FTC National Rally


“You Fuckin’ Guys” Chronicles



The first FTC National Rally is to be held somewhere in N.Y. at points unknown.  The rally will be held July 6th – July 9th.  All chapters of FTC will be meeting and riding for no particular reason with no set destinations. 


Friday July 6th.


It is 6:15am, all members of the N.H. FTC chapter, except for Spiderman, meet at Walrus’ house.  Spiderman will attend to local FTC goings on.  Walrus, OneEye and Mongo set out for N.Y., stopping in Townsend, MA at Cliff’s Café for breakfast.  Typically, we give the waitress a difficult time, but this one is ready for us and nearly has us for breakfast.  Too early for retaliation, we are off our mark and just take the abuse.  We head up Rt. 119 through Ashby (nice twists) to Vermont.  Remember, we are headed to Pennsylvania after N.Y., so of course, it makes FTC sense to head north to Vermont.  Off to N.Y., we go – all back roads.    We stop, I think to take a piss, but it turns out that Mongo needs some additional poligrip for his teeth, as he nearly spit them out.  I piss, because I’m laughing so hard.  Somewhere, we get on Rt. 30, good road with lots of twists and turns and pretty good scenery, until we hit the mountains.  Too many deer in the road; a bit disconcerting, ride careful.   We come upon a beautiful doe and her fawn in the middle of the road, beautiful sight, blasted away by Mongo’s horn.  Suddenly, we take an abrupt left turn off this marked road onto  what will forever be known as “Deliverance Highway.”  Mongo says, “you fuckin guys.”  He is looking for a kid playing banjo on a front porch along this road.  We do discover an old covered bridge and lots of s-turns.  Our 300 mile ride has now evolved into a 500 mile ride.  We need to cover a lot of ground to meet Trick (OneEye’s brother) from the Michigan FTC chapter in Hornel, N.Y.  We get on Rt. 17 and fly to make up time.  Dinner becomes time for pirate mode and hysterical laughter.  We have everyone laughing in no time.  Meanwhile, Mongo is trying to tell a story, but….  nobody ever listens to me.”  Dinner leads to magic tricks which turn ugly when OneEye pours water into Walrus’ hat to put out a fire.  Walrus retaliates with a toss of meringue onto OneEye’s chest.  Too tired to hang in the bar, we all retreat to our rooms for the night.


Sat. July 7th.


Off to FTC rally headquarters to pick-up a rally pin for Spiderman, but too many left/rights, we can’t find the headquarters.  Actually, we understand other FTC chapters from around the US are coming, but most are lost on back roads and will never be heard from again.  We go off for breakfast, which is uneventful because for the first time, we have a man serving breakfast.  He is a HD supporter, though, and asks us to sign his guest book.  Next stop is Arkport Harley-Davidson, because all FTC trips require someone needing HD attention.  Mongo has problem with speedometer and hopes it can be fixed easily.  No luck.  We see a HD pulling an Amish carriage with a horse’s head mounted where the handlebars go.  Interesting machine.

