    Kitarians are known for their hunting abilites. They place great value in honor, freedom, and the skill of the hunt. They are extremely loyal to family and friends. The Kitarian that leaves his family to adventure is somewhat rare. When they do so, it is often for a special reason or quest to better the family in some way. There are exceptions to this though.

     Kitarians often appear aloof to outsiders. This appearance hides a very curious, serious side. Although very serious about hunting, they often appear cruel to those of other races because they have a tendancy towards toying with their prey. Kitarians love the outdoors and prefer living on the edge of civilization or roaming in areas that many would consider uncivilized or dangerous. They tend to live in or near family in clans and have a very developed sense of personal honor. They do not mind looking foolish on their own, but to make one look foolish is to invite violent retribution.
     Their are 3 subraces of Kitarians: Lyons, Tigra, Panto.

     Although there are three major types of Kitarians, they all have certain features in common. They are generally taller then humans and a bit stockier. They have an obvious feline appearance. Their pointed ears are located on the tops of their heads; they have a pronounced snout, flat catlike nose, and sharp teeth and claws
on their fingers and toes. They have thick hair on their bodies, narrow pupils and the males tend to have longer hair on their heads then the females. Although they have similiar lifespans to humans, they mature much faster. By the age of 10, most Kitarians are considered adult.  Lyons tend to have tan to brown fur and the males have very pronounced thick manes about their heads and shoulders.
     Tigra tend the have orange fur with black stripes on their entire bodies. Although very rare, Tigra have been known to be born with white fur and black stripes. They are noramally much revered by their people and are considered marked by the god. For that reason, they often end up as priests.
    Pantos have shorter fur running from deep blue to black in color.

     Kitarians prefer nature-loving races such as elves, but they find humans very fascinating. Rodent races also fascinate them, but more from a predatory standpoint. When groups of the subraces are together, Tigras and Panthos both defer to Lyons.

     Due to their clan and wilderness upbringing, most Kitarians tend to be chaotic. Clans are ruled more by Strength and respect, not law. Kitarians often have trouble understanding any other type of rule.

Kitarian Lands:
     Kitarians are by and large nomadic and very territorial. They generally build movable or easily disassembled structures, as they are constantly patrolling and searching for fresh game. They do come together to trade at specific time of the year and some do settle down in these meeting spots, thus they do have towns, but
normally the permanent section of the town is very small and mostly populated by the old and lame that can't keep up with the clan.
      Although they are very family oriented, it isn't uncommon for small kits to be traded and exchanged at these gatherings. Some Kitarians clans place a high value on male children and some place hign value and female, so these type of trades are not uncommon. They also feel it helps to strengthen their bloodlines.
Lyons tend to roam the open plains.
Tigra tend to prefer the forest.
Panthos prefer tropical climates, such as lush jungles

Kitarians are very exclusive in their worship. They worship the Kitarian god or goddess, and the diety of Nature. The few other Kitarians that worship other dieties, tend to do so in secret or they leave their family clans for other societies.

     Most Kitarians know how to speak common. Their own languages is about 40% spoken and 60% facial expression, posture, and ear  movements. As a result, it is virtually impossible for non Kitarians to speak it. Very few even understand it, unless for some reason they have grown up around them. Kitarians start out
illeterate unless they spend skills to learn languages as their own languages has no written form.

     All Kitarians have two names. Their true, Kitarians names are generally unprounceabel in other languages, so they develop a second name they use when unround non Kitarians. These public names vary a great deal from clan to cland and tend to take on the tradition of whatever race they interact with the most.

     Kitarians found outside of their family clans are usually rangers, hunters, bounty hunters, or mercenaries. They prefer professions that keep them outside where their innate outdoor skills and fight ablities flourish. Although their are some exceptions, most Kitarians who adventurer are males  that have been forced out of
their clans by the dominate male who saw them as some kind of a thrreat, or the family territory wouldn't support another kit. Most are looking for a spot they can settle ddown and start a clan of there own. Even when driven out, they tend to remain loyal to their original family clans and have been known to send home money or other items to help the family. As long as they make known they don't untend to stay, they are even welcome back for shorter visits

Kitarian Racial Traits
All Kitarians
-- Ability Mods vary with subrace
     Lyons +2 Str, -2 Int
     Tigra +2 Str, -2 Int
     Pantho +2 Dex, -2 Int
-- Medium Size : As medium size creatures, Kitarians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
-- Kitarian base speed is 30.
--Low Light Vision: Kitarians can see twice as far as humans in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, etc. They also
retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
-- +2 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, Hide, Listen, Move Silenty, and Wilderness Lore.
-- Scent as an ability as described in the Monster Manual.
-- +1 ECL
-- Favored Classes
     Lyons - Barbarian
     Tigra - Ranger
    Pantho - Rogue