Friendship Mennonite Church - Bulletin
21881 Libby Rd., Bedford Heights (Cleveland), OH 44146; 216-662-6788 |
January 16, 2005 |
Focus: Almighty God, you who continually call your people to yourself, draw us by your Holy Spirit into such a warm and binding relationship that we may faithfully follow you all the days of our lives. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. |
Prelude |
Call To Worship |
Leader: |
From the midst of our real lives with our very real problems, |
People: |
We come to seek courage and strength from the presence of God and the support of one another. |
Leader: |
As persons who love imperfectly and are loved imperfectly, |
People: |
We come to be renewed by the perfect love of God, proclaimed in the community of love and faith. |
Leader: |
As persons who never fully live up to their high calling in Jesus Christ, |
People: |
We come to be encouraged to do our best for one more week. |
All: |
Let us worship, with hearts open to the
love of God, with hands outstretched to one another , and with whole selves
willing to accept the cost and joy of being Christ’s disciples. Amen. |
Opening Prayer |
Song |
We Bring The Sacrifice of Praise |
Hymn 76 |
Praise, I Will Praise You, Lord |
Greeting of the family of
faith |
Sharing of Praises and Prayer
Concerns |
Congregational Prayer |
Song |
Here Is Love |
Tithes and Offerings |
Scripture |
Hebrews 12: 1-12 |
Hymn 226 |
You Are Salt For The Earth |
Sermon |
Let us come as Friendship Mennonite, Consider Him |
Hymn 546 |
Guide My Feet |
Benediction 718 |
Moment of Silent Reflection |
Welcome Visitors! May you feel God’s presence as you worship with us today. Complete a Welcome! card and place it in the offering so we can mail additional information about our congregation to you. |
Jim Sutton will be preaching this morning! Jim has been married to his wife, Deborah, for 31 years. They have two grown children. Jim has been active in church planting over the years. He has helped start Cornerstone Fellowship in Lancaster conference, Dover Christian Fellowship in Dover, Ohio, and Lake Mennonite in Painesville, Ohio. He currently is the Pastor at New Mercies Community church in Burton, Ohio where he has been for six and a half years. |
Speaker Today: Jim Sutton |
Leader: Joe
Kotva |
Song Leader: Dan Bohrer |
Savage |
Usher: Don Wallick |
Greeters: Rudy & Shirley
Coblentz |
Sunday School Nursery: Alice Patton |
Worship Nursery: Tim & Rebecca Yoder |
Pastoral Care Team: Pastoral Counselor: Gizella Tapolyai Elders: Dean Burden, Karen Ruff and Tim Yoder |
Speaker Next Sunday: Robert Anderson |
Attendance and Offering for January 9, 2005 |
Worship Attendance |
Church Offering |
$3582.75 |
Sunday School |
$14.00 |
MCC Tsunami Relief |
$2575.00 |
Homeless |
$25.00 |
Schedule |
Today |
9:30 a.m. |
Sunday School |
10:45 a.m. |
Worship |
1:00 p.m. |
Meeting with Jim Sutton |
January 22 |
8:00 a.m. |
Prayer time at church |
January 27 |
6:00 p.m. |
Prayer time at church |
Meeting Today |
We are having another meeting with Jim Sutton today at 1:00 p.m.
following a pizza lunch. Everyone who
is attends Friendship is encouraged to be there. These meetings are part of the process to
help figure out what our congregation needs in future Pastoral
Leadership. Childcare is provided. |
Mission Network
Prayer Requests |
Pray for excitement and
renewal for those who hear the message of the
band Thirstborne in Harrisonburg, Va., this weekend. Thirstborne
shares through its music and worship a love of Christ and an emphasis for young
and old to put their faith into action through Mennonite Mission Network service programs. |
Prayer for Christian
Unity 2005 |
congregation will be celebrating Christianity with our neighboring churches
Tuesday, January 18th (the confession of St. Peter) through Tuesday, January
25th (the conversion of St. Paul). The schedule of prayer services is as follows. |
Tuesday, Jan.18th7:00pm: St. Henry Roman Catholic
Church, 18200 Harvard Ave |
Wednesday, Jan.19th
7:00pm: Chapel of Jesus the
Forgiver, 19000 Libby Rd. |
Thursday, Jan. 20th: OPEN |
Friday, Jan. 21st 7:00pm: Aldersgate United Methodist
Church, 4069 Eastwood Lane |
Saturday, Jan.22nd: OPEN |
Sunday, Jan.23rd 2:00pm: POTLUCK Lutheran Church of the Covenant, 19000 Libby Rd. Dessert, drinks, dishes,
and flatware will be provided. Please bring your favorite covered
dish to share. Followed by prayer service. |
Monday, Jan. 24th 7:00pm: Maple Hts. United Methodist
Church 18900 Libby Rd. |
Tuesday, Jan.25th 7:00pm: Lutheran Church of the
Covenant, 19000 Libby Rd. |
*Maps are available. Talk to Rebecca Yoder if you need one. |