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About Us
The Friends
We are a group of friends who simply love meeting people from all around the world.

The idea started off when we were travelling and found that it was so much easier to get around when you have a friend in the country that you are travelling to. It's not the car they drive that allows you to save on transportation or the free dinner or booze you would get on one of the night outs, but the security that you receive when a local friend is around in a foreign land, and knowing that you won't be hoodwinked into paying exorbitant amounts when you are buying stuff.

When friends arrive from overseas, it just feels good to show them around and know that they have had a great time. You feel right when they tell you "I couldn't have done this or been here if I don't have a friend in in Singapore."

That is why we are extending this unique service to more people out there who are thinking of exploring the island on a free and easy basis.  Of course, to begin with, you've gotta be our friend. ^_^

There is absolutely no fee to begin with in befriending us. You can even befriend all of us and think later who you would like to travel with. No itinery will be mapped out till we meet up with you at the hotel lobby/ airport, 'cos that kinda arrangements are meant for travel agencies and not for friends.

You will be brought around mostly on the public transport services like buses,subway and taxis where you would get to see more of the island and its people. 

There is absolutely no obligation in the destinations that we have selected for you and no additional charge for changing your travel route here on the island.

You will only pay a token
fee for the time of the friend accompanying you and other itinery expenses,which we can advise you on beforehand.

We, the friends, will be advising you on what you should get when you're on the road here. For example, the "EZ-Link Card" which you would need when travelling on the bus and MRT (Subway Train).

You will decide how many days you would need your friend/s to guide you around.

After all, we just want to offer a friendlier and carefree way of travelling and let you have a great time in our country.

Contact us and find out more!  And, see you here soon.  ^_^
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