
Real Goods/Solar Living Institute
 Annual Expo of Appropriate Technology (AT), 
Renewable Energy & Sustainable Living


Report by Cliff Thompson,
Appropriate Technology Evangelist, Paths of Native Africa,
Webmaster, Friends of African Outlet SIG 



9th Annual SolFest 2004 


Virtual SolFest

RG/SLI's Solar Living Center hosted SolFest 2004, the largest to date, around 10,000 folks the weekend of August 8/21-22, in Hopland, CA. The day before, the Ecological Farming Association, in collaboration with SLI, hosted "…a renewable energy tour of north coast farms…" also exhibiting at SolFest. The Event Guide description read "The tour will begin at Laguna Farm in Sebastopol, which is a veggie oil/biofuel farmer resource megalopolis, then you will ride a veggie bus to the Occidental Arts and Ecology Center (OAEC) for lunch and a discussion of photovoltaics and renewable energy, and end at Harmony Farm Supply with an even more hands-on discussion of PV on coolers, pumps etc.".  This year SolFest offered more resources than ever for AT (Maps (1, 2), Exhibitors (1), Workshops (1, 2); Photos (Overview (1, 2, 3),  Exhibitors (1, 2, 3), Workshops (1), Speakers (1,2), Party (1)). I once again ran into exhibitor "Sebastopol Heat & Cool" booth #93 Solar PV Engineer & "Drums for Solar" President Bruce Rhodes, & attendees African Outlet/Paths of Native Africa Officers Judah & Horgan, (this time joined by Officers Tony & Judy). 


I again did the 2-day Workshops marathon (10 1-Hour sessions), last year having covered the "Renewable Energy" Track (Solar/Wind/MicroHydro/BioDiesel/Hydrogen), this year covering the next tracks "Green Building" & "Natural Home" Construction, covering Ecological Design, Natural Building Options & Building Construction with Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs), Alternative Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs, a.k.a. RASTRA), Straw Bales, Cob & Hybrid Adobe

Among the workshops were several highlights:


Of the exhibits, highlights included several innovative technologies:

AT Intern Program

At the end of the last day, after the last workshop, visiting the last exhibit, the SLI Information booth, I was informed of what to me was the most exciting resource & offering at the event, as I got to talking about the SLI "Intern Program" with one of this years interns, who described her experience & painted a general scenario as follows:

SLI offers an innovative AT "Intern Program" flexible enough to cater to a wide range of people of varied backgrounds, to enable a person to launch a career in AT, from scratch, even for those with no previous experience & no ability to pay, by means of a "Work-Study/Exchange Program", if the person's sincerity to contribute & desire to make a difference, coupled with a willingness to commit sufficient personal physical, emotional & mental "sweat equity" resources, in exchange for training & certification, is strong enough. Overall there are several main aspects to the program:

Further AT Studies

Information on a number of Degree Programs in AT for post-intern work showed up at SolFest:


Post SolFest Followup:  Visit to "sustainable architecture and agriculture" based organic farm "Hidden Villa"

Returning from SolFest to my new place in Los Altos, I was amazed
to find, quite coincidentally, that Hidden Villa was located on Moody Road just one freeway stop before home. I visited the Farm, taking a "Self-Guided Tour"; besides the several animal barns & pens (chickens, pigs, goats, sheep, horses) & vegetable gardens, there's a Forge & several examples of  "Green Building" & "Natural Home" Construction including a Yurt, an Earth Berm House & multi-cabin International Youth Hostel, culminating in the Wolken Education Center (WEC), built by San Luis Sustainability Group (1, 2). WEC has the following description on it's webpage: "Its passive solar design used super-insulating straw bale walls and thermal water tanks for distributed mass. Photovoltaic roof panels provide the electricity needs of the building. The passive solar features and super-efficient appliances mean that the WEC will use 73.5% less energy than a typical building of its size.". Sample upcoming Hidden Villa 2004 events include "'Sustainable Building Seminar: Size Matters. Reducing the environmental impact of big houses' (Friday, September 10, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. $25 per person, lunch included. AD (Adult Program))"  & "'Green Remodeling Fair. Learn about products that can help green your next home remodeling project. Visit with vendors, attend talks and see examples of green building practices' (Saturday, October 16, 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. $10/person. AD)".



