Here follows one example of his stories:
1/9/97: Franz Bardon gives a sigil for Itumo. This is a symbolic diagram which can be used to form a connection to a spirit or elemental being. Itumo's sigil represents an electrical charge growing stronger and stronger. It is drawn in yellow and, using my mind, I draw it in the air in front of me. Some might consider a sigil to be nothing more than an a scribble on a piece of paper and everything I say about it to be pure fantasy. But after decades of working with other psychics, comparing notes, and engaging in a vast variety of experiments, you build up a feeling for this sort of thing. Like a computer hacker with a new program, you already have the habit of working with something until you get the result you want. Even as I begin to draw the first of the intersecting angles in the sigil, the tip of my finger begins to tingle with an electrical sensation. The air in the room also feels as if the pressure has increased as when your ears pop when you are riding in an airplane as it drops down from a higher altitude. Off and on during this evocation I sense the presence of an electrical storm whirling about me. Itumo seems to radiate the energy of a storm the way a sailor carries with him the feeling of the sea or a nomad the desolation of a desert. I connect psychically to Itumo not only by drawing the sigil but also by feeling his aura. Though I have very little natural rapport with the fire element and find it extremely difficult to concentrate on fire and heat, it is easy for me to gain a sense of the mind of a being such as Itumo. After entering his realm and attuning myself to Itumo's mind, he appears before me as a young man. His aura is white tinged with yellow. Sparks fly off of his hair. I also sense in his presence a powerful magnetic field such as is around a horseshoe magnet five feet wide and ten feet tall. I notice too that the hand with which I drew his sigil feels slightly numb. It is the way your hand may feel when it falls asleep but before the prickly sensation sets in. In my experience, the twenty-four elemental beings mentioned by Bardon are adept in working with the connection between the astral and physical planes. They are interested in nature but they are masters of the particular energies which stand behind nature. On the mental plane, the different kinds of elemental beings have powerful forms of concentration relating to their element. And, since they are all magicians, they also work to a limited extent with akasha--the awareness which controls and from which their element is generated. As with the other elemental beings I write about, I like to explore their sense of each of the four planes--the akasha, the mental, the astral, and the physical. AKASHIC PLANE I say to Itumo, "Meditate with me on the akashic plane." Without even blinking his eyes, he focuses his awareness and we enter a timeless, spaceless, and formless state of mind. Itumo says, "Of all salamanders, I know the most about love. This is because I work constantly with the element which is my opposite--with water. It carries my charge. Water's magnetism and its powers I use and respect the way a man uses a woman to bring himself into focus and to fulfill the desires within his heart. I have discovered as human lovers' discover that to know oneself requires the gulf that separates one from another be crossed. "A man's love for a woman reveals what is hidden within himself. His love for her takes him on a journey on an unknown path. Her beauty hurls him into a wilderness of pain so great he can only escape by recreating himself--by allowing her energy and spirit to enter him and transform him from within. "So it is that the lightning I forge in the thunderstorm is the same mysterious power which is concealed in the attraction between a man and a woman. Humans sense this attraction and respond to it seeking pleasure, love, and connection. But for me, this attraction is magic. It is a place I enter to master myself. "The mage whose wand creates new worlds uses my skill. When the mage speaks words of power so great they shape reality his innermost being is one with his dream. His power gives birth, like the earth, by cloaking spirit in flesh and offering it a world in which to flourish. He is both the womb which nurtures and the seed which carries the destiny of spirit within it. Magic masters both masculine electricity and the feminine magnetism which contains, nurtures, and amplifies it." I ask Itumo, "If I understand you, the power you seek derives from mastering the opposite energies of masculine and feminine, electric and magnetic, and the force of attraction they generate?" Itumo replies, "This is not really the right question. The forces I use are not the source of my inspiration. Rather, the question is, `What voice sang me into being and what mystery do I reveal?'" As Itumo speaks, there is an image in his eyes of lightning flashing on the horizon--a continuous pulsing of flashes between the earth and the sky going on not for a microsecond but without stopping. Itumo, for all the dazzling and electrical feeling about him, also reminds me of how I feel when I gaze into a sky full of stars. The stars are both incredibly distant but the sky itself which holds the stars is cloaked in stillness. This stillness brings the stars so near I can feel them within my heart. Responding to my feelings, Itumo says, "I am closer to the secret you conceal within yourself than any other being on earth. Oh, from others you will learn more about wisdom and love. But within me is the dream of your unknown destiny. That is why you have sought me out" I notice that Itumo's presence in my room is unusually strong. I have found that undines like Istiphul can create astonishing feelings of connection and love. Even so, working with undines requires an effort. They are present in my world only to the extent I invite them to come near by evoking the presence of the sea. But my connection to Itumo is much stronger. The mere thought of him is enough to call forth his presence. I am reminded at this moment of a tiny little chapel on the second floor of the student center where I went to college. Hardly anyone seemed to know about it. When I went in and sat down the energy in the air grew so thick I was forced to get up and leave. The energy charge was more than I could bear. But I was not forced out because I did not belong. I was pushed out because I was not ready. This is not an energy any Christian saint ever reflected upon in his or her devotions. If you ascribe to God the attribute of being all power and might, then it just might be He has a few tricks up his sleeve, a few archangels roaming about of whom the church has never imagined or conceived even in its dreams. I never spoke of this to anyone until now because theologians have never been able to answer my questions. Their concerns are not with the universe, the search for truth, or the process of discovery but with how to justify what they already believe. The next time I ran into this feeling is when I watched the Hopi Indian priests on third mesa calling the clouds to rain through their Katchina