Classic Video games
Hello,  This page belongs to Greg Thompson.

In April of 1999 I was helping out at the local thrift store when I came upon an old Atari 2600 and 5 or 6 games.  I remembered all the fun I had with one as a kid and thought my daughters (6 and 8 at the time) would enjoy it as well so I paid the five dollars for it.  I was right, the kids (and I) had a great time with it.  It also started me collecting all types of classic video game. 
Favorite Links:
Atari Age

Intellivision Web Ring

Atari Age
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Candi Invaders
Amanda Invaders
Click on either of these pictures to download the two versions of Space Invaders I hacked.  Insted of Aliens you are just shooting at the letters from my daughter's names (Candi and Amanda).  They work with all the Atari 2600 emulators I know of.  If for some reason you would like to have them in Cartridge form check out
Atari Age
Intellivision WebRing