(from the War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 12, pp.308-309)

August 16-September 2, 1862. -- Campaign in Northern Virginia.
No. 20 -- Report of Lieut. Col. Stephen J. McGroarty, Sixty-first Ohio Infantry, First Brigade, Third Division, of operations August 24-31.

                                                Headquarters Sixty-First Ohio Volunteers,
                                Camp Carl Schurz, Minor's Hill, September 13, 1862.

     General: The following report would have been submitted to you some time since, in obedience to orders, but for the want of writing materials, which at the time it was impossible to procure:
     On the 24th or 25th of August I assumed command of the Sixty-first Regiment on the enemy's side of the Rappahannock, during the skirmish at Freeman's Ford.  Colonel Schleich, who accompanied us across the river, was, shortly after the opening of the fight, not to be found, and the regiment, being without a head, was led on by Captain Koenig, of General Schurz' staff, and myself.  The Sixty-first covered the retreat across the river, and being assigned a new position in anticipation of a battle, remained under arms during the night.  The report of the killed and wounded has already been handed in.
     On the following morning we left for White Sulphur Springs, at which place we were ordered to support a battery (name forgotten), and we remained about three hours under a heavy fire of the enemy's guns.  We there lost 2 wounded and 1 killed, besides some missing.
     At this place during the fire I noticed the unaccountable absence of Lieutenant Rankin and Lieuntenant Junkins, and Colonel Schleich was also absent from his post; also Lieutenants Hay and Givens.  Major Bown during that day displayed remarkable coolness and energy in bringing up the rear of the regiment.  We then proceeded on toward Waterloo Bridge.  We were ordered out to assist Milroy's brigade in burning the bridge.  At about 4 p.m. of that day attacked the enemy on the opposite side of the river, to prevent the restoration of the bridge.  The enemy's fire, which was very severe, both of artillery and musketry, was sustained by our men with great coolness, who delivered in turn their own fire with marked effect.  At about 11 p.m. we were directed to cover the rear of the column.  We then proceeded to Warrenton, thence to Gainesville, whence we marched to Manassas Plains, a little beyond which we bivouacked in line of battle.  The men had no provisions, but I had hauled some fresh beef in ambulances, which was cooked and eated on Thursday evening at about 1 p.m.
     On arriving at the ambulances, Lieutenant Riff, who was in command of a squad sent for that purpose, was told by Colonel Schleich that he should not take a God d---d bite of it unless the regiment marched back to get it.
     On the next morning when we advanced the Sixty-first was posted in a wood on the right in reserve.  A few moments afterward our skirmishers became engaged; then one and two companies, then five, then the whole regiment advanced, the Seventy-fourth being on our right.  We advanced about 1 mile, pushing the enemy before us and driving them over the railroad, over which we followed them through a ravine and up to a corn field, where we in turn were driven back, but rallied at the railroad, which we held until relieved at 2:30 p.m.  The severe firing here was very effective.  At that time we understood that we were surrounded, and being ordered to make a bayonet charge, relieved ourselves from our position.  We were then relieved.  About one hour and a half afterward our men were repulsed, and fell back through the woods.  We were again called up to form in line of battle and advance.  We thereupon moved into the woods, and remained all night. 
     On Saturday at daybreak we moved more toward our left, and remained stationary until the firing of the afternoon began, abour 4 o'clock, when we were again moved toward the center in reserve, which position we held till near the close of the battle.  We were then ordered to support Milroy's brigade.  We were then placed behind Reno's division, when General Schurz ordered us quietly to retire toward Centerville.  On the way down we were retained an hour or more by two of Captain Dilger's pieces, which had been dismounted.  Remaining near the battle-field till 11 p.m. we moved on, halting again for two hours, and thus proceeded to Centerville.  There we were again formed in line of battle.  Then we moved on the following evening to Fairfax, and thence to a position near the fortifications of Washington.
     Through all these trials the regiment behaved with the greatest gallantry, being stimulated thereto by the bearing of Colonel Schimmelfennig and General Schurz, in whom the men learned to repose perfect confidence.
     I cannot forbear mentioning Major Bown as having been highly effective, and all the company officers who were present.  Edward H. Newcomb, quartermaster-sergeant, distinguished himself by his gallant conduct, insomuch as to attract the attention of the general commanding the division on the battle-field.
     The following officers were to me unaccountably absent since the skirmish at Freeman's Ford: Col. N. Schleich, Lieuts. George Leininger, James H. Bird, Rankin, Junkins, Edward Hay, McDougal, Givens; also Sergeant-Major Grodzicki.  I hope, general, that you will find it convenient to inquire into the reason of the absence and general conduct of the last-named officers.
     Permit me to say also, in conclusion, that of the colonel commanding the brigade and of our gallant division general we are, one and all, justly and highly proud; and for their attention and personal example through all the scenes of those eventful days, from first to last, profoundly grateful.
     I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
                                                                                 S. J. McGroarty
                                   Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Sixty-first Ohio.

Acting General Schimmelfennig,
Commanding First Brigade, Third Division

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