You may be asking, what is a sim? Well a sim is short for simulation. It's a role playing game where you create a character and that character exists in the sims setting. You play that character on the sim, reacting to things as your character would. Always pay attention to the fact that this sim takes place in a specific time and place. When you are simming, your character is interacting in that setting. Don't do anything that would be out of place for the setting of the sim. This is seaQuest not Star Trek so it would be inappropriate to look out the window and see space.
For seaQuest, that setting is on board the seaQuest DSV 4600-IV. It is set in the year 2041. The missions may vary considerably. Some may take place fully on the sub where others involve leaving the ship on away missions. Some may be a lot of action where others are more character development. The one thing that is constant through all the missions is the desire to have fun and pretend that we are these people in this timeframe.
seaQuest is a Play by Email or PbEM simulation. Email simming is a good place for developing your character. It offers the unique opportunity to explore what is going on in your charcters mind in more detail than live action sims allow. Email sims are written as storys normally revolving around your character. Preferably they are written in the third person not first (ie. saying Joe instead of I) but either way is acceptable. They don't have to be a novel just a short log of at least 2 paragraphs. Longer the log the more points towards promotion you earn.
Like all simming, email simming has specific rules and formats that must be
General Rules of Email Simming:
1. As with all the rules of simming the first rule is, Have Fun!
2. The sim has a PG-13 rating, so if it wouldn't appear in a PG-13 movie please
don't write it.
3. If you are going to use someone else's character extensively, send the email
to them personally and the two of you can write it together. Remember that they
have a specific personality made up for their character just like you have for
yours and you should respect that. Joint logs (a log where two or more collaborate
and write) can be extremely fun and build relationships between characters.
4. If you have any questions about if your post is suitable or not contact the
Captain. He is always open to questions or comments from the crew.
When writing your log, keep in mind your character's personality and position
on board. If you're in medical don't respond to a security situation. The main
point is to make this as believable as possible. It should look like it came
right out of the show.
Please spell check the log before posting to the listserver.
When ready to post in the subject line of your email put: "Post Title"
- Character Name.
The body of the message should open with:
"Log Name"
By: Character name, position
The log you have written
Make sure you sign up on the listserver (which can be done on the main page)
and send all of your emails to
This may seem like a lot of information but it doesn't take
that long to get the hang of it. If you want to give it a try SIGN-UP! We look
forward to seeing you on another exciting adventure of seaQuest 2041