Charles Becker's FNT Webpage:
"Da' Site"
Welcome to Da' site.  This site is dedicated to the bunch of crap that I deem necessary to tell the few people who visit.  I'll continue to post new stuff as time goes on.
- Charles
Oh yeah, Charles is the first person with a webpage and it's possibly the BEST ever, and other than that everything is fan god damn tastic!
Peace out. -Denn-wah
Members (of possible band):
Guitar:  George Garssle of Pearl River.
            Picture N/A as of now,
Bass:    Charles Becker of Valley Cottage
            Picture also N/A
Drums: Dan Glasel of Valley Cottage
           Picture N/A
Singer:  *None*
            A Picture is obviously not going to be posted for the singer as of now.
Band website maker/musical advisor/manager/groupie/roadie/ - aka band's bitch:                Dennis Sullivan of Valley Cottage
           Picture N/A
Random Stuff: Dan is a bitch (Dennis is too but he's makin the site)

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