Manila Office:
19th Floor, Cityland 10, Tower 1,
6815 H. V. dela Costa St., cor.
Ayala Avenue, Salcedo Village,
Makati City, Philippines
Tel. Nos. 8674490 to 92
Fax No. 00632-8127733 /

New York Head Office:
809 United Nations Plaza,
Suite 1200 New York, NY 10017
Tel. No. 212-9868114
Fax No. 212-9868131


FSUN President (Philippine Chapter) Victor T. Ching met Honorable George H. W. Bush, former President of the United States of America with Mrs. Bush @ WTO Conference last May 8, 2002 in Tianjin, China

Special Project:
1st FSUN Japan-Philippines Invitational Golf Classic

This is a joint venture of FSUN Japan and Philippines which aims to raise funds for the less fortunate but qualified college students.

* Financial support to the Model United Nations since 1989;

* Financial support for the 4th Peace Messenger Conference in 1991;

* Project for construction of elementary schools (8 schools, so far) in Cambodia from 1993 to 1996.

*Construction for vocational training center in Cambodia for their livelihood projects in 1994;

*Establishment of the Cambodia Friendship Rehabilitation Center in 1994;

* Donation of 4,000 artificial legs in Cambodia during 1994 to 1997;

* Dam and Irrigation Canal Projects in Kompong-cham, Prekpo prefecture in Cambodia in 1994-95

FSUN Scholarship Program endorses to Universities

FSUN Japan Visits DND

Election of FSUN Board of Directors

Bring Peace & Economy to Mindanao

"Juan Luna" for Juan dela Cruz"

Awarding of Certificates for Batch 2001/X'mas Party/Monthly Meeting

FSUN DECC Goes Anime

United Nations Film Week- October 22-25, 2002

The 6th Annual CEO Forum (Oct. 22-23, 2002)

Eco Seminar & Tour (Oct.19-20, 2002)

Miss Earth Candidates

FSUN-DECC Students Meeting @ Cityland

Celebration, Forum, Visitors from...

Filipino Wins in UN Painting Contest

WTO Conference, A Success

Oil Painting Exhibit @ Holiday Inn Manila Still On Going

Ms. Lea Salonga Luncheon with U. N. for Carlos P. Romulo (CPR) Award 2001

FSUN Scholar-UNAP Board with Speaker Jose De Venecia

FSUN visitors from Korea

FSUN Distance Education Visit

FSUN Induction and Recognition


Kuya Tim Farrell, Volunteer