OneEye is asking about good routes into Pa., but learns that one guy in particular has never been down certain roads.  OneEye begins to explain the FTC philosophy to try to help this poor soul improve his riding experience.  We learn of Rt. 21 a great road into Potter County in Pa.  Way too many deer dead along the roadside, need to be watchful.    We come to a t-intersection, but straight ahead there is a dirt trail through a farmer’s field. I suggest we take it and off OneEye goes; naturally, I follow.  Trick and Mongo remain behind only to incur the wrath of the farmer.  At the top of the tractor track in the middle of some fields, OneEye spies a paved road and suggests we take it and see if we can loop back around to the guys.  We are able to do so, but only after negotiating an incredibly steep drop down a hill to reach paved road again.  On we go, rougher roads, not much fun.  Potter County bills itself as “God’s Country” but I guess the devil owns the roads.  Eventually, we go into Tioga State Park to see the “Grand Canyon of the East.”  Mighty impressive views of the canyon/valley/river.  We meet some bikers from So. Philly who are staying at a campground where there is a bike rally.  Then we meet a pack of riders from Maryland.  We move on, OneEye down a dirt road and me down a different dirt road, with Mongo and Trick waiting.  We meet up again and backtrack to the crew from Maryland, where I warn them of dinosaurs and suggest they do as we are and make a run for it.  Lots of laughs.  We get some lunch and discuss the fact that it is getting late, so we head up Rt. 6 to make some time. We are headed for the Allegheny Mountains, but we cannot make it today.   We begin stopping in each town looking for a place to stay.  We end up in Lantz Corners at a totally vacant motel.  I mean nobody!!  I obtain a fine looking coonskin hat across the street and use this to entice other bikers to join us at the motel.  Becky and Joe Eagles pull in and Becky says it was the coonskin hat.  I think they thought they’d met relatives.  Joe Eagles is Louisiana Redneck all the way, tall, thin, unwashed clothes, gritty beard and shaved head, constantly spitting tobacco.  Becky Eagles is southern biker babe, gut hanging out of her shirt, but what a hot shit.  They get talking and we can’t stop laughing.  A couple of farming, redneck, survivalists on the road having some adventure.  We couldn’t pay for entertainment like this; good bike people.  After, a few snorts of whiskey and a couple of beers, they are ready to go.  Can’t do justice to the sight of these two and their stories.  DeSio restaurant is next door, so off we go, into a fairly empty restaurant and start our usual antics with the waitress and patrons.  We invite people to join us at our table and a guy named Dan takes us up on our invitation.  There is a couple in their 80’s and I ask if they are having a weekend rendezvous affair.  They laugh it off and tell us of their 53yrs of marriage and why it works.  She makes good gin & tonics.  The guy invites to his house to have a g&t with them; they turn out to be terrific people.  He served on the US Franklin; this guy is a real American hero.  We buy him dinner.  We have some more laughs with them and finally they head out.  Dan provides us with some interesting roads to try on Sunday. We head for the bar.  Later that evening, the Boskee boys present me with a genuine H-D Walrus.  Way too cool!!!!!!  I show it off to the people at the bar and declare. “I am the Walrus, goo,goo,ga,choo!”  Quite a day. 





Sun. July 8th.


Extremely foggy start to the day will make riding difficult because visibility is low and deer just waiting to test your skills.  We ride down into Kane for breakfast at the Texas Hot Lunch.  From Kane we head off to Warren for gas and off to Jamestown, N.Y. so Trick can get on his way to Michigan.  When we reach Jamestown, Trick decides he will motor down the highways to get home by evening.  We have no real idea where we are headed, except that we will be heading home.  Naturally, we turn north, which will do nothing to get us home, but put us closer to Buffalo.  Somewhere down some back road, OneEye relinquishes the lead to me and I take a series of turns culminating in rides down county roads through an Amish community.  Very curious, very interesting; we are the only motorized vehicles on the road.  We are passed in the opposite direction by two young Amish in a buggy; I think they were speeding.  Mongo says they do a double take when they see the bikes.  On we ride, at one point only 53 miles from the Canadian border, but suddenly, I spy a sign that indicates we are all the way back to the Pennsylvania border.  Mongo says, “you fuckin guys.”  He knew we were in trouble when I began taking turn after turn down county roads.  He says, “you never listen to me.” Suddenly, we are back in the Allegheny mountains headed for Warren, Pa., where we started the day.  After 5hrs. of riding, we find ourselves back at the same gas station we started the day from.  Wow!  Pretty cool, not easy to do that.  Mongo says, “you fuckin guys.”  This has been a series of genuine FTC turns.  Ok, I admit, I took us in a circle, but how many people can be nearly at the Canadian border and find themselves just as quickly back in Pennsylvania, all the while trying to get back to N.H.  We begin to backtrack the previous day’s route and are now back at Lantz Corner at the motel we stayed the night before.  OneEye says, “anybody forget anything in the room?”  Mongo says, “you fuckin guys” and decides he will take a new route and lead.  We stop later in the day at a roadside stand for a quick lunch and head for 17E to make up lost time.  Seems like that’s all we ever do, we find back roads that are amazing, get lost, lose part of the day and then look to make up lost time.  We are having a debate over direction which will not be resolved until we stop for gas.  Ironically, guy who served us breakfast the day before, pulls in for gas and says hello.  Amazing, we could run into someone we’ve met before by chance.  We decide on a new route, including one more hour on Rt. 17E.  We finally get off and ride south on back roads till we are in Pennsylvania again.  That’s right – PA/NY/PA/NY/PA/NY all in one day. Mongo says it best, “you fuckin guys.”  We come across some Amish children at their farm on some back road, while on our last leg up into N.Y.  They wave and we wave and continue on into town, only to find the motel does not have any rooms available.  It seems more likely that they just don’t like our looks, because they are reluctant to help us at all.    We have to get on 17W now to get to Owego, N.Y. to get rooms and we are riding into the mouth of a monster looking T-storm.  We pull up at the hotel, just in time.  Definitely dodged a bullet!  We are still a long way from N.H.   We have dinner at the Treadway Inn, a boring place to eat.  Still we have our fun.  Mongo and OneEye make disparaging remarks to me, so I do the only fitting thing I can – throw water on the person closest, Mongo.  Back to the rooms, for needed rest; this has been a long day.



