Animals Are Not Ours
A glimpse into the life of a modern day Holocaust victim...
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     My name is Megan and I recently decided to become a vegetarian(borderlining vegan). I decided it was time for me to do my part to stop hurting animals. Since I was a child I have always had an affinity for all creatures great and small. I knew meat was dead animal flesh, but I had no idea of the pain and suffering felt by my "meat". I (like most people) was lead to believe cows, chickens, and pigs lived happy, decent lives before slaughter. I thought all farm animals were raised on small family farms where they were allowed to roam in a field or what have you. Well, was I ever in for a shock...Almost all meat is from a place called factoy farms. We will get into more detail on this later. For now just know that factory farms are places were living, breathing animals are treated as nothing more than machines, used and abused daily. The living conditions are always deplorable, crowded, and terrible for the animals and the enviroment. Of course, farm animals are by far not the only ones who suffer from opression and exploitation. Animals on fur farms are breed and raised soley for the purpose of being made into a fur coat. Most of the time they are caught in the wild using inhumane traps. These traps often catch other animals like dogs and cats. Not only are they skinned alive at the end of their miserable lives, but before that they must live in a small wire cage, sometimes starving, sometiems forced to eat cage mates from lack of food, always bored and lonely. Circus animals are forced to perform tricks which they don't understand and beaten into submission just to entertain humans. I find it so disturbing that my parents used to take me to the circus. I remember seeing how sad and depressed the animals were and I never wanted to go back. You can just feel the sadness in the air. Not only are circuses bad for animals, many humans are injured by rebelling animals or become sick from close exposure to sick animals. Another atrosity we put animals through is labratory testing. All sorts of animals are abused in the name of science everyday. Most people will say "But what about all the human lives the tests have saved." or something of that nature... Well, the truth is, almost all data gained from animal testing, if not favorable, can be discredited by saying that animals are different  than humans so the effects are different. Alot of the time scientists perform pointless experiments, such as can turtles dream. Then the animals are put through undue stress and pain all for something as juvenile as knowing whether they can dream. Anyways, what I am getting at here is this, there are so many ways humans are evil to animals. I want to do my part of being good and I want to make it up to them anyway I can. I feel it is our duty to take it upon ourselves to educate people about what is really going on, because there are huge companies(dairy industries, meat industries, fur compainies, scientists, and the list goes on..) out there that want to keep this kind of information from the public. And that is why I have created this site, to educate and inform whomever I can. You now have the key to unlock all the truth and knowledge you seek, or to turn a blind eye and heart on the creatures who suffer in this world...
Don't be an ass.... show people you care about animals too! Sport some animal rights sticker and stuff!!
Or... you can...
The choice is yours...
Streaming PETA Videos (they work good even for dial up users)
Animal Rights Information (and why I choose to be a part of it)