBRARY. This easy-to-understand book is prepared by the U. S. Department
of Labor and updated regularly. It gives projections for employment, by
occupation, into the middle of the 1990's, giving data on: demand expected,
starting pay, senior pay, working conditions, job description, recommended
training, prior education required, etc. Once you've found a high-paying
job whose working conditions suit your temperament, you can then research
(also at the library) where to get quality technical/vocational education
for that skill. This may be at a trade school or at a college, depending
on the job. ASTROL0GY READINGS c/o Nonprofit Astrologers Network. Send
high-quality blank 60minute cassette tape, birth date/time/place, $20.00
to cover our costs to: JIM BARDON, 1344 High #1-FBF, Denver, CO 80218 U.S.A.
REPORT AVAILABLE: "How to Open Your Own Occult Book Store", by Jim Bardon. 39 page report. .511.00 t$15.00 Canadian/ foreign) to: JIM BARDON, 1344 High 41-FBF, Denver, CO 80218 U.S.A. This is not a Hermetic publication, but is offered to readers interested in this type of self-employment, and for sound business principles which can be applied to other types of small businesses.
BOOK ORDERS: The books of Franz Bardon may be ordered from the following
Brotherhood of Life,
Inc. 110 Dartmouth,
SE - Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 U.S.A.
Initiation Into Hermetics $20.00
The Practice of Magical Evocation - $31.00
The Key To The True Quabbalah $21.00
Frabeto The Magician (by Otti Votavova) - S10.00
Specify U.P.S. shipping for quicker delivery, and include $1.25 for
1st title, .50 for each additional title. Foreign customers contact B.O.L.
for cost of quickest shipping method in your area: (505) 2558980.
IIH = "Initiation Into Hermetics"
PME = "The Practice Of Magical Evocation"
KTQ = "The Key To The True Quabbalah"
Contacts: Unless requested otherwise, all subscriber to the FBN are
listed here. We encourage readers to contact local Franz Bardon devotees
with a friendly letter of greeting, for support and inspiration. These
addresses are not to be used for unsolicited commercial mailings
(Annotation by Paul Allen: The following list of addresses is omitted;
but I would like to mention that for example there is listed the address
of William Mistele.)
copy of this page and post it, somewhere convenient your home. The following
drills should be made a permanent part of your routine as time permits,
although not necessarily performed in your magic room as a formal exercise.
As a general rule, one does not abandon previously completed exercises,
just because he or she has started on the next Step. Rather, one's daily
lifestyle becomes gradually more and more saturated with magical exercises.
In this way, you will not lose the benefit of all your previous exercises.
The numbers in parenthesis refer to the Step and Type and Exercise number
from the Training Guide. For instance, (I-M-1) means "Step 1-Mental Exercise-#1".
"A"=Astral "P"=Physical
(I-M-3) THOUGHT FOCUSING While walking about or performing some chore,
carefully control your thoughts so that nothing else is allowed to distract
you from your intended thoughts, no matter how loudly outside thought forms
may impinge against your consciousness.
(I-M-4) THOUGHT VACANCY Similar to (I-M-3) above, but with the goal
being to completely force out all impinging thoughts from your environment,
while holding your own mind vacant. This can be done while walking through
a shopping mall or other intensely astrally polluted environment, and will
keep this part of the brain firm and strong.
(I-P-1) PHYSICAL HABITS Body brushing, stretching exercises, avoiding
carcinogenic substances on the body or in food, enemas, salt poison-drawing
baths, distilled water, lecithin.
(I-P-2) CONSCIOUS BREATHING As often as possible during the day, practice
breathing in your specific already-fulfilled desire along with the physical
air element (which always contains astral fire, water, air & earth)
as food for the body. This can be done anywhere.
(I-P-3) EUCHARISTIC EATING & DRINKING Charge all your food &
drink first.
(I-P-4) CONSCIOUS BODY BATHING Force out hindering astral contamination.
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