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A reader writes:
I write to address factual errors and possible oversights in your review of “Neon Genesis Evangelion.”  To wit:
1)  The series has 26 parts, not 25 (page 1, para 2)

2)  "...why, for instance, if an Eva can use its weapons to destroy an Angel, can't those same weapons be attached to a tank or a B52?"  (page 2, para 5)

Angels have AT (Absolute Terror) fields, as do all living creatures.  This is the given definition of an AT Field, according to the Red Cross book (<>; a sort of NGE "bible" that was handed out in very limited numbers during the first theatrical screening of "End of Evangelion" in Japan, and the only canonical source of NGE information available besides the episodes and the movie themselves):

Abbreviation of "ABSOLUTE TERROR FIELD." A physical barrier of absolute field put out by the Angels and EVA's. It boasts enormous defensive power, and it is able to greatly reduce the power of all attacking weapons. The ability of EVA to neutralize the AT Field of the Angels is one major reason why EVA was considered as the only weapon against the Angels. However, the same AT Field does not exist only in the Angels or EVA's. Humans also possess this field. With this AT Field, humans are able to keep separate from each other, and to stay in separate physical forms. [also explained as]: "a barrier of heart that everybody has."

Evas have their own AT fields which can neutralize Angels' AT fields.  Only living things, things with souls, can have AT fields.  The AT fields of the Evas come in part from their human pilots.

To which the F&SN Critic replies:
Hmmm…if every living creature has an AT Field, is this field transmitted to the guns that the Evas use, or to its bullets?  Can’t a fighter pilot transfer his AT Field just as easily to a bomb?  Shouldn’t the AT Fields of the entire six or seven hundred crew members of a battleship be able to transfer to a couple of depth charges?  If so, is a projectile’s—a bullet’s—effective range only within the user’s AT Field?

Absurd questions like these lead us to wonder things like why doesn’t Luke Skywalker make a fifty-foot lightsaber to stab people real far away, or why doesn’t the T1000 from “Terminator 2” grow twelve-foot legs so it can run faster, or how much water can the Pope make Holy at once?  Rather than losing sleep over questions such as these, I content myself with the knowledge that the lion’s share of “Neon Genesis Evangelion’s” effect is not from plot machinations or fictional mechanics, so an Absolute Sense-Making Field is not required.

As for the 25 episodes/26 episodes incongruency, permit me to reply with an emphatic “whatever.”
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