___ Welcome to the Foot Escort Home Page ___

I put this site together to help connect the community of guys with an interest in the male foot. A photographer at heart I love to photograph the male body and of course the opportunity to photograph the male foot is a real bonus. If you like the images you see, and would like to have your feet featured here, please contact ftdude@adelphia.net I am located in the Los Angeles area and would be only to glad to arrange a photo shoot with you and to build or assist you in building a linked home page. .

Note: All images contained on this page and any linked pages are copy protected. The photographer and models retain full and exclusive rights to these photos. Any photos displayed on these pages may not be copied and/or posted on other sites or duplicated in any other fashion without written consent by the model.
By clicking on the link associated with the photo sets below, you will be taken the Escort's home page where you will find the Model's contact information and bio. These pages will include a number of my photos of that model's feet. The individual model determines what images are presented.


Brick was actually the third model that I photographed. He was totally comfortable, confident and a lot of fun. Brick had modeled before for some major publications and a couple of those great coffee table books that you hide from mother. He is a lot of fun and also a very personable guy. As you can see he has a great legs and everything else as well. His feet are also soft, very well kept and have incredible arches. Also extremely hard to concentrate with these beauties framed in the viewfinder.

Definitely a very confident and fun guy.

For contact information, bio and a complete set of images of Brick's hot feet, click here.


Pablo is the younger of the guys I have worked with so far. Definitely very cute and once again great feet. Pablo is also a really sweet guy and was far more relaxed then he thought he might be. Once again, Palbo's feet are very well taken care of, with nice soft taunt soles. Not as high an arch as the other two guys but really sweet toes and definately scoring high on my scale. A pleasure of a guy to work with and to know.

Very personable and fun.

To contact Pablo, via e-mail click here

For contact information, bio and a complete set of images of Pablo's hot feet, click here ________