8th Annual SolFest 2003

SolFest 2003 saw nearly 10,000 folks in August at Hopland, CA (photos). In the 100+° heat, I managed to stay a bit cooler wearing a uniquely AT-engineered head covering, (a SEQUEL  Solar System  River Rhat Sun Hat, whose embedded reflective foil breathable mesh heat dissipation system (diagram) proved as effective in Hopland as it did a few years ago on a trip my wife & I took through Malaysia), the hat made cooler still by attaching to it's brim a Real Goods "Clamp On Solar Hat Fan". A further pair of portable cooling devices, a portable wearable micro evaporative air cooler work around the back of the neck, the Sharper Image Personal Cooling System 2.0, provided a sheet of cooled air falling over the neck & back, which proved effective while sitting under the workshop tents, especially when used with occasional spritzs of cool water mist from a portable cool misting sprayer like Mini Aqua Fan. For cooler pants, a pair of Ex Officio Convertible Amphi Pants with built-in mesh brief, in shorts mode, also double as a swim trunk, for those post-SolFest dips into nearby Russian River swimming holes, while for cooler footwear, a pair of Maseur Sports Sandals provide for air flow under the foot by supporting the foot on a raised platform of "coin mat like" supporting column "nodules" which also provide total support (arch, heel, ball). 

At SolFest I ran into attendees African Outlet/Paths of Native Africa Officers Judah & Horgan &, of the exhibitors, 2 were from Mali, West Africa - "Taste of Africa" restaurateur Abdul Niang, (serving a tasty Mali cuisine favorite, the chicken dish Mafé), & "Drums for Solar" President Bruce Rhodes - a pretty amazing coincidence, finding these 2 Malians in Hopland, CA, considering Paths of Native Africa/Friends of African Outlet SIG was shifting into  high gear on it's Mali Water Pump Project at the time.


I did a 2-day Workshops marathon, 12 1-Hour sessions covering the "Renewable Energy" Track spanning generating power from Solar (Photovoltaic (PV), Integrated Solar Roofing, & including Solar Heating/Cooling / Solar Hot Water / Solar Water Pumping), Wind (Windmills), Water, (Micro Hydro river turbine generators), BioDiesel & Hydrogen (Fuel Cell).

Among the workshops were several highlights:


Several exhibits offered innovative technologies:



Closing Summary Statement

A  quote from the printed SLI Course Schedule of Workshops says it all:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has" -- Margaret Mead



The Ecological Farming Association farm tour's end at Harmony Farm Supply was located, coincidentally, right next door to one of Bruce Rhodes' other workplaces, "Ace-in-the-Hole", a restaurant/pub microbrewery specializing in ciders ("America's 1st Cider Pub") & offering unique musical entertainment (including country zither), where Bruce is Manager for California Cider Company. Between SolFest days, Bruce let me stay over overnight at his place in nearby Sebastopol, (sparing me the long "commute" betwixt SolFest & my new place in mid Silicon Valley Los Altos) & provided an excellent "Hang Out" experience those evenings, as we enjoyed ribs & cider, accompanied by zither music & lively discussion of SolFest-related topics, notably colonialism, capitalism & general global, political, economic, social & sustainability issues, ending with a look at potential new energy sources emerging from modern physics (vacuum zero-point energy), and current developing scientific concepts  of the Nature of Reality and Mind. much of which was controversially stimulated by SolFest speakers & events. During the talks I recalled a number of related resources which tended to vindicate &/or put in perspective the impact of the many issues addressed at SolFest. Of particular value were the following: