Mosquito Fish
Gambusia affinis
Origin: South-eastern USA, through Texas and Mexico.

Temperament: Aggresive in spite of its size.

Size: Males to 4cm (1.6"), females to 6.5cm (2.6").

Temperature: 64-70°F or 18-21°C however will tolerate lower.

pH Level: 7.0-7.8 (Salt can be added too - 1 level teaspoon to 4.5 litres)

Food: Flake food, pellets, peas, insects, algae, lettuce.

Tank Setup: Species tank is recommended.

Breeding: Livebearer, breeds without intervention.

Sexing: Males distinguished by a gonopodium.

Comments: Was introduced worldwide to combat mosquitos earlier this century, after it was found to be more effective than the guppy. Since then it has established large populations in India, Australia, and many other parts of the former British Empire, where it has caused considerable damage to the local fish populations and is referred to as "biological pollution". Note this fish is a fin nipper - avoid keeping with fish with impressive fins, (Angelfish, Siamese Fighters).
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