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London groovers, below, including Thelma Speirs, Hilde Smith and Mikel Rosen, pose for the inviation to White Trash, the fabulous club opened by Paul Bernstock and Dencil Williams - a cult night spot
HOSTS : Dencil Williams & Paul Bernstock
DOORCHECK - "Body-search "which everybody seems to like...We turn away coachloads of Swedish schoolkids "
SOUNDTRACK - George Clinton - "Atomic Dog"
DRINK - Dark Rum and Lime
SALES PITCH - "We automatically thought people would assume it was gay here but we'e attracted really straight people, designers, musicians. There are no restrictions, except no sitting around.  We want people to let loose.....nice boys, nice girls, white and trashy, dark and rich like a fruitcake"
RIVAL'S VIEW - " You have to at least be doing Graphics at Kingston to get in " 

                                                               David Johnson,  The Face 1983
WHITE TRASH  -  52 Piccadilly, W1 : Sats - 3p

Exquisitely fashionable playboy aesthete Dencil of Troy is St.  Martin's  only fashion student never known to have made a garment.  Visibly talented in other fields, he played Paris for Binnie Beaux Arts and cloned Grace Jones for Julien Temple's video epic.

Shares the Toilet That Time Forgot in Camden with three others.  Uncannily modest Bernstock leads an impossibly blameless life though is said to wear ties by Simpsons in secret places.  His accessory company Tinker Tailors numbers Jasper Conran and Bruce Oldfield among its customers.