Mon. July 9th.


Breakfast at Wimbledon in a diner in downtown Owego.  The common theme of each morning starts with OneEye saying, “Ya know, I was thinking” and this always leads to another back road, dirt road, single-track path or some road that will surely get us lost.  Today, he pronounces that since we are headed to N.H. (which in Northeast from here), we should start the day heading West.  Mongo says, “you fuckin guys.”  Down Rt. 268  and Rt. 10 into the Catskills, we stop along a lake, where Mongo continues his abuse of the Walrus giving him a broken lifesaver.  This is not the first time, Mongo gives me a broken lifesaver and he knows I don’t like it.  He finds this quite amusing.  We are riding through a magnificent valley, past mountains and lakes; good eye candy.  We take Rt. 206 up Bear Mtn., down Bear Mtn and on.  OneEye takes a bug in his good eye, which causes him to pull off the road.  He takes us on Rt. 82, which suddenly becomes Rt. 83 and he didn’t expect that.  This road turns to dirt and we pull over, clearly lost again.  Mongo says, “you fuckin guys.”  I stopped the only car do come down this road, only to learn the driver is as lost as we are.  We give him credit for adhering to the left/right philosophy and the fact that he doesn’t really care that he is lost either.  We continue on, looking for Frost Valley, N.Y. over roads so rough, that gravel would be welcome.  Lots of beautiful streams looking chock full of fish.  Eventually, we come to Frost Valley and Rt. 47, down Slide Mtn., where we have to stop, because we are lost again.  Mongo says, “you fuckin guys.”  We take Rt. 28 down to a local pizza parlor with wood fired ovens and have some great pizza, before we turn onto R.t 214.  What a great road; awesome scenery and turns up a mountain.  We stop at the end of Rt. 214 and begin to imagine we could reach N.E. by early evening.  Mongo mouths off regarding kicking my ass, so we end up on a miniature golf course to settle things.  Mongo is a skilled golfer, while I am just whacking the ball around, yet, psychologically I feel I will get to him.  Mongo begins to falter and I am coming on.  Doesn’t matter, because it is OneEye who is winning.  Yeah, that’s right, Mongo and Walrus lose miniature golf to a blind man.  We finish our round of golf and it begins to rain and rain hard.  We are getting caught in some more big t-storms.  We try to out ride them, but this proves difficult.  I am supposed to lead us across a bridge over the Hudson River in Catskill, N.Y, but miss the turn which results in us having to head north to Albany for the next crossing and entry onto the NY Thruway.  I don’t want to be on this road for long, so I bail at the earliest opportunity.  We head up Rt. 295 to Rt. 41 to Rt. 7, finally, in Massachusetts.  We ride through Pittsfield to get to Rt. 2, where we will ride the Mohawk Trail.  Up the mountain, through Florida, MA around the hairpin turns, on we go.  It is apparent we will not make it home until nearly 10pm.  Without pushing too hard, we resolve to continue and ride to Rt. 63N and into Winchester, N.H., where we pick up Rt. 119.  We stop at Rindge, where we determine we will split off, Mongo & OneEye to Rt. 123 and me down Rt. 119 to Rt. 13.  I head off down Rt. 119 only to find the sky darkening and lightening flashing all around.  I wonder if those guys are finding the same.  I ride harder, with hopes of beating the storm, but I am actually riding into it.  I am fortunate as I get on Rt. 13, that so far, no rain.  As I head for Hollis, I can see lightning flashing toward Mont Vernon and Amherst and hope those guys are dry and safe.  I make it home without getting wet.  It is just before 10:00pm and I am beat.  Glad to be home.  Another great adventure.