I got my first tattoo last summer.

When you tell some people that you have a tattoo, they assume you got it for different reasons.
Since I'm in my 30's, people assume it was part
of some "Mid-Life Crisis", and that couldn't be farther from the truth.

My husband had 2 tats at the time, one of which
I picked out for him.
One of my best friends suggested that the three
of us go to get tattoos together.

I knew what I wanted when I saw it:  A blue rose
with tribal markings behind it.
I wanted it because it suited me so well.
My father had passed away and the roses
we picked to lay on his casket were blue.

I knew it would be painful to get the tattoo,
but it was nothing compared to the pain
of losing him.

I don't go around showing my tattoo unless
someone asks if I have one.
I'll post pictures of all of our tattoos
hopefully within the next 2 weeks.

I enjoy seeing tattoos.. to me they are
Every tattoo is as individual as we are, as people.

I plan on getting another tattoo soon.
I want the next one on my hip.  :-)

I want to find a good pose of the Green M&M
and take it to the tattoo shop with me.
I'm sure they could do it!

It's important to take your time in choosing the
right tattoo.  I know there are procedures to remove them, but why put yourself through that extra expense AND pain if you could just take your time in deciding and make the right choice from the beginning?

If there is enough interest,
I'll put a Tattoo Gallery
here on my homepage. 
email me
if you would be interested in such a page.

Talk to you soon,

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