chapter 40
Are some Catholic leaders
becoming wimps?
She is a 59 year old
Jewish convert to Catholicism and a
practicisng psychtherapist. She is very
bright, and sometimes uncomfortably ( for
me) direct. Sitting in my office in new
york city, she was challenging modern
Catholic leaders by making me wince and
conversationally tap dance around the
whole notion of Catholic “
She had become a Catholic
some 15 years ago for a myriad of reasons. Certainly, we both
believe that it was God’s own grace
which brought her to “ Rome”. Yet, she,
as a ruthlessly honest intellectual,
found the unequivocal self definition
of the church most appealing-----i.e.
The Catholic Church sees herself
as the one church in full possession of the
legacy of jesus.
That the Catholic Church ,
with full confidence, can say that she
was founded by the Lord
himself—in person--- and that all other churches—bar none---- are lacking
something of what she has. And that all
others are unable to trace their
existence directly to him !!!
Indeed, in this age of
extreme “
ecumenism “ such statements are
considered outrageous and arrogant. Pressure is brought more and more
to see egalitarianism as the
desired norm. This is
particularly so in the United
States where any kind of class superiority
is considered gauche and un- American.
Add to this national mood, the prevailing
other-directedness which David Reisman
explored a generation ago and
which impacts heavily on the modern need to be accepted--- and we have a
problem which has seeped even
into Christ’s own Church.
leaders are
apparently terrified lest they be considered
“ conservative” as George Weigal
has so cogently aired
in his powerful new book the
Courage to be Catholic. The watering
down of catholic positions to meet the approval of the media which demand that others jump through
the current “ hoops” or risk being relegated to the outer
darkness of irrelevance is obvious.
We ( and I sadly include myself to some extent
in this category) hesitate to state plainly the church’s stand on
unnatural birth prevention, abortion, homosexual behavior, pre –marital
sexual activity, concubinage, lying on tax returns,complicity in evil for politicians and others,ordination of women and the list goes on and on.
But why the hesitation?
Why the fear ? Why the disloyalty?
The need for approval and acceptance is becoming more and more powerful. In
effect, we will bend over backwards to be
“ one of the boys”. Please approve me: we are saying this by our silence. And
this is dishonorable. Eli Weisal, whom
i interviewed many years ago in a television program stated so dynamically: Silence in the face of oppression helps only the oppressor.
Is this not another way of saying that evil triumphs
when good people keep silent?
If, as we claim, truth is
important, how can Catholic leaders
assent to falsehood by their
silence? If we believe that the truth does make one free, are we not becoming slaves by our assent to
falsehood--- by our silence?
Further, integrity demands
that we “integrate” our various
personal levels. If one mouths
externally an apparent agreement
with truth but interiorly withholds
belief, one then becomes the worst of
hypocrites.the dynamic for such
duplicity is again to “ stand
well’ in the eyes of others.
Reisman again with his “other directed”
As Weigal points out –we
need to have real courage to be
counter cultural. I fear that we are weak
and frightened and that perhaps my
Jewish friend is right. We are becoming wimps!!!
We need a Charles Borremeo. I personally would be grateful to have a Savonarola!!!!