The Three Sisters Island is a rather unique location in Philenos. The islands are named after the 3 sisters that originally discovered them.

Due to it's proximity to three of the continents, the islands contain a very wide mix of the cultures and races of Philenos. It is one of the few free area in known Philenos, it is far enough away from all countries that none have successfully claimed it. It is also a major stopping point for ships traveling from one continent to another. Cultures choose to trade here when difference  keep them from being able to trade anywhere
For obvious reasons, though the towns of the islands are fairly small, they have a very well developed underground. It is said that anything can be bought on the Three sisters, it's just a matter of finding the seller and having the coin.  The island itself is home to a wide variety of ruins from an ancient unknown civilization. They daily hustle and bustle of everyday life on the island keeps a majority of them from being well explored. Many treasure seekers have disappeared into them, never to return. Some have ventured into them, only to emerge thousands of miles away, with no idea of how they got there
    There are 2 major cities and 2 major ruin sites on the Island of Valeria. Of the 3 islands, it is the home of the most conflict because of the diverse groups living there.
     On the Eastern shore is the
city of Karzoul. Is is primarily controled by Kitarians and those of The Golden Eye organization. .Although normally peaceful, street fights break out between the Kitarians clans and The members of the Golden Eye with increased frequency as of late.
     On the Western Shore lies the
city of Thadorn. It is occupied by representative of Teruno. The city is currently governed by a representative of Pator. The major noble houses of Pator all have representatives there as well. Fighting often breaks out between houses.
     There are 2 major ruins sites on the island. The most intact being the
Tower or Rythor. It appears to have been a lighthouse at one time. The method of its construction and the material used for the light at its top is still a mystery. Today, the one time lighthouse is located towards the top of what is now called Mountain Rythor.
     The other ruins is called by many names, but appears to be part of what was once a great city. Only a small section of it remains intact, but patrols scout the area regularly as it has never been fully explored and strange creature still wander out of it on ocasion. It is deep in the forest of the islands.
Mountain Spring
Tower of Rythor
    Stephnia is currently controled by residents of Teruno. It is the most peaceful of the islands as far as civil unrest. Although the two races with settlements there have no direct unimousity, they are both long enough lived races to remember some of the last race wars so they don't complete trust each other.
     The Elven city of
Le Mazon is located in the norhern part of its woods. The dwarves hold sway over the Southern city of Stonnal.
     The two cites are the most peaceful on the island. They must remain constantly vigilant though for it boast the largest known ruins in the area.
     On the Eastern shore is a sprawling ruin that appears to have once been a great city. Although it us cleaned out periodically, monster continue to wander out of it from
time to time and threaten the island's residents. No one has been able to trace there
    Of all of the islands,Thelema has the largest potential for violent unrest. This is a result of diametrically opposed groups that have a presense on the island.
     On the Eastern shore is the small city of
Melonde. It is primarily controled by a group from the Tuoto continent country of Shaylanor. They are from a country were magic use is strictly regulated. All magic users and magic items must be registered upon entering the city. Violaters are severely punished.
     On the Western shore is
Melassan. It is controled by the Iguandons and representatives of the Bloodmoon Mages. An unease peace has existed between the two factions for years. The iguandons are fiercly territorially though, and look for any excuse to take the city for themselves. Both Iguandons nations have a presence her and the representatives of the two do not get along well, unless they are working together
against the Mages.
     There are the ruins of a small city deep in the forest towards the south of the island. The ruins are virtually unexplored. To date, not much has come out of them. Based on the activity of the other ruins in the area, many look expectantly to them for trouble
Thylorn Daloon
    Thylorn Daloon is built upon the site of an ancient structure. No one knows the purpose of the original structure. All that remains of it is a base made of an unknown material that rises 15 feet out of the water, and a strange statue of an androgynous humanoid holding a large red sphere. This statue seems to cast a constant anti-magic shell over the entire area.The statue appears to be of the same material as the base that sticks out of the water. The material seems to be impervious to damage or modification of any form. No mage in the known history of Philenos has ever been able to overcome the effect caused by this statue.
     For this reason, the nations of the world have went together to build a vast complex there. The complex is used for all arbutrations between countries and races. Even magic items fail to work in this area, so it is the perfect spot for negotiation.  The effect lasts only as long as the mage or items is within range of the statue. Everything returns to normal as it leaves the area. Even clerical magic is affected by the effect?.
Three Sisters Island
Le Mazon
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