dances. The land around the three mesas is a desert and yet the Hopi manage to farm it. You pick up the soil in your hand and it feels like sand. And yet out in the desert you can still see Indians hoeing between ears of blue corn as you drive by. I remember a young boy offering me some of their piki bread made out of blue corn as I sat waiting for a snake dance. The bread was very thin and rolled up--a real delicacy. And one of the Hopi medicine men who offered to teach me about herbs carried this fine ground corn powder in his pouch. The crops in these desert lands are nourished by the power which calls the clouds and brings the rain. As the Indians dance with snakes in their mouths, dark clouds drift over the desert and lightning flashes down. When you touch the snake, when you take it into your hands, in the sacred dance, you feel the magnetism within the earth. You feel it seeking to uncoil within yourself. You look over at the rocky mesas, into the russet ravines, over at the vermillion and chalk cliffs, you walk among huge boulders next to streams--the land no longer feels inanimate, cold, or barren. It feels like it is part of your body. Like the electricity within the heart, the land builds up a charge waiting for the right moment to release. And the clouds flowing through the sky--if you listen you can hear their songs. They are not twenty miles distant. You can feel them like a fine mist flowing over your skin. You can feel them as you watch them drift upon the wind. The Chinese physician can determine from the pulse within your wrist the health and vitality of your internal organs. But if you open you heart you can feel the pulse within the earth. And as you watch the lightning strike you can feel, like the beating of the heart, the power which nourishes all life to the earth. Itumo says, "The positive and the negative charge--the force within the shells of atoms--hear my voice when I speak. My power to command rises from who I am. Even the wind hears my call and rises to form thunderclouds or calms and is still according to my will. Fire is present even when it is invisible, unmanifest, and air can not sense it anywhere. "I can in expand my aura to encompass a thunderstorm as easily as you can command your fingers to from a fist But you want to know, don't you, how I create lightning where no electricity flows, where there is no polarity or differential in potential charge? It is very easy. I just imagine what I want and then it comes about." "But how did you learn that? I ask. "After all, to develop a magical will you must already be aware that there is magic within yourself. Where did you start? What was your beginning?" Itumo replies, "There was a time long ago when I was small and insignificant. Causing lightning to strike was beyond my ability. I was so weak I could not make electricity surge. I could not cause a spark to leap. Neither atoms nor molecules would listen when I spoke. The attraction they felt for each other was beyond my perception. "Yet even then I was still what I am now--an intelligence with the will to master electricity. My commission was also the same as now: to forge paths where none exist between mind, matter, and spirit. I conceal the mystery of how to gather strength in silence until the power that is unleashed is great enough to cross every gulf and abyss so the desires of the heart can be fulfilled. The silence that cloaks my will is the same silence woven into the sky that holds the stars within a vast embrace of stillness." "Then is the mystery of who you are something you unfolded and developed on your own?" I ask. Itumo replies, "There are times when you must act alone for there is no one there to guide you." Itumo and I just stare into each other's eyes measuring the depths and how we have explored silence in our separate ways. Itumo then says, "Because something is simple it does not mean it is easy to do. I am saying you already know how to enter a place of silence where the only thing that exists is your own will, your own vision, and the power of your own imagination." And then as if challenged by my demand that he reveal the path he followed, Itumo says, "Come with me." And he takes me back to where his mind once was when he had no power other than the ability to observe. He says, "Even in my mind at this time I can see quite clearly that everything has an electronic oscillation. The leaf on this tree." And he takes in his hand an oak leaf and hands it to me. Itumo goes on, "You can feel, can't you, the metallic minerals in the soil beneath the tree vibrating within the leaf. You can feel the process of photosynthesis--the leaf energized by the sun with a riotous enthusiasm to transform light into chemistry. You can feel the carbon and the oxygen being realigned with more zeal and determination than a production line." And then Itumo smiles and laughs and says, "And look at this. I see you can feel as I do the way the liquids within the leaf animate the entire tree. The tree is nourishing, giving, yielding, and receptive. Touching the tree is like holding the hand of a woman. The tree is a living being. It responds to your thoughts. And for you, when you synchronize your mind to the tree, the tree becomes a transmitter. Your spirit awakens its voice and infuses it with personality so it can share with you visions which, as an organic being, it perceives more clearly than you." At this point, I am actually having a hard time listening to Itumo's words as he reads my mind like a telepath and speaks with the hypnotic voice of a bard. As I touch the tree, I feel connected to it just as he says, as if it is the hand of a woman I am holding. One Taoist master I know teaches how to exchange energy with another person so there is one continuous flow of vitality and life moving through the meridians in two individuals' bodies. There is then one linked circuit so that the masculine and feminine energy of the two partners is harmonized and balanced. It is very hard, however, even for long time practitioners of such arts, to find partners who are willing to share this level of connection. There are very few who seek such a profound degree of intimacy. They sense immediately that opening the heart to let another in this far is too dangerous when the other may depart leaving them with only emptiness. And so in our world it is rare to find a teacher in any tradition who teaches that becoming one with all things is a way of being--that love is a way of discovering yourself and of celebrating the beauty of the universe. Such love requires knowing how to made peace with emptiness and also how to be ready in any instant to attain the highest intimacy possible with another or with the world in which we live. But the oak tree, I notice, has no such qualms about sharing. The tree is like the earth. It knows how to give all of itself without holding anything back. And it knows how to nourish its own dreams in silence regardless of others' response.
To get all of Bill Mistele's stories and to read his training-guide on Bardon's system (IIH up to the 7 th step) just go to his FB-site.
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