Dairycon 2009 Exclusive!

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Allegiance: Dairycon
Name: Assinine (Ass-09)
Function: Donkey of the Apocolypse

Quote:"My Fellow Cybertonians..."

Profile: he's a liberal tree-hugging hippie donkey. So liberal that he gives Beachcomber the creeps. Believes that the Decepticons aren't evil, just "misunderstood". Believes that all vehicle alt-mode transformers should be forced to take on Beast modes to keep from emitting greenhouse gases.

Abilities: Like all the Automated Security Sentries, A.S.S.-09 comes equipped with a stunwhip, which renders enemies unconscious without permanently damaging them. Armored body in beastmode able to withstand most heavy artillary assaults; hooves can kick a hole thru solid steel or even knock a larger Transformer off his wheels.

Weaknesses: Philosophical differences with other Dairycons often cause Ass-09 to be left behind during missions. He has a distinct lack of offensive weaponry in either mode. His refusal to use his abilities often cost him considerably. Constant speeches about protecting the environment have actually caused some Autobots to switch sides in the conflict.

| Robot Mode | Boxed | back of box | Size comparison with previous exclusives |

Notes: Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he *is* Beachcomber ;-) Of-course, I wouldn't be taken in by his sweet demeanor, if I were you. After all, we all have a darker side....

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