About the Quarter Horse
The Quarter Horse got it's name by it's ability to run at a fast speed over a one-quarter mile track. The Quarter Horse has terrific 'cow sense' so it has a natural ability to rope and round-up. The Quarter Horse has extremely tough hind-quarters which gives it the ability to do a flat out gallop from a stand-still. As the Thoroughbred started racing the Quarter Horse races became fewer, and eventually almost non-existant. There are only a few races, which are held in North America, or the odd race in other places. Today the Quarter Horse is a great pleasure and Western style riding horse. The original American Quarter Horse Association was formed in 1940. It's reggistry is now the largest of any breed, with more than two million horses listed.
Attributes of the Quarter Horse
The Quarter Horse stands between 14.3hh and 16hh. They come in any solid colors. A Quarter Horse of piebald or skewbald is called a Paint Horse. Quarter Horses have small wide heads, with a small muzzle. Large wideset and intelligent eyes and medium-length alert ears. Fairly long, flexible neck with sloping shoulders and well defined withers. They have a compact body with a broad chest and deep girth. Short back with well sprung ribs and powerful loins. broad, deep, heavy and well muscled hind quarters. They have long gently sloped croup, good limbs with short cannons. Broad, flat, low-set hocks, muscular thighs and gaskins with medium length pasterns. Quarter Horses have oblong feet and deep, open heels.
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