These are just a small sampling of the projects the children have done.   Some have been done by children under 18 months old.  I will adapt almost any project to a younger child's level.
One of our favorites.... Marble painting!!
The big heart has all the kids handprints with their names and says "helping hands make happy hearts".....  I think we will keep this one up all year!!   It is surrounded by hearts finger painted with a shaving cream & paint mixture.  Even our 11 month old loved this one!!
A few other projects we did, vinegar & tissue make heart imprints on paper and heart shaped cookie cutters make an easy work of art!
A circle cut in half can make a pretty rainbow!!  The children glued them onto the paper one at a time!
These painted rainbows were a lesson in doing things in order (each color) and following what the provider did. 
Our shamrocks were made with crumpled tissue paper in a few different shades of green.
Click the Next button to see more of our artwork and projects!
Blue & green water dropped onto a coffee filter make pretty water color designs of the earth. 
Puffy handprints on a blue background look like land on water.  Anything that gets paint on their hands is a hit.  :)
Earth Day 2002