Note: There's no monkeys in Happy Tree Friends.
Ok enough of crap, here's the CNY version of Happy Tree Friends:
1. Lumpy was making Bak Kua.
2. Cuddles, Giggles, Toothy and Flaky were playing with firecrackers.
3. Nutty was stuffing himself silly with new year goodies.
4. Sniffles was trying to eat the ants that were picking up the crumbs of CNY goodies (refer to Nutty).
5. All the ants gathered and bited Sniffle's tongue.
6. Cub appeared with a lawn mower and ran over Sniffle's tongue. Bloodshed ensues.
7. In a state of shock, Nutty threw the can holding the goodies. Can hits a beehive and Nutty was stung to death by angry bees.
8. Flippy, the soldier bear who just came back from the Iraqi war, saw the blood scene.... Deja vu.... (cue for Carmina Burana Music....)
9. Flippy turned violent and poked Cuddle's eyes with burning firecrackers.
10. Then he proceeds to wrap a roll of firecrackers around Giggles and set them on fire.
11. Then he stuffed some firecrackers into Toothy's mouth and set them on fire.
12. Flaky ran for her life and got stuck into the lawn mower and all her spikes came flying out.
13. Lumpy was killed by all the flying spikes, knocked into Lifty and Shifty (who were trying to steal bah kuas). All three fell into the bah kua machine. Blue and green bah kuas were produced.
14. Cub, oblivious to the dangerous environment, was still singing away.
15. Flippy heard Cub singing and threw him into the barbeque pit.
16. Flippy then proceed to taste the fancy colours bah kua.