Wedding Details
About St. Thomas
To help you plan your travel to maximize your enjoyment of our wedding and help us celebrate to the fullest, please take the following activities into account.
All wedding guests are cordially invited to all of the following events.

Wedding-related activities:

Date                                    Activity     
Friday May 29, 6:30 pm               Auf Ruf service St. Thomas Synagogue            
Saturday May 29, 6:00 pm           Pre-Nuptial Dinner--Banana Tree Grille             
Sunday May 30, 4:30 pm              Wedding-- St. Thomas Synagogue, St. Peter Greathouse
Monday May 31, 10:00 am             Brunch --Agave Terrace at Point Pleasant Resort

Other info
On the day of the wedding, we will provide transportation from the hotels to the synagogue, from the synagogue to the reception site and then back to the hotels at the end of the night. You can drive on your own if you prefer, but parking around the synagogue is extremely limited. There is plenty of parking at the reception site.

The reception site also has a separate building (with couches, a TV, etc.) a stone's throw from the dance floor that is very suitable for childcare purposes in the event that your children need or want to crash somewhere quiet before the end of the night.

St. Peter Greathouse web site

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Travel --Hotels
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Wedding Details
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