Stejnar explains these discrepancies in the following way:
Stejnar continues.
It's very important to understand, that the letters have to be used onto different planes. ... the same prime qualities produce onto different planes diverse qualitative elemental properties. Therefore most letters have to be mastered with two different elemental attributes. BTW, the missing R on page 94 has to be practiced on the mental and astral plane with the akashic- and water-qualities but onto the material-world/plane with the quality of earth in the legs.
Stejnar outlines his opinion in this regard:
Stejnar cites then a number of sources by recent, mediaeval and
antic magicians and philosophers to substantiate his opinion, e.g. Fludd,
Pythagoras, Thimus, the Sephir Yetzirah: all used a 12-tone (harmonic)
scale for their cosmologies.
Nevertheless Stejnars efforts to prove his point of view, some hermetic
magicians reject this position.
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