Ideas for future Freaks and Geeks Projects
We all love the 18 episodes of Freaks and Geeks, they are among the best programs presented on television. But me, like many of you, would like to see more. In this article I will discuss some of my ideas for future Freaks and Geeks projects.
Now as most of you know, Freaks and Geeks covered Sam Weirs freshman year, in the 18 episodes. I great idea for a TV movie would be "Freaks and Geeks: Sophmore Year". TV movies generally run 2 hours and highlight a large span of time. If this were to be done with Freaks and Geeks, you could highlight the entire sophmore year.
Another idea I have is a TV movie surrounding around Daniel and Kims wedding, Lindsey and Nicks wedding, and Ken and.......someone's wedding. I see the couples running off to get married in some stale chapel. Just before they are to be married, Mr. and Mrs. Weir come running into the chapel, to talk the couples out of the marrages.
I am sure they are a ton of other idea that would make great movies, or maybe another run of the series, but I am going to leave you with those. I would like to stress that these are ONLY IDEAS. There are no scripts, or plans to produce them. I am not a producer, nor do I have the rights or the money to produce them. So I leave you with these ideas. Maybe someday we'll see another Freaks and Geeks project.
Thanks and Congrats, Mr. Paul Feig
Paul Feig, one of the most talented writters and actors in Hollywood, is the man behind Freaks and Geeks. Paul wrote the script that sold Freaks and Geeks, its terrific pilot. Paul gave his all into making Freaks and Geeks the terrific show that it is.
One day I was checking my email, and I came across a very exciting note. It was from, you guessed it, Mr. Paul Feig. As I read I learned that he had visited this site, and had really liked it. He expressed some nice words of encouragement. I am very grateful to Paul for taking the time to do that. I can't think of any writter who would take the time to do that for a fan. It shows that Paul has a certain essotary, high class. Thanks Paul, may God bless you in an awesome way.
I would also like to congradulate Freaks and Geeks and Paul Feig on their emmy nomination. "The Academy for Television Arts and Sciences" has nominated Freaks and Geeks for an emmy for the episode "Discos and Dragons". I found out about this, in a very strange place,at And what gets to me even more is that NBC is listing the program under "NBC Shows Nominated for Emmy's". NBC, you cancelled Freaks and Geeks, it dosen't air on your network, it's not your show. Again I would like to express my congrats to everyone involved with Freaks and Geeks.
Message From The Webmaster
Ok folks, September is coming up fast and you know what that means. Schools starting again. So to make a long story short, updates might be slow here, but i'll try my best to update as much as possible. Thanks for your consideration.
Sincerly, Matt Phillips