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Welcome to
Femsubmissionsex's WebRing

Please join us

Conditions for joining

This Femsubmissionsex Webring was created to help bring together people who are devoted to the BDSM D/s lifestyle on and offline. Here we can unite all sites that promote safe, sane and consensual practices on their web site. Together we can gain knowledge, truth, and trust thru our mutual understanding of the D/s lifestyle.

Our belief is that sometimes it is easier to find the mate of your life online than in r/l. Most of our members have met online to finally marry, live with, or otherwise be with their Master/Mistress or submissive/slave.

We will accept sites made by Dom/me's, Masters/Mistress and submissive/slave that meet the above criteria. We also will accept any websites that are involved with irc or aol chatrooms.

We will not accept sites that are pay and /or xxx-rated, promote child and teen pornography or abuse, or bestiality.

If we must live in an insane world, then why can't ours be safe, sane and consensual. Where trust and love abound to no end and where caring and fellowship will always be. Let's help make the world sane again.

loving and owned submissive of her Master, SirRama{se}
webmistress of Femsubmissionsex

Owner of Femsubmissionsex

Please note: current members click here to sign in
if you need to edit your site information.


To join: read the following and fill in the form below
Thank You!

The following is the html code you will need to add to your page. To copy the code to your clipboard, click anywhere inside the text box, press Ctrl A then Ctrl C will copy it. Then insert the code into your page, replace the area in the fragement that appare like this
***SITE ID***
Your Site ID will be e-mailed to you shortly after you have submitted the from below. Then left click on the image below and on the following page right click and save it to your hard drive, then insert it into your ring fragement. Please DO NOT link directly to this image, geocities does not allow direct linking and you will have an empty space where our image should be. When you are finished placing the ring fragment on your site and have it uploaded, please e-mail at and i will go look at it and and your site to see that it mets our Conditions for Joining. If everything is ok, you will be added happly to our Femsubmissionsex WebRing *smile*

Left click to get this image saved to Your hard drive

Submit a Your Site to Femsubmissionsex WebRing

Site Title:

Site URL:

If you plan to put the Ring HTML Fragment on a page other than the Site URL above, you MUST enter the URL of the page the Ring HTML Fragment/Code will appear on your website also:
Web Ring URL:

Your Name:

EMail Address:

Year of Birth:

(ie: 1999)

By law, we cannot collect personal information on anyone under the age of 13. Because of this we do not allow anyone 13 or under to Join a RingSurf Net Ring, or become a Ringmaster, and thus we are forced to ask you to specify your birthdate. If you are under the age of 14, you may not become a member of RingSurf. You may use the Ring Directory and use any existing ring, you just may not start a new ring, or add your website to an existing ring. See our privacy statement if you have any questions on how we handle your personal data.



Site Description:


Current member..if you need to change any of your sites info just use the form below to sign into your site information

Member Login

Site ID:



Fss' Site Menu

Please be kind and let us know Y/you were here by signing our Guestbook, Thank You!

Please let us know you were here and sign our Guestbook...Thank You!


The Rose of Submission Emblem Project
A member of the R.O.S.E. Project ©


Midi "Blue Sonatina" © and used with permission by
Wonderful Midis by Jeremy


Visit Lady J's for wonderful Web Page Graphics for your site!
© 2001, 2002 Lady J's Artistic Creations

Please do not remove anything from this site.


We have by no means intentionally used copywritten images. If you own the copyright to any original image used for the creation of these web pages, please e-mail the
graphics designer with proof of copyright, and we will be more than happy and be honored to give you credit, add your link on the page where the image is being displayed, or we will remove the image if you prefer As Soon As Possible.
If there are any problems with links or images showing on this web site, please e-mail the
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