Cool VBScripts and HTA by Fredledingue

Last update: 19th of april 2009

See also my home page  and BigOpenBox for w98  and Maxthon Plugins (also in vbs)

Dingue_BBCode_Editor.0.2 Off line forum message editor - BBCode Editor: Size: 18 Kb

-Extra large input box
-Real time preview (updated every 2 secoonds)
-Error highlighting
-Shows message lenght
-Undo/Redo until 40 steps
-Auto insert links from clipboard
-Auto insert default text into url tag -Auto paste clipboard in quote or code -Auto back up to temporary file
-Save to message history
-Save to separate file
-Copy to clipboard
-Works offline (no internet connection nneeded)

Dingue_Calculator_eng.1.8 Calculator and Unit Convertor: Size: 20 Kb

-A simple, yet full featured calculator and unit convertor.
-Convert many units to many units.
-Use of x,y and z variables.
-See the operation you are typing and ree-edit it before calculating the result.
(With the default calculator, the former number disapear and the calculation is processed immediately after an arithmetic operator is entered, preventing checking and editing complex operations.)
-Switch back to the previous operations to re-edit them
-See a full list of the operations that you have been doing
-Save the operations and the results in a text file
-Calculate percents of a certain number or how many percent this number is in another one
-Gives value of Pi -Use "V" sign for square root, visualy ccloser to classic math, also works without parenthesis.
-Cos(X) Sin(X) Tan(X) etc works with or without parenthesis.
-Intuitive, skinable, customable HTA intterface

Context Menu Customizer Hta 0.5 Beta

Customize the right-click menu in Explorer

-Add, remove, edit items from the contexxt menu for a filetype or a file extention, drives and folders.
-Add, remove, edit Fast Explorer items in the context menu (if the component {included} is installed).
-Modify basic settings for the file typee (icon, double-click/open program, caption).

 Clean_HTM.0.1.2  Size: 3 Kb

-Removes garbage, scripts, unsaved imagees references and other internet connection triggers from the source code of htm or html files saved on your hard disk.
-Make viewing html files offline easier and MUCH FASTER.
-No more red-cross boxes and useless auttomatic connection.
-Remove ALL scripts and reference to scrripts (no way a virus survives this)
-Correct bookmarks that may not work. -Add in front of hyperlinks: [X] for deaadlinks and [email] for e-mails (optional).
-Original files saved into a subfolder ffor safety.

 Picture Plus Text Viewer 0.4 beta  Size: 7 Kb

HTA image & text application for viewing images and text at the same time.
(Still in developement)

-A very simple picture viewer displayingg at the same time a text refering to this picture.
-Texts can be short comments or long desscriptions, stories, jokes, etc
-Supports only picture formats supportedd by Internet Explorer (jpg, png and gif)
-Gives the picture size, file size and ddate.

Installed_Files_Checker 4.4  Size: 18 Kb (w98++ ONLY ==> NOT FOR Windows NT, XP or VISTA!)

-Quickely compare files installed on youur computer to track changes in your system.
-Scan the root of drive C, the Windows ffolder, the Program File folder and other folders of your choice.
-Output in Html format or in text formatt

See also the Windows 98 System Back Up project

FixFileName.0.7  Size: 4 Kb

-Rename files by replacing illegal characters by legal ones or by white spaces.

-Rename files by replacing characters which are specific to your language by normal, international ones.
Thes characters may be valid within the language set of your computer, but not anymore when you transfer these files to another computer, making the file unreadable.
For example if one file is named with some polish character, you won't be able to open it on another computer without a polish character set. Even worse: you may even be unable to delete or move this file!

-Rename files by replacing dots by "_" to avoid extention misunderstanding.

-Reduces the file name lenghts to a number of characters set by the user.

-Possibility to undo.

Scripts for more specific operations

 Yahoo_News_Cleaner.0.0.3  Size: 4 Kb

-Clear most, if not all useless text from Yahoo News webpages saved as text file (not htm!)
-Automaticaly look for all .txt files in a folder defined by the user.
-Make copies of all these files in two subfolders, doesn't delete original files.
-Sort the files into Clean Y-News and Non Y-News.
-Creates the subfolders automaticaly if they don't exist.

Bitrate_Calculator_eng.0.0.6  and  Bitrate_Calculator_fr.0.0.6  and Bitrate_Calculator_de.0.0.6 Size: 4 Kb

-Use colons ( : ) as separator (most standard)
-Add and substract time values. (separatte time values by + or - )
-Set the number of Cd and/or of Mb (defaault is 1 cd of 700 Mb)
-Give a warning if the bitrate is not vaalid for DivX encoding.
-Return the time and number of frames peer Cd. (in Notepad)
-See details in Notepad for easy copy-paaste or other purposes. (Optional)

Rename_jpg_and_txt_to_movie_name_eng.0.0.1  and  Renomme_jpg_et_txt_par_nom_du_film_fr.0.0.1  Size: 2 Kb

-Automaticaly look for the files that correspond to a keyword entered by the user.
-Rename all jpg and txt files with the ssame name as the avi file corresponding to this keyword.

Dll Installer 1.0  Size: 2 Kb

-Move the dll file to the System folder..
-Register the dll
-Very easy

 Program_Compil_Browser 0.1  Size: 9 Kb

HTA application to browse through your program collection.

Do you have dozen of softwares that you collected over the years, from the internet or other sources?
This application will help you to view all those executables, installers and zip files easily, with their description and a "star" rating.
- Lists .zip, .exe and .msi files.
- One click on the icon open the installler or the zip file.
- Doesn't list files with other exentionns.
- Gives the file size.
- Handles shortcuts to files located in other folder.

Windows 98, 95 and NT: To run these scripts you need Windows Script 5.6. If you see an error message while using these scripts, please download it from Microsoft. (Size 664 KB) or install recklessly the Unofficial Service Pack for Windows 98SE (Size 16Mb)

Scripts for specific operations with Nero

Sort_files_by_cd_project_eng.0.0.7  and  Sort_files_by_cd_project_fr.0.0.7  Size: 6 Kb

(especialy useful for large video files)
-Automaticaly look for all the files in a folder defined by the user.
-Count how many 700Mb-CD-rom you can do with them.
-Sort the files into different CD-rom prrojects to best fit each CD capacity.
-Put at least one of the largest file inn each CD project.
-Save the project in txt format This is not realy a Cd-burning software compatible format but it's still very convenient.

Nero_avi_batch_eng.0.0.4  and  Nero_avi_batch_fr.0.0.4  Size: 2 Kb

-Automaticaly look into"My Movies" and create a Nero project for each avi file found.
-The Nero project (.nri) will include onne single avi file (suposedly of no more than 700 Mb) and the other files that bear the same name as the avi file.
-Use the method of sending keystrokes too Nero to create the CD project
-Projects created in compatible mode


see also Nero_CDproject_batch_fr.0.0.1  Size: 2Kb

-Do the same with projects saved in txt with the Sort_files_by_cd_project application above