Roger Ebert (www.suntimes.com/ebert) Complete movie reviews by America’s most trusted and popular film critic, as originally printed in the Chicago Sun-Times. Rotten Tomatoes Top Movies (www.rottentomatoes.com) A summary of what popular critics and film reviewers think. Also, listings and links to the Cannes Film Festival, the Golden Globes, the French Cesars, the Canadian Homers, and more. Movie Reviews by Peter Travers (www.rollingstone.com/mv_reviews/default.asp) Concise reviews by the film critic for “Rolling Stone.” The Flick Filosopher: Cinematic Musings by MaryAnn Johanson (www.flickfilosopher.com/flickfilos/index.shtml) Playful, intelligent, and refreshingly biased film criticism by one of the members of Cinemarati, which founded the Cinemarati Roundtable. Ms. Johanson describes herself as a “homo sapiens geekus,” and is not above fawning over handsome actors, fighting with her readers, or launching onto lengthy tangents about video games when the moment suits her. “Variety” called her “one of online’s finest film critics” and “Time” remarked “snarky, well-informed commentary in a breezy style.” What does “snarky” mean? How un-hip am I for not knowing? Explicit language. Mr. Cranky (www.mrcranky.com) Often amusing but always negative movie reviews. Explicit language. Suspect Reviews (http://suspectreviews.vze.com/) If the title is any indication, you might not want to trust them. But that can be said of all good-looking women. |
Screen It! (www.screenit.com) Movie reviews geared toward letting parents know if a film contains any offensive material, or letting children know if seeing the movie with their parents will just be weird and uncomfortable. Sight & Sound (www.bfi.org.uk/sightandsound/topten/index.html) British film magazine that polls critics and directors once a decade to pick the ten best movies of all time. Movie Vault (www.movie-vault.com) Over a thousand non-professional movie reviews, plus contests and quote challenges. Ruthless Reviews (www.ruthlessreviews.com) Movies rated not just through the critical lens of explosions, nudity, and good one-liners, but also indominatable masculinity, availability on cable, and just general ruthlessness. Their idols include Clint Eastwood, “Sexy Beast,” Johnny Cash, the f-word, George Carlin, Christopher Walken, and those two old guys from the balcony on “The Muppet Show.” Also includes “The Ruthless Guide to 80s Action,” which rates Reagen-era action movies on their right-wing fantasies, homoerotic overtones, and the degree to which the star could actually kill you in real life. Explicit language. RageMovies (www.ragemovies.com) Movie reviews and important discussions—like will Jason beat Freddy?—from a number of different nonprofessional reviewers. Movie Criticism for the Retarded (www.fortheretarded.com) The name says it all. Explicit language. Film Reviews.net (www.film-reviews.net) Still haven’t found the critic that’s right for you? Try here. |