Florida State University
Chapter of
Circle K International

Minutes from January 25, 2000

Call to Order 7:30 PM

President Alba Carreras calls meeting to order and introduces our 2 Guests, Annie B. and Ashley M. President Alba also reminded the attendees of the CKI Retreat set for St. George Island on the Beach set for February 18th-20th, 2000. There is still time to sign-up for the Retreat. Do you want to spend a weekend at the Sunny Beaches of St. George Island, Florida? Well then pay your $25.00 to the Club for the cost of the 2 Story Condo on the Beach and head for St. George Island! (To sign-up, you must pay your $25.00 by tuesday Feb 1, 2000 at the CKI Meeting at the FSU UNion Copy Room 7:30 P.M. So if you did not sign up this week, come by next week and Sign-up for the Sunny St. George Island CKI Retreat. President Alba also announced that the Spring, 2000 Induction Ceremony is scheduled for FEBRUARY 10, 2000. "Last years Ceremonies were the best in 20 years so don't miss out, Join CKI Today!" Personal NOTE: I would like to include this for the World to know."(As your Recording Secretary Harrison Arencibian) "I would like to personally congratulate our Leader and President Alba Carreras for an awesome Induction Ceremony last year!" You just don't want to miss out this new Century, So RUSH to your CKI Meeting this Tuesday at 7:30 PM at the Florida State University Copy Room in the 3rd Floor of the FSU Student Union. As Mark Twain Said, "Be There or Be Square!" Our club as not seen such a well planned Induction in perhaps a decade, Great Job ALBA!" Vice President of Service Silvana Rivero-Treadwell announced that the FSU Chapter of Circle K International will be adopting the "Governor's Inniciative" of Service to Children as an on-going project every Saturday at 8AM. The FSU CKI will be volunteering to tutor Children through the FSU Center for Civic Education every SATURDAY at 8AM. Meet at the FSU Center ofr Civic Education. "This is an on-going project for us, We must stand for something, or we'll fall for anything," said Vice President Silvana Rivero. Treasurer Jammie Warren, who volunteered at this Saturdays event added, "I had the opportunity of tutoring 'Fatiah' a 7 year old first grader, who at first was shy, but later got to know me and was excited." Treasurer Jammie said, "We talked about Math and English, had a great time and she drew two pictures for me." added Treasurer Jammie, "The most emotional moment for me was when I asked Fatiah what she wanted to be when she grew up and she said, to be like me!" Treasurer Jammie encouraged everyone to join-in in the effort to help children. Helping Children is Florida Governor (of CKI) Jon Hethcox project and also Florida Governor Lawton M. Chiles lifelong project.
President Alba also announced her dedication to helping Children in order to help bring out a better future for our Country!

Vice-President's Report
* Vice-President of Service Silvana Rivero announced that Vice-President (of Development) Brett Cook's OPERATION LOLIPOP DROP Project would be re-scheduled for this week. VP Silvana prepared 2 flyers which will hit the FSU Campus Thursday night. (All volunteers for this project are summond to the FSU WESTCOTT FOUNTAIN ON THURSDAY 1/27/2000 at 6:30 PM.)

/Secretary's Report
* Secretary Alicia Paulsen announced that Operation Lolopop Drop was set for this weekend. Secretary Alicia also announced that the FSU CKI Softball Practice was set for Saturday at Noon. the FSU CKI Game was scheduled for Friday night at 6PM at the FSU Intermural Fields. For more information all participants and interested participants should Call Coach Brett Cook, Vice-President at 580-3002.

Secretary Harrison Arencibian announced that the Florida District Convention was set for March 17th-19 at COCOA BEACH, "TO QUOTE GOV. JON HETHCOX, THE CONVENTION IS SET FOR COCOA BEACH ON THE BEACH!" Secretary Harrison also announced that rides would be provided to and from Cocoa Beach, FL.

Treasurer Report Treasurer Jammie Warren announced that the CKI Car Wash had been temporarily cancelled due to scheduling conflict with Wal-Mart, but new times would be announced. New obtions include Wal-mart, Discount Auto Stores (Tenn & Capital Circle or a Supermarket in the Tallahassee, FL area.)
President Alba dismissed the Meeting and members, Guest read the CKI Pledge

Lt. Governor's Report
Lt. Governor Michelle Lachance made an appeal for members to attend the Florida District CKI Convention at Cocoa Beach, FL. LTG Michelle also announced that the CKI Zone Rally is scheduled for 5th. (Time and location (at FSU Campus) to be announced.)

Conferences, Etc.
* Y'All Conference at the Beautiful Beaches of Gulf Shores, Alabama was absolutely wonderful
* District Convention--March 17-19, 2000; at Cocoa Beach, Florida
* International Convention--August,2000; San Diego, California

Closing Remarks
* President Alba solicited for volunteers for the CKI Operation


Circle K Pledge


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at fsucirclek@hotmail.com.

Created September 19, 1997 by Michelle Lachance;
Last Updated January 25, 2000 at 11:47 PM (close to midnight) by Harrison Arencibian, FSU CKI Secretary and Florida District Legal Chair