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How It All Started: A Biography of Fried Peaches Inc.

Written by Rob Benoit, Co-Owner, Fried Peaches Inc.


             Fried Peaches was established in 2001 when Owen and I were attending Dummerston School. One day while we were dining with our fellow classmates and some soon to be employees, we had a side of frozen Peaches, of course Owen took a look at them and called them Fried Peaches. Owen and I thought that was a clever name and at the time we also had started a business too, but it didn’t have a name, so we named it Fried Peaches Inc. It was then shut down for about half a year for planning and development. Once we got into 7th grade we decided to start Fried Peaches Inc. up again and that’s when we recorded our first CD, we also sold soda, candy, and other goodies/ munchies like that. Our CD was a big hit and so was FP. Then in 8th grade FP got even more popular, we were still selling sodas and candy, over the summer we came out with our second CD which was also a hit with our fans. During this time we had hired several people, providing jobs in the community. At this time, Owen and I are the owners of Fried Peaches Inc. If you would like to contact me about any questions you can reach me at Thank you for helping Fried Peaches Inc. We would like to hear any questions or requests you have.

Thank you,

Mr. Rob Benoit
Fried Peaches Inc.

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