Armoured Catfish
Callichthys callichthys
Origin: South-eastern Brazil south to the sub-tropical La Plata basin.

Temperament: Generally a good community fish, but is predatory in nature and will hunt smaller fish.

Size: Up to 10cm (4")

Temperature: 70-80°F or 21-27°C

pH Level: 6.5 to 7.0

Food: Flake food, pellets, small meat pieces, worms, crustaceans, insects, greens.

Tank Setup: Keep in a tank 3 feet long and larger. Keep with other peaceful species, of roughly the same size.

Breeding: A nest is made with air bubbles on the underside of a leaf, and there the eggs are laid. This nest is guarded by the male, and the eggs hatch in 4-6 days, after which the parents must be removed.

Sexing: In general the males are more colouful than the females..

Comments: This fish is nocturnal, and as such should have a dark hiding place for the day, amongst rocks or reeds
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