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A page dedicated to the preservation of our favorite insect.

Here's a little something I found while surfing the Web,in a page about beneficial insects:

Don E. Short and Jim Castner
"Earwigs, especially the striped earwig , are predaceous upon insects such as chinch bugs, small mole crickets and other insects on the soil surface. This is a large species, 3/4 to one inch long, brown in color, with longitudinal dark stripes on the thorax and wings. In laboratory tests, this earwig commonly consumed 50 chinch bugs each day."

Now who would want to hurt these little guys who not only are helpful, but pretty darn cute too?
My wife Heidi, and Sister-in-law Jen thats who!!!
For some reason, both of these ladies take great pleasure in not only killing Earwigs, but torturing them as well!

Now take a look at this Earwig. Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? Look at the light gleaming off it's back. Kinda makes me just want to give it a big hug.

A note to the menacing Jen:
"Please end your reign of terror and mass destruction of our Earwig population. Change your evil ways! We will not stop invading your home (even if it means death or dismemberment) until you see things our way. Like they say- "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" -so join us, and make the world a better place.

You may never hurt an Earwig again after looking at this picture of a Mommy earwig tending to her babies.

Want to learn more about the coolest insect on the planet? Check out these fantastic websites for everything you've ever wanted to know about Earwigs (and more).
Dermaptera-Tree of Life
Dermaptera-Gordon Ent. P.
Common Earwig

If you love Earwigs as much as I do, join the Earwig fanclub. Just click below and write "subscribe earwig fan club" in the subject column. Feel free to write a few lines about Earwigs. tell me what makes them so special to you, relate your favorite earwig story, or how earwigs have made your world a better place.

To see what people have sent so far, click here!

If you've ever wanted to be able to sex an earwig, but didn't know where to start, click here. Remember, the male is on the right (with the long curved cerci)