To close this brief expose on Magic, I can only evoke the Great Magus, he who through the ages, by different names and bodies, transmitted this illustrious science to mankind. In the past he was called "Light of Thoth" and steles, at present destroyed, said that young girls, while washing their linen on the banks of the Nile, sang of his splendor which equalled to a burst of sunshine through the moire mists of a spring dawn. It was also said:
" 0h thou! N... , thou so young, who did make Thee so great in the eyes of Pharaoh?"To this question, the answer was always the same: "It's the breath of the Great Serpent of knowledge, who only has the power to rise up."
At that time, he was called "Heroomos" which means " Son of Heroo" Hor, Horus, the living God.. The Greeks transformed his name which became" Hermes Trismegistos", great three times over.
He reconstituated the sparse knowledge Egypt inherited from Atlantis, purified, polished it, and cast the foundations of the whole Science. (See note 25).
Then he appeared in Greece. Christ's secret companion, like the savior, he went to Tibet. He travelled everywhere in the Eaast and Europe, came the banks of the " Sequana" in Gallic country and buried in a small island of this river a stone of mighty electromagnetism so that Life, Culture and Civilization might emerge from that spot in the following centuries. It was Lutecia, Paris.
Before the marvels of not only his deeds, but also the emanations of his own nature, the Ancient told of him: "in those days God was among Men". The early Christians, ignoring the profound reality of this being and what bounds linked him to their Master, offended by the veneration this great Magus was the object of, defamed.... Apollonius, the Tyanean(See note 26).
He was known in China and then again several times in Europe, notably in the 18th century (see note 27) in order to discreetly help Humanity lift the yoke of the powerful. However, in all his comings, he enriched human knowledge and illustrated Magic.
When in the 20th century the world faced a conflict between the forces of Light and the miasmas of darkness and because practices of black magic founded one ideology and supported the bellicose actions of certain nations...he came again (See notes 21 and 28). Unknown among humans he counterbalanced (with the help of the Beings of light) the demonic forces thrown upon our poor humanity. As he has done in the previous centuries, he taught anew, with the simplicity and heart-felt love of those who are truly 'Great' and redivulged the true foundations of Magic.
As extraordinary as it may seem to the reader, I beg to render homage to the one who departed world in 1958 and whose name and apparent life were of a banality inversely proportionate to his greatness...Franz BARDON. .
Alexander Moryason
April 1986 and June 1992.
(Note 25)Hermes Trismegistos lived in 14 century BC. His wisdom and knowledge were such he was compared to the God Thoth, Lord of Magic in Egypt. After nearly thirty-four centuries, it's understandable that a confusion was made and that mythic assimilation was perpetuated.
Note of the translator: Was he Semenkhkare, high priest and co- ruler of Egypt with Akhenaton?
(Note 26)
Apollonius of Thyana was born in Cappadoce at the beginning of the first century of our era and died at a very advanced age... thus he was a contemporary of Jesus. His marvelous life was related by his disciple Damis of Niniveh, and this account was picked up two centuries later by Philostratus. Apollonius took away the Egregore of the occidental esoteric tradition from the use of men and ordered his disciples to transport to northern India, in the following century (the Second) , the most precious manuscripts about this holy knowledge, before the cruel ravage that officially destroyed Ancient Wisdom.
(Note 27)
Concerning this Adept that also incarnated in the 18th century and whose name "The Count of St. Germain" marveled all the greats of his time. H.P. Blavatsky precised, "The Count of St. Germain certainly was the greatest oriental adept Europe has seen for long centuries. However Europe didn't know him. Perhaps some people will recognize him during the next 'terror' that will burden all Europe and not a single country when it comes." (Theosophical Glossary, page 360 French edition, Edition Adyar, 1981). These lines were written more than fifty years before the realization of this prophecy. (See note 21 and 28).
(Note 21) This note is about why it's now possible for everyone to embrace Magic and Theurgy:
Now, for humanity has almost balanced a karma that it has dragged a long for millennia, its "Atlant karma" linked to the most monstrous practice to be ever done of black magic...This karma accounts for the horrors it went through for thousands of years, plunged in ignorance and deprived of the efficient means of freeing itself from the density of terrestrial matter. Those means, it had them, although it had no recollection. But it over abused them...The last two world wars almost evacuated this karma. It is in anticipation of the latter that the hermetic doctrine was divulged again at the end of the last century and only after 1945 the diffusion of magic, in its authentic sense, was permitted by Cosmic Law: In 1956 and 1957 the master piece of all esoteric literature about Magic was published: Franz Bardon's books.
(Note 28)
Think of " Frabato the Magician", autobiographic account of part of the life of this great Magus during nazism...He performed during World War II a very important occult work while humanity was facing a karma it had dragged along since Atlantis. The count of St .Germain also did a capital occult work during the "Terror" product of the French Revolution. It is not without reason that the same name history attributed to the dramatic situation in France at the end of the 18th century is used to describe what happened during World War II: " The Terror".
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