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Welcome To Our


This homepage has been created as a gathering place for the International Descendants of

John (Smuinz) Smewin, b. abt. 1652 & his wife Mary b. abt. 1656.

They lived in Radley, Berkshire, England

and had the following five children:

Mary b. 2 April 1678,

Edward b. August 1681,

Ann b. 5 September 1686,

John b. August 1688,

Thomas b. 29 March 1691.

If you descend from this family or have Smuin (Smewin, Smewing, Smuinz) ancestors we would love to hear from you.

Smuin Book

Written by Frank Smuin

Frank & Rita Smuin, Canada

Some years back I wrote a book about some of John & Mary's descendants. We are in the process of writing an update of this book. If you are interested in learning more about it or interested in submitting information on your Smuin branch please write by clicking on either "E-mail" icon below.

The Smuin book is now available on CD. Please write to Frank if you are interested in obtaining a copy.

~ Frank Smuin

Smuin RootsWeb Mailing List

If you are interested in corresponding with cousins all over the world join our Smuin mailing list by sending an e-mail for the "List mode" to

or for the "Digest mode" write to

and enter only the word"subscribe" in the message body.

Smuin Cousin Registry

Click here

to find other cousins from your Smuin branch. To register your name and e-mail so other Smuin cousins from your branch can find you please send Joyce Jensen an e-mail by clicking on "jcjens" at the bottom of this page. Be sure to include your lineage back to John & Mary.

Smuin Photos

Click here to view old Smuin family photos. Also, if you would like your Smuin family posted on these pages we would be most happy to include them. We also would appreciate receiving any items, such as photos, gedcoms, histories, etc., to make these pages and Frank's book more complete and interesting for all we Smuin descendants.

Created on April 2, 2000 and updated March 21, 2002

Thank you for visiting and we hope to hear from you soon!

In the meantime enjoy your day!

This Website is owned by ~Frank Smuin, Canada

and created/maintained by ~jcjens, USA

Background and E-mail gifs are by Shawna.

Copyright© 2000-2